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The Concert

I lightly stroked the eyeshadow brush across my lids, applying the color perfectly, despite my shaking hands. I was so exicted about tonight I was bursting. I couldn't believe that I had gotten backstage passes, couldn't believe that I had won that contest. I smoothed out my carefully choosen dress and walked downstairs. My best friend, Drew, was already waiting for me "Wow, you look really great," "Not to colorful for you?" I joked while walking out the door and into my driveway, my friend hated the bright colors that I loved. I slid into the car, shut the door, and she drove off. "I'm know you're not too exited about tonight," she said, knowing perfectly well I was. "So, I'm just wondering WHY do you keep shaking?!" I giggled nervously and told her I couldn't help it.

We got to the Skydome 20 minutes later, and I jumped out off the car "Come ON lets GO, they might be doing a sound check right now!" My friend slowly slid out of the car muttering things, nothing to nice I'm sure, under her breath. "What was that Drew?" "Oh, nothing," she replied. I ran in to the stadium and handed a guard my ticket. Drew came puffing behind me "where do you get the energy to run like that?" "A girl in love has the strengh of thousands," I replied with a twinkle in my eye. Drew made a rude noise and rolled her eyes. We finally got to our seat, front row no less, and sat down. Well, almost sat down, I kept sort of bouncing and looking around. "Calm down already," she said "Let's go get some food okay?" "good idea" I replied, and ran up the aisle. After what seemed like days, but was only an hour, if Drew was to be trusted, the lights went down. and the opening act came on stage, "Oh, they're torturing me," I cried "Where is my beloved?" "Shh.." was Drew's response "I happen to like this band."

After another few days (could it only have been 45 minutes?) the lights went back up and I watched as aeverything was set up for Aerosmith to come on stage. Finally, the lights went back down. I jumped out of my seat, screaming, as Steven ran out on stage. "There he is!!" "what?" "There he IS!!" I screamed "Yes, I do have eyes, I *CAN* see him too," Drew joked.

The next two hours or so (I wasn't exactly looking at my watch) Aerosmith belted out all of my favorite songs and then some. I watched as Steven danced around the stage with seemingly tireless energy. Then it was almost over, the encore already. At least I had my backstage passes. I reached up towards the stage as Steven danced towards me and then (could I be hallucinating?!) grabbed my hand, and pulled me onstage. I couldn't believe it. My dream come true was the best way I could put it. Time seemed to stop and I danced with my arms tightly around Steven. All to soon it was over and I was being helped back to my seat. Drew stared at me with wide eyes "Wow.." "Yeah" I replied, "Wow." I can't even remember the rest of the concert. Not one thing. I was in such a dream state.

Drew grabbed my hand and lead me backstage. I stared dazed at the groupies lining the hallway, and my mind eventually cleared. Then Aerosmith came backstage too. I stood in the corner overcome by it all until Drew gave me a little shove "What are you doing?" she asked, "You've been waiting for this for ages!" I realized she was right and went up to Steve, "hi," I said in a little voice. He spun around and boomed "Hey! you're that girl, right?" "Um, yeah, that would be me," I said and got up the courage to grin at him. We chatted for a few seconds before he said "don't go anywhere 'k?.. I have some stuff to do." I ran back to where Drew was and related the conversation to her in its entirity. She smiled at me and I grinned back. This was the best night of my life.

Steven came back up to me a few minutes later "There's a party back at the hotel for the band and a few others, would you like to come?" I couldn't believe it, yet, ever practical I asked if Drew could come along. "Sure, no problem.." He relayed a few instructions on how to get in to me and then left. After I was sure he was really gone, I ran up to Drew "Guess what, Geuss what, Guess what!" "I heard," she said "Good for you!"

We drove to the hotel, and soon were up at some room. We knocked on the door and were quickly lead in. Steven came running up to us "Oh good, you made it," he exclaimed. Drew whispered "I'm going to go over THERE now.. K?" "Okay," I whispered back. Drew was good at getting the hint.

For the next hour I partied with Aerosmith. Don't you love how that sounds? I partied with Aerosmith *G*. All to soon it was over, and Drew was waiting. I looked around for Steven, but he had already left. I walked up to the door where Drew was waiting, and was about to leave when...

Continued Here



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