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Scooby Snack
The first episode of 'Scooby Doo, Where Are You?'.
It starts with Scooby Doo and Shaggy coming back from a movie, 'Star Dog, Ranger Of The North'.  They come across a truck, which they found belonged to Professor Jameson Hyde - White who was a well known Archeaologist.  The Professor is nowhere to be seen, and in the van is a Black Suit of Armour.
The Mysteries Inc. Gang start their first investigation.  They turn up to an old Museum to return the Black Suit of Armour and they begin collecting clues.
Shaggy noticed a painting was missing, which later returned to the wall, The Gang also found a red paint trail which led to a secret room.  They see two paintings next to each other but look exactly the same.  They had solved the mystery!
Now all they had to do was to catch the Ghost!  The Black Knight goes on a chase around the Museum.  Scooby Doo and Shaggy hide in a biplane, which Scooby Doo sets off, it chases the Ghost and catches him.  Scooby Doo finds Professor Jameson Hyde - White in an Indian Tomb.
The Black Knight was Mr. Wickles, The Museum Curator.  He did all this to stop Professor Jameson Hyde - White from finding out he was an Art Swindler.
SCOOBY DOO and all other related characters are copyright of Hanna-Barbara 2000.  I make no claims to any pictures contained within this site except original design and text 2006.
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