This is a test home page, about the most important feast of the Roman Catholic Church, Good Friday and Easter celebrated in the  Maltese Islands  which is situated in the middle of the  Mediterranean Sea.  Every year the Good Friday procession starts  at 5:30 p.m. while the Easter Procession starts at 9:00a.m. The last part of the procession (while the statue is in the square before entering the Church) the friars that carry the statue run from the last corner until the church entrance including the stairs.  This is all about  the statues that take part in the procession from the Parish Church of St. George in Qormi, Malta.

All statues are made of papier-mache figures. The first written documents show that the first procession that came out from the parish church of St. George  dates back to 15th April 1764  on  Palm Sunday and  the first  procession on  Good Friday  day was in  1788. Now-a-days  around  600  people  participate in this form of  pageant  including  around 120  that  carry  the  statues on their shoulders during the procession.

This page is dedicated to all  the Borg Family  members and  in memory of those who are no longer with us, including relatives and friends,  of which Good Friday was part of their lives; to all the people who take part in the organization,   the clergy,   the friars  who take a  good part in  Good Friday Procession around our village of Qormi.

All  these  Photographs  are strictly personal  and  brought  from our  family album  about  Good Friday  & Feasts in the  Maltese Islands ( Malta  &  Gozo ) which  now holds around 750 photos.  Every  year more  photographs are added to our album.

Anyone having photographs of Good Friday or Easter Statues from around the world, I would be very happy if being contacted to continue to build my Good Friday & Easter Album. THANKS.

(c) Photo by Borg George 2004

Sepulchre at St. George Parish Church


The Last Supper

This  statue  is  composed  of the  the  12 disciplines and Jesus Christ. This was made by  Salvatore Bruno  at Bari, Italy in 1961 and  was bought  by the  generosity  of the Qormi  people. The people  who took care to collect  the money  where Salve Debunk  and Guzeppi Aegis. The Calcite  that Jesus  got in his hands is Silver and Gold plated. This once  was used  by  Fr. Beneditt Axisa who  died  in  1946  and  was given by two  members  of his family,  Salvu and  Guzeppi Ebejer.

The Agony in the Garden

This statue is composed of Jesus sweating blood and consoluated by two angels. This statue is attributed to Karlu Darmanin (1825-1909) who made after 1878. The decorated cross was made and given by Manwel Debono from Qormi in 1979. The Calcite was of Kan. Fr. Gwann Porsella Flores who died in 1939.

The Betrayal of Guda

This statue represents Guda betraying our Lord at the Garden of Getsemany (olives) was made by Karlu Darmanin (1825-1909) in 1908. This was the first statue of its type in the Maltese Islands until 1961.

The Scourging at the Pillar
Made by Alfred Camilleri Cauchi in 1981.

The Crowning with Thorns
Made by Alfred Camilleri Cauchi in 1982.

Made by Karlu Darmanin in 1887.

Jesus meets his Blessed Mother
 Made by Alfred Camilleri Cauchi in 1980.

Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
Made by Alfred Camilleri Cauchi in 1981. The statue of women with face of Jesus is an old statue made by Karlo Darmanin.

Jesus dies on the Cross
Dated 18th Century. The figures of Our Lady and St. John where made by Karlo Darmanin.

 Jesus is Taken down from the Cross
Made by Salvatore Bruno in Bari, Italy in 1965.

Jesus is Laid to Rest in a New Tomb
Dated 18th Century. After alterations this tomb bed was inawgurated during the procession of 2007.

Our Lady of Sorrows
Dated 18th Century.

The Risen Lord


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LAST UPDATED  10th February 2009


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