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Welcome to my Aerosmith page !

The page is dedicated mostly to Steven, but there is stuff on Joe, Brad, Tom, and Joey too.

If I was a truly nice person, I would be adding new stuff everyday, but since I'm not I should be updating weekly. And you best appreciate that too.

So go, press those little buttons, and enjoy yourself. Please don't drool on any pictures I may have because that will short out your lovely computer screen, and although Steven is surely WORTH thousands of dollars, it will be a pain in the ass to replace anyway. You'll thank me when you're older

Aerosmith quote of the whenever:
What's the difference between pink and purple?... Your grip

What is new on my page?

Steven Tyler Pictures

Aerosmith Article
An Aerosmith article from the Toronto Star.. soon to be *more*

Aerosmith Trivia Question
Test your Aerosmith knowlage (I know, that sounds dumb, but can YOU think of a better desrip?)

Top Ten signs you're obsessed with Aerosmith!

Where you can find Aerosmith
This is pretty self-explanitory: Places To See Aeromsith. Magazines, TV, etc..

Weird Aero facts
Those strange little tidbits which we find so interesting (or SHOULD, if we know what's good for us!)

The funny things they say..

Your Stories
Send me stories!! Now!!

Aerosmith Survey
I swear, no where on this survey will it ask you anal, boring questions like "what was your fave part of my site?"

Basic Aerosmith facts
If you're a new fan... go here

Steven Tyler
Everything you have ever wanted to know about Steven.. well.. almost everything. If you want to know THAT read Dream On. Cyrinda tells you in the first chapter. But don't buy it. She's a bitch (imho)

Aero meeting, concert tales and all that rot. Send me yours, PLEASE!

Misheard Aerosmith Lyrics
Oh, the funny things they DON'T say..

Oh, Look! Places you can go to.. how FUN.

DO THIS, NOW.. Or Else!

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How many people have been here since December 16th, 1998.
Last update: April 11th

PLEASE go here!! It makes me money!! Every page you see gets me like, less than a penny but I'll still love ya!! Go here!!

*I* won an award! Jealous yet? :-)

Aerosmith WebRing