About Us
Jamie J. Knight
For as long as I can remember, I�ve had an affinity for animals.  I can *communicate* with animals.  They understand me, and I understand them.  I hesitate to even *call* them animals but have yet to come across a name that I like better.  To me, they are simply other living beings with their own lives, just as humans have *their* lives.  When someone runs over an opossum, that opossum probably has a family somewhere who wonders why he/she didn�t come home that night.  I have been called neurotic on more than one occasion because of my deep sensitivity to the feelings of animals.  That�s a "fault" I can live with. My position on the rights of animals to life and to a life without cruelty is this:  I have absolutely NO tolerance for anyone who infringes upon those rights.  Life is precious and is to be protected.  Throughout the course of my life, I have rescued many animals, and I've always known that I needed to do something to help them.  But it was not until the beginning of this year that I finally found out what that was.

It was because of my kitty, whose name was Bunny, that I got started actively helping animals.  His real name was "The Kid", but, for some reason, he didn't like that name, and he decided that he wanted his name to be Bunny.  Bunny died on December 23, 2000, after having been my best friend and the love of my life for 15 years.  I was visiting a pet loss site trying to find a way to manage my grief, and I saw the link to Max's petition, the cat who was so cruely murdered in Sacaramento.  When I read Max's story, I knew that I had to do something to at least in some small way try to stop some of the terribly arrogant, cruel acts that some of mankind perform against these small helpless little creatures.  So, I guess you could say that this whole site and the work for the animals that I have done and will do for the the rest of my life are a tribute to Bunny.

I am dedicated to the animals as long as I live and breathe.  We have to take care of these little innocents, because they can't take care of themselves.
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Special Thanks to Lynn and Sandra.  Lynn and Sandra have put in a lot of hours helping get Protecting The Innocents off the ground.  They are two very dedicated people, and the animals are very very lucky to have them on their side.
Lynn Walker
PTI Writer
Sandra Hender
PTI Writer
Hi, my name is Sandra Hender and I live in Buffalo, New York with my husband Charles whom I affectionately call "Pinhead". We have been married for 19 glorious years and are childless.  My first, foremost, and most important interest and concern are my "kids"...not "Skinkids", but "furkids" and "Featherkids". I am the proud "mommy" of Autumn, my English Setter, Myles, my Brittany rescue, and Foofee, my Shih-Tzu rescue. In addition, we have "Caesar" our very sassy Persian/Angora mix cat. Last but certainly not least, is "Dusty" my Cavy, "Sylvester" my Budgie, and "Galileo" my Cockatiel. Quite a houseful and they do keep me busy.

I have had just about every experience with dogs, cats, rodents, and birds since I was born. My very first dog was actually my "Guardian". His name was "Rags"and he was a black Cocker Spaniel. My mother used to leave my carriage alone with Rags in attendance. No one ever bothered to come close. I grew up with at least one dog at any given point in my life. In total, I have been mommy to 14 dogs and 5 cats, 23 Budgies, 3 Canaries, 17 Cavies, a lop-eared bunny, 30 hamsters, a Myna, and a Cockatiel. I am expecting a new addition in a few days; another Brittany rescue called "Bo".

In addition to our domestic friends, I have studied on my own quite a bit on the Humpbacked Whale, Snow Leopard, Wolves, Manatee, and Seals. Animals are my life; my chief interest.  When I have extra time, I am writing, sewing, creating all kinds of dolls, and crafts. On every clear night, I take advantage and am outdoors with my ETX studying the neighboring worlds that occupy our vast universe.
As one who loves all animals, I enjoy devoting as much time as possible to their defense and well being.
I guess you would say that I loved animals as soon as I could reach out to touch them.  As an only child, they were my playmates, my companions and confidantes.

I grew up in severe poverty, so they were the burden which never felt heavy.  They ate from my plate when there was too little food for one.

They slept by my side and we both were warm in cold rooms during frigid Rhode Island winters.  My entire family were animal activists of their era, we had nothing to lose anyway, so we dared to rescue abused pets as well as take in abandoned ones.  I never forgot their frightened eyes and how they learned again to trust humans as we cared for them.

I have had two beloved pets murdered in a housebreak, and to this day no one has been arrested or even questioned for this crime.

Today, I work for a large downtown Providence law firm and my house nearby is home to my 2 dogs and 10 cats.  I want to share my present good fortune with the creatures who helped me make it through the hard years, more than any humans did.

They are helpless to change their situation without someone to step in for them, and I was not.