Interviews - Ty
Host: Hey Ty, what do you think you brought to the Survivor RPG2 cast?
Ty: I changed the turnout for sure. If I would have noticed how annoying I was I could have possibly gotten farther and changed the entire outcome of the game. I think I got blamed for some things in the game like when Jenna voted Carla and they went straight to me with the blame. I think I may have encouraged some people to help them get where they did also.
Host: Now the episodes didn't make it to clear, but did Justin approach you and make a solid alliance with Carla?
Ty: Well actually as I remember it I approached Carla, Justin, Snake, and Josh for a alliance. Carla and Justin were the only ones that replied back so we formed a small alliance little did I know that I was going to be backstabbed by Justin later in the game. 
Host: Speaking of backstabbed were you surprised that Jenna voted out Carla?
Ty: Yes I was shocked and scared. I told Justin and Silas to throw the challenge because I knew that if I went to tribal council with Jenna and Tyler I would have left. Justin told me to try to persuade Tyler to come over to our side. He eventually did after the merge. But Jenna played a good game even though I don't like her.
Host: Did you know you were going to be voted out, or was it a surprise?
Ty: It was a huge surprise. At tribal council Justin asked me to pick a number 1-5 and Silas kept telling me to vote for Jenna and the Justin and Snake had betrayed the alliance and we're voting for me. So I kinda knew I was leaving soon by the way everyone was acting.
Host: Was Jenna as bad as the episodes made her look?
Ty: YES. The answer doesn't have to be long because this one is just YES!
Host: What is one thing future contestants of Survivor RPG should know?
Ty: Never trust anyone even if you think you have the game figured out. I thought I was going to get into the finals but everyone saw what my alliance did to me. I encourage everyone who hasn't played in RPG before to apply because this is definitely one hell of a game!
Host: What is one thing that could be improved about Survivor RPG?
Ty: Nothing! It's the best game out there!

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