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Please Note this website is no longer updated and has been moved to www.puddingsworld.com. This website will be dissolved soon.

pudding n 1 dessert, esp. a cooked one served hot. 2 savoury dish with pastry or batter, e.g. steak-and-kidney pudding. 3 sausage-like mass of meat, e.g. black pudding.

Well take from that what you like!

Where am I?

Who am I?

This is a picture of 'Bibby', Jimmy and I (I am in the middle). Due to Bibby's best efforts to drive his car like a 4x4, he had managed to push up the bottom of his fuel tank limiting the cars ability to suck fuel out of the tank. As you can see the car uses steel pipes to draw fuel out of the bottom of the tank. Due to the fact this was the second tank in this car (Bibby is a slow learner), we became creative in fixing the task at hand. The steel tubes were simply replace by rubber tubes, Jimmy and I were recruited for the job because Bibby was too SIMPLE to handle this one! (Sorry Bibby)

Me Standing Beside One Big Front-end-loader tractor! Click on photo for a close up on one cool dude.

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This page was last updated on 08/22/02.

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