This is the Page of Korky
This is how it goes, this is the page of Korky and it's gonna be 1337 as hell. Take that, renard!
This is where one would click in order to view the webpage that Korky made. T'is goodly indeed.
Korky's lesson on how to be rebellious.
+Hi$ i$ |<orkY. $|-|3 1$ my PHR1E|\||). |<0RKy L1|<e5 k3+C|-|Up. 94ll10N5 0pH |<e+C|-|uP. 5|-|e PUT$ |<ETCHUp 0|\| |-|3r k3+c|-|up. |<0r|<Y 4l5O LiKe5 SponG3B0b $kwaR3P4|\|+5, |\/|UC|-| l1k3 mY$3Lf. k0rky @N|) 1 $|-|4r3 |\/|@|\|Y 0Ph Th3 5A|\/|3 1Nt3Re5T$. 5O|\/|3|)aY i $h4Ll Pu+ F0r+|-| tEH +I|\/|E aN|) EFfor+ +0 li5T @Ll 0pH teh |\/|@nY T|-|I|\|9$ +|-|@+ 5He 4nd i B0+h li|<3 tO |)0. 8u+ R1GH+ no\/\/ 1 4|\/| 1|\|CREdibLY +1R3|) 4$ 4 R35ULT of +|-|e F4CT t|-|4+ koR|<Y A|\||) i Ju$t g0T f1n15hE|) Dri\/i|\|9 4R0u|\||) toWn F0r @N |-|0UR 4|\||) 4 |-|@lpH L00|<1|\|G for s@RJ @|\||) |)u4|\|3 'c4U53 t|-|3y DItC|-|3D |-|Er. $o 1'LL |)O 1T $o|\/|3 OT|-|ER +Im3. i wouLd @l$0 L1|<e t0 noTE |-|3r3 T|-|4+ 8RIt+4nI |-|0L|)3R 15 +|-|E 0FPH1CiaL $cU|\/| OF +|-|3 e@rT|-|. Th4+ i5 4LL.
This is a picture of Korky and her friend Gawd. Gawd is a modified lawn flamingo. While it may look like Korky is manhandling her scrawny friend, it is not the case. That is how you show flamingos affection.
The above is elite speak. If you cannot read it, you are stupid.
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