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Unhappy Endings
One morning at North Fort Myers High School school, officials found a wild female hog tied by one of her legs to a podium in the school's courtyard.
The pig had "O1" spray painted on her side, one of her ears ripped off and several open wounds and gashes along her face, side, and tail.  When local wildlife conservationists came on the scene they described the pig as being in shock and very upset.
School officials have ignorantly passed this off as a school prank and refuse to investigate this any further. Ironically enough, if it had been the school's walls defiled, there surely would have been some major investigating.  According to documents, it is assumed, the pig was hunted down with dogs. Fortunately, the pig is being held in a care facility until she recovers from her wounds and her state of shock. However, she is not out of the woods. Due to the shock of the incident, she barely eats and it losing weight quite rapidly.

Please contact school officials and request a full investigation into this matter. Urge them to treat what happened with the seriousness it deserves. Please send correspondences to:

North Ft. Myers High School
5000 Orange Grove Boulevard
North Fort Myers
Florida 33903
Phone:  941-995-2117
Fax:  941-995-1243

Steve DeShazo, Principal
[email protected]

Tyler Bumsted, A.P.C.
[email protected]

John Drake, A.P.
[email protected]

Ray Agostino, A.P.
[email protected]

Kim Lunger, A.P.
[email protected]
The Animal Spirit