Spiritual Exercises Via Internet     Courses    Sign In     Materials Suggested    

Some Basic Knowledge     Six Steps Of Praying    Review Of Prayer    Distraction     Examination Of Conscience     Spiritual Companion









October 7, 2002

Dear young friends,

I write these words to you, because you are beloved of God. God invites you to enter into an intimate relationship with Him, so that you feel deeply joyful and happy. I don’t know whether you are peaceful right now, but I am sure God wills you to be happy. Last week I met a young woman who had quit her job for a long retreat because she wanted to know what state of life she should choose. She told me twice that attending a long retreat is a luxury, but in fact she did. Probably something or someone else stronger won victory over her habitual thought: attending a retreat is a luxury. I think praying helps a person to be happy. God would want to help a person to solve any problem. God talks with a person especially in prayer. If you feel unhappy, if you feel stressed, why don’t you pray, that is, talk with God and listen to God; you will find the answer and will feel better, you will be happy. I don’t know if you believe what I say; however, try to see. I think you will gain in this task. I would suggest to you to do an Ignatian retreat called the Spiritual Exercises.

Normally people who do Spiritual Exercises usually go to a retreat house. There a retreat director will help them. The retreat director will meet the person once a day to hear her/him in order to help with some advice, then give some materials to pray. However, because of certain reasons we could not come to a retreat house to attend an Ignatian retreat, we can use the Internet to do this.

·       About materials to pray everyday, you can find them here MATERIALS SUGGESTED TO PRAY.

·       About the job of spiritual companion: e-mail, chat room, and telephone will be used to contact spiritual companion and friends who do the same Spiritual Exercises with you. Normally we will use e-mail and a chat room, in special cases we will use telephone. You can read detailed information in the web page entitled SPIRITUAL COMPANION.

·       Some other things are necessary to know, you will get them in the web page entitled BASIC KNOWLEDGE FOR DOING SPIRITUAL EXERCISES.

Spiritual Exercises are given based on one’s time and circumstances. Therefore, you could do the Spiritual Exercises in 7 days, in 20 days, and in 40 days. These Spiritual Exercises are held in daily life as Saint Ignatius wrote in his book entitled Spiritual Exercises [19]. People doing the Spiritual Exercises pray everyday for about 45-60 minutes.

This is a serious work, so I ask those who would do the Spiritual Exercises via Internet with me to complete it. This Spiritual Exercises will be done in English, so if anyone is interested, please click here SPIRITUAL EXERCISES VIA INTERNET to sign in.

God bless you.

Yours truly,

LiemPham, S.J.





Spiritual Exercises Via Internet     Courses    Sign In     Materials Suggested    

Some Basic Knowledge     Six Steps Of Praying    Review Of Prayer    Distraction     Examination Of Conscience     Spiritual Companion



Best wishes to you!


[email protected]