Material on this page used with the permission of Anita, the owner of the petition.
On February 25, 2000 in Attleboro, Massachusetts, Police Officer Peter Schaefer brutally murdered Ted Smith's 12-year old beagle, Lucky, who had escaped from his yard again. A neighbor, concerned for Lucky's safety, called the local animal control officer to come pick him up. Although animal control was already on the way, Officer Schaefer arrived first on the scene. He grabbed at the dog to put him in the police car. Frightened, Lucky nipped at him.

That nip cost Lucky his life.

Apparently, this enraged Officer Schaefer, who then lost complete control, ran Lucky down in the middle of the road and then struck him with his vehicle. As if that wasn�t enough, he then got out of his car and shot Lucky (who was still alive) in the chest with a 12-gauge shotgun, calling him "a piece of shit" and then tossed poor little Lucky's body into Officer Perreira's (who had arrived on the scene) truck.

And THIS is the kind of man that we want "protecting and serving"? I know *I* don�t.

Officer Perreira tried repeatedly to bring the situation under control and tried to catch the frightened dog. But Schaefer apparently was so out of control that he didn�t listen to the voice of reason and continued on his rampage.

The Animal Rescue League has refused to investigate this horrific act of animal cruelty. Attleboro's police chief, Roland Sabourin, assures everyone that Schaefer was reprimanded for his actions. In a letter to the Lucky's guardian, Ted Smith, the chief writes "While I'm sensitive to the emotion caused by the loss of a beloved pet, no further action on this matter will be taken by this office."

"�Sensitive to the emotion caused by the loss of a beloved pet�"? Come on! Is that anything like the statement I heard recently, "It was JUST a CAT"? There�s a little more to it than just upset emotions. We�re not talking about some inanimate object here. We�re talking about a living breathing being who is capable of his OWN emotions!

AND, if the officer�s actions and the police department�s stance aren�t incomprehensible enough, read THIS:

NO CHARGES are being pressed in this case!!!!

We need your help. We need to make it known to the authorities in Attleboro that we are NOT going to stand idly by and let poor Lucky be murdered and then forgotten. We need you to sign Lucky�s petition (link below). We need you to send letters to the District Attorney voicing your desire to see Officer Schaefer prosecuted and to the Chief of Police demanding that an internal investigation be conducted and that Officer Schaefer be suspended without pay pending the outcome.
We need to let it be known that this kind of act is unacceptable and will not be tolerated, even by an Officer of the Law�or maybe, *especially* by an Officer of the Law. Do YOU feel safe knowing that a police department condones this type of act? I don�t!

Please use the contact information below and write your letters and sign the petition! Stand up for Lucky who, unfortunately, is not able to do that for himself.

The Honorable Paul F. Walsh, Jr., District Attorney
Bristol County District Attorney�s Office
888 Purchase St.
P.O. Box 973
New Bedford, MA 02741
Fax: 508-994-3069
[email protected]

Roland D. Sabourin Jr., Chief of Police
Attleboro Police Department
12 Union St.
Attleboro, MA 02703-2911
Tel.: 508-222-1212
Fax: 508-223-2210
[email protected]

For more information on poor little Lucky, please go to the following links:
IDA News
PETA Alert
Please sign Lucky's petition.
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