The first Steven Tyler 
page on the net

The Concert
Part Two

(I looked around for Steven, but he had already left. I walked up to the door where Drew was waiting, and was about to leave when an arm grabbed my shoulder...)

"Leaving so soon?" an unmistakable voice asked me, a voice I had heard millions of times on my CD player, television, radio.. and now a voice that was actually talking to ME.

I spun around and tried to smile and be flirty and all the things I'd promised myself I would be if I got the chance to talk to him again.. I had run the few minutes we had shared together so many times over in my brain that I had come to the conclusion that he should either hate me or be madly in love with me by now.

Of course, I couldn't say anything. I had stared into his eyes for too long now, and was memorised. I ran response after response through my head, and couldn't bring myself to say any of them, until Drew gave me a sharp elbow to my waist.

"No.. we're not.. I mean, we were.. but were not now, unless we should and then we will.. but.." I paused for a millisecond, and gathered up my courage before saying, in my best Marilyn Monroe breathy-whisper voice, "But I'd rather stay here, with you."

Steven gazed into my eyes for a few seconds, until I was sure that if he didn't break off the gaze I was going to do something really embarrassing like faint. Given the thought my previously empty mind played with the idea of faking a fainting spell and being caught by Steven. Before I could act out my potential stupidity or brilliant insight, depending on how you look at it, he lightly grabbed at my hand and whispered close to my ear, mocking me maybe, but being really sexy about it. On the other hand, he could have started licking my hair and I'd be thrilled. "No, I don't want you to leave... I was hoping I'd get a chance to dance with you, again"

So he pulls me over to where a few roadies are dancing around, and in one of those magical movie moments the song immediately changes to a slow one. He wraps his arms around me, and I do the same. I bury my face in his hair, which smells so good. I try to memorise the exact sent and search through the shampoo aisle the next day to find out what it is. I can feel his whole body pressed up against mine, his muscles moving as we slowly move in time to the music.

And just as I was losing myself in the moment it ended. The song changed and he pulled half away. "Now, don't try and go running off again, we're just getting started here." He bent his head and kissed my cheekbone softly leaving me wondering if he meant that the two of us were only getting started, or the party was. Or maybe both...

Drew was watching me with wide eyes as I went back to her side "I can't believe that just happened" she whispered into my ear as soon as I was close enough. "I mean, GOD, why doesn't stuff like this ever happen to ME?" I giggled nervously and looked around. I was positive that there were unspoken laws that prevent you from showing how cool you think the situation is when you're at one of these things. Sensing my nervousness, Drew grabbed my hand. "I found out where the damn bathrooms are, I've had to pee for ages. We can talk privately in there.."

I doubted the privacy of any bathroom so near to such a large group of people, but went along with her anyway. I was surprised to find myself in a gorgeous, deserted, bathroom. "This must be a dream. Steven, and now the first bathroom with no ten year waiting list.." I joked to Drew. She giggled back and said "The people here may show no outward signs of awe at this, and yet, none of them are willing to leave.. they must not be as emotionless as they seem." She smiled at me and then asked in an excited voice, "Soooo...?!!"

"Drew, you SAW everything as it happened.. it's not going to stop me from telling you about it TOMMOROW, but I'm going to feel bad about boring you right now.." I smiled honestly and she snorted "Yeah, right, it has nothing to do with wanting to get back in Steven-range does it?" "Nooo.. why would you think THAT?" I reply in a friendly sarcastic tone. "Well, I just can't believe this.. I wish we'd bought a lottery ticket tonight.. I just can't believe your luck! Anyway, we'll go back out now.. I can tell you're dying to..."

I do my best not to RUN back to the room, with Drew following.

To Be Continued... 1

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