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Scooby Snack
                      Vital Statistics

Name : Norville Rogers
Pet : Scooby Doo
Home : Cooksville
Vehicle : Mystery Machine

Mysteries Solved : 200 +
Saying: "Zoinks"
Clothing : Green T-Shirt
                 Brown Cord Trousers
Favourite Food : Scooby Snacks
                           Pizza + Burgers
Occupation : Ghost Chaser (Mysteries Inc.)

Shaggy,  The companion and owner of Scooby Doo.  Shaggy tends to run around and hide in the kitchen with Scooby, making mile high sandwiches.. 
He is also an expert of being chased by ghosts and finding clues and the odd hidden door. 
Shaggy and Scooby Doo are usually the ones drafted in as bait by Fred and Velma for guess what?  Scooby Snacks !
Shaggy is actually Vegetarian and with his 70's clothing and clever disguises him and Scooby Doo are the best scared ghost chasers around.
                      Vital Statistics

Name : Velma Dinkley
Home : Cooksville

Mysteries Solved : 200 +
Saying : "Jinkies"
Clothing : Black Bottle Glasses
                 Orange Jumper + Socks
                 Red Skirt
Favourite Pastime : Finding Clues
                               Chasing Ghosts
Occupation : Clue Finder (Mysteries Inc.)

Velma, perhaps the leader and planner of the Gang.  She is very good at finding clues and making plans to catch the villain.  She always seems to know who the villain is.  She tends to lose her glasses all the time which winds her up crouching infront of the villain.
She is the youngest of the group and the most clever, she is able to speak all languages and has a feminist look about her - what would they do without her, what with all the foreign clues.
She also generally has the supply ofScooby Snacks!

Fred leads the Gang into the mysteries, like, "There's a Haunted House - lets go and investigate!"  He also splits the Gang, going with Daphne (lots of rumours) and is the man who makes the traps that always seem to fail but still catch the Ghost - thanks to Scooby Doo and Shaggy to ruin and land on the Ghost.
Fred is the American prep boy with the good education but a little bit short of the mark on the intelligence scale - like, splitting the gang up with a murderous villain about!
Good Idea Freddy !
                      Vital Statistics

Name : Fred Jones
Home : Cooksville

Mysteries Solved : 200 +
Clothing : Orange Ascot
                 Blue Shirt + Trousers
                 White Jumper
Saying : "Let's Split up Gang"
Favourite Pastime : Driving The Van
                               Looking at Daphne
Occupation : Plan Maker (Mysteries Inc.)
                      Vital Statistics

Name : Daphne Blake
Home : Cooksville

Mysteries Solved : 200 +
Clothing : Purple Dress
                 Green Scarf
                 High Heels
Saying : "Daddy, Can I have some money?"
Favourite Pastime : Looking Good
                               Following Fred
Occupation : Money Provider (Mysteries Inc.)

Daphne is the least clever one in the Gang although she gets all A's at school.  She is the best looking and highly fashionable one in the Gang.  It makes you wonder why she doesn't help Velma.  She is the 'love interest' of Fredmaybe only there as her father - George Blake provides the financial support for Mysteries Inc.   She often gets caught by the villain or falls down a hole.  She finds the odd clue.
Her ambition is to be a Reporter for a detective mystery magazine, as a child she also wanted to be a model.
Where would the Gang be without the Mystery Machine.  They would be paying their parents petrol money to take them to their spooky locations.  It just wouldn't be the same and they would have big holes in their pockets.  The Mystery Machine belongs to Shaggy and he shares the driving experience with Fred.
Scooby and Shaggy have spent many hours in the back eating large sandwiches and scooby snacks and basically pigging out.  The Gang would be nowhere without the Mystery Machine, getting them to all their locations to solve their mysteries.
SCOOBY DOO and all other related characters are copyright of Hanna-Barbara 2000.  I make no claims to any pictures contained within this site except original design and text 2006.
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