Tribute to Dr. Artyom Engoian

( 1947 - 2003 )





On the 31th August, 2003 the Archpriest during all masses held at the parish, said about the sudden and sad loss of Dr. Artyom Engoian, the engineer of the new Bell 'GORGA' made in 2001 in Moscow, Russia. Dr. Artyom was the director of the Litex Foundry where the new bell was made.

Thursday, 4th September, the funeral was held at the Parish Church of St. George in Qormi, where one driving or walking to parish church could notice all flags down to half mast, from early morning, for respect to this great person.

The mass was celebrated by the archpriest Fr. Frans Abdilla together with the clergy, while the parish people attended the funeral to show their last respect.

The Archpriest, the Clergy, all the committees, and the parish people would like to show their respect for this great person.

This page was created to pay the last respect to a GREAT husband, a RESPECTABLE father, an ADORABLE grand father and a MAGNIFICANT friend of whom the parish people will never forget every time the BELL GORGA rings "the voice of God".

WE WILL NOT FORGET HIM. Every day, every time when we hear the bell GORGA calling us to go to church we would remember him and including him in our prayers.

Il-Qanpiena armata fuq iz-Zuntier
(c) Photo by Borg George

L-Ewwel Tokki - First Sound Heard From The New Bell

Dr. Engoian together with the Arcpriest
(c) Photofast Laboratories


During Dr. Artyom funeral at Qormi, Malta

(c) Photo by Borg George - 04-09-03


LAST UPDATED 04-09-2003
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