Brak's Favorite Things
I like hubcaps, I like laundry, I like waffles, I like ant farms, I like recess, picnics, and eatin' pork and beans. I like tin foil and bowties I like cardboard and moon pies. When I'm saokin' in the bathtub I like shootin' submarines. Shootin' submarines.I like Snoopy, I like Droopy, I like Charles Nelson Riley, I like Hee Haw and Fat Albert, and I also like corn. I like corn flakes and corn dogs. I like cornbread and cornstarch. I like the band Korn and popcorn. I like all kinds of corn. All kinds of corn!! I like egg rolls, crab rolls, crab legs, but not frog legs. I like duk sauce with duct tape and jumping on the bed.I like Popeye, Pipeye, Pupeye, Poopeye, Peepeye, Olive Oyle and Bluto and falling on my head. Falling on my head. I like throwing basketti and bigfoot and yeti. I like Veronica and Betty. Don't call me Jughead! I like gumballs and rumballs, cheeseballs and cheesecake. I like pinapple upsidedown cake. Why's it upsidedown? Why's it upside down?!
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