Pioneer  home of Christian and Louisa Oppliger Minger in Four Mile, Nemeha County, Kansas
The earliest record of our Minger ancestors is of Peter and Ana Minger whose first child was born in Saldorf Switzerland in 1562.  In the 9th generation of their descendents, we find Hans Minger, a wagon maker,  b. 10 Aug 1777 in Wohlen, Berne, Switzerland who married on 12 Dec 1818 in Lauterbrennan, Switzerland, Johanna Gertsch b. 22 Oct. 1793 in Murren, Switzerland. They settled in Wohlen, Berne, Switzerland and had 7 children:  4 daughters Magdalena, Ellen (31 Dec 1822 - 15 Jan 1823), Ellen, and Ana.  The three sons  Samuel (14 Dec. 1821 - abt 1900), Christian John Minger ( 12 Aug 1827 - 7 Oct 1886), and John Minger (12 Dec. 1829 - 23 Jul 1916), emigrated to the United States, all settling in Bern, Nemeha County, Kansas. I have no further information on the daughters.

Family legend has it that Christian and his brothers were farmers and active in the agrarian reform movement in Switzerland.  Politics became heated  and Christian Minger and his family  were forced to leave Switzerland shortly before 1853.   It is known that he travelled through Ohio and ended up near what is now Bern, Nemeha County,  Kansas in 1854. where he located  a claim on Easily Creek where he made some improvements to the land. He then returned to St. Joseph, Missouri where his wife Louisa and 3 daughters were staying. He decided to remain there until the following Spring after hearing reports of Kansas settlers on the frontier being killed in Indian uprisings.  When he returned, he found his claim had been taken over by another man. Christian then settled on the Four Mile and bought the claim of a Mr. Balsiger whose wife had died the previous winter.

Christian's brother Samuel Minger was a Wagon Maker.  He traveled through Ohio and Missouri and came to Nemeha County, Kansas in 1858, 4 years after Christian.  In 1861 he sold his claim to his brother John after enlisting on the Union side of the Civil War. John was a Cooper by profession.

Louisa Oppliger Minger
Anne Louise (Louisa) Oppliger was born 21 Nov 1824, the daughter of  Pierre Oppliger, a weaver by trade, and Barbe Schurch Oppliger.  She died 10 Jan 1889 in Bern, Nemeha, Kansas.  She married Christian Minger on 23 Feb 1850 at Kelwiswel, Switzerland. They had 8 children.
John A and Christian O  Minger (twins) were born 7 Mar 1863. Frederick George Minger was born 18 Jan 1866.

John A. was an inventor, writer, and owned a hardware store in Bern with his brother Chris.  F. G. Minger was an Optomitrist., a storekeeper, jeweler and sold musical instruments. John, Christian, F. G., and their younger brother Ed had their own band.
John A Minger Diary "My Impressions of Switzerland"
HISTORY OF BERN, KANSAS by Mrs. Frederick W. Lehman
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