Iakov Levi

Maestri and Disciples

April 14, 2005

The article has been published in  Mentalities/Mentalités, an interdisciplinary journal /un journal interdisciplinaire, volume/tome 19 – number/numero 1 - 2005, The Institute for the History of Mentalities, Outrigger Publishers, Hamilton, New Zealand 2005  [ ISSN 0111 - 8854 ].

English version of Di Maestri e di allievi, published in Scienza e psicoanalisi. Rivista multimediale di psicoanalisi e scienze applicate [Entered  April 3, 2003].

Der menschenfeindliche Charakter des
urspr�nglichen Zeus noch im Prometheusmythus erkennbar.

(The hostility to man peculiar to primeval Zeus

is evident in Prometheus’ myth)
 (Nietzsche, Unpublished Writings, 7[10] )

We call Moses "Maestro" (Mosheh Rabbenu – “Our Teacher”). But we call also Freud Maestro, a school’s teacher, an orchestra conductor, a Rabbi, an artist, and even a great cook (a Chef). Jesus was a Maestro, and so the Great Master of the Templars, a director of Masonic lodges, and Hermes Tremegistus, the trice great, who owes his name to the god Hermes, messenger and extension of Zeus. Being a winged creature, Hermes is also his phallic symbol. He is the doer of the king of the gods’ will, but he is also the Patron of thieves. The original theft is no other than the stealing of women, as witnessed by Herodotus. The Father of History begins his narrative with the abduction of Greek women by the Phoenicians (Hist. 1:1), stating that the enmity between the two peoples originated in that deed, implying that history and every conflict between men was engendered in the abduction of women.

What could such different imagines  - gods and conductors, artists and cooks, teachers and preachers possibly have in common?
Usually, a Maestro is the one who teaches us something valuable. Why then do we call a Chef, an artist, and an orchestra conductor Maestro?

In myths, a semi - god teaches men a cultural secret, a trade, or a device necessary to their survival. Different tribes relate to demigods the teaching of hunting, fishing, and agriculture, and they become national heroes.

In the beginning, Prometheus was an intelligent Titan who cheated Zeus. However, he subsequently became the creator and the savior of mankind (Ovidius, Metam. 1:80-85). A marble relief from the Hellenistic period, today on the ground floor of the Prado Museum in Madrid (see illustration below), explicitly shows Prometheus creating man. He revealed to men the secret of fire, stealing embers from the gods which he concealed in a hollow reed that he donated to mankind (Hesiod, Works and Days 47; 50; Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 107). Always defiant of Zeus’ rage, Prometheus taught men many arts and trades, including metallurgy. According to one of Greek myths, he did not give to men only fire, but the woman  (1).
Traces emerge that the creator of man had originally been a Son – God, confirming Theodor Reik’s thesis in The Creation of the Woman (Chap. 2) that also in Hebrew myth, Jahveh had originally been a Son – God.

Freud already had a similar intuition when he said:  “ The series of gods, then, would run chronologically: Mother Goddess – Hero –Father God " (2) .

The Indian parallel of Prometheus, Indra, also steals the soma transfiguring into a hawk; and in Indo-European myth, Agni retraces the same pattern turning himself into a bird. In Greek myth, the bird makes its appearance as the eagle devouring Prometheus’ liver, as punishment for a similar theft, condensing, as happens in dreams, the one who steals and the instrument of the punishment.  A penis (the bird) has stolen, and a penis consummates the inexorable Lex Talionis of the Father. The condensation is triple – faced: Indeed, the eagle, the big penis, is the symbol of Zeus. The bird, as Indra and Agni, is the thief, the Son – God, and a bird executes Prometheus’ punishment. As we have seen, Hermes, the winged messenger of Zeus, is also the Patron of thieves. The same elements condense again.

Prometheus’ myth has been analyzed by Karl Abraham (3) , who compared it to that of Moses: both heroes climb the mountain in order to capture from the gods something pivotal to men, and in order to deliver the gift to mankind. Prometheus captures fire (and woman), and Moses the Torah. Both bring down to men the penis of the Father = the woman (4), and both are consequently punished.

Abraham explains myths as the fulfillment of a collective desire, which is very similar to the mechanism of dreams. The fire is the representation of sexual desire. The female image, which in the Greek and in the Indo –European myths is represented by the symbol of the wooden disk perforated by the stick of the demigod (5) , in Hebrew myth is represented by the symbol of the Torah.
After Abraham, Reik decoded the events on Sinai as an acting out of the totemic meal (6) , in which the two tablets of the Ten Commandments represent the Father – God, Jahveh, and the Son – God Moses. However, as we have seen dealing with Greek and Indo – European mythology, the Son – God, himself a phallic symbol similar to the Father, capturing the latter’s potency and bringing it to man, also performs an act of castration – an appropriation whose substance is stealing the Woman from the Father, and Reik himself decoded the Torah as symbol of the maternal body (see note 4).
We are clearly dealing with very condensed contents, as in dreams.
Nietzsche has captured the real substance of Prometheus’ nature, as leader of the brotherhood of the primal horde:

Prometheus – one of the Titans who has devoured Dionysus [the Divine Goat, Zagreus, the hunter and totemic Father of the Greek tribes], and therefore he is suffering for the eternity as his creatures and, against Zeus, presents to us the advent of an universal religion [like the Christ]. Only through the devouring by the Titans, civilization is possible. The Titan’s race is perpetuated through robbery. Prometheus - at the same time the devourer of Dionysus and the father of Promethean men (Unpublished Writings, 7[83] ) (7)

Henceforth, the demigods, capturing from heaven what belongs to the gods to deliver  to men, are the delegates of the brotherhood horde and the instrument of a libidinal satisfaction.
They give to men the craved woman, or reveal a secret, a knowledge, which, as Wisdom, is also the symbol of the maternal body (8).
A Maestro, like Moses or Freud, the school’s teachers, and the ones who deliver to us knowledge, are the donors of a sublimated erotic gratification. The gratified libido is genital, as is written: “Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain” (Gen. 4:1); “Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch” (Gen. 4:17). In the case of Chefs, the libidinal gratification is oral, not quite sublimated, but nevertheless libidinal, as every satisfaction. Eating is unconsciously associated to the maternal body, too. It is not a casual thing that most of the Maestri, those specialists in cooking delicasies, are male.We also call a great artist Maestro. Let us check what Freud has said of art:

Art offers substitutive satisfactions for the oldest and still most deeply felt cultural renunciations, and for that reason it serves as nothing else does to reconcile a man to the sacrifices he has made on behalf of civilization (9).

In Civilization and its Discontents (1930), speaking of the artist, Freud says:

Another technique for fending off suffering is the employment of the displacements of libido, which our mental apparatus permits of and through which its function gains so much in flexibility. The task here is that of shifting the instinctual aims in such a way that they cannot come up against frustration from the external world. In this, sublimation of the instincts lends its assistance (10).

Henceforth, an artist is a Maestro because he helps us to come up against frustration from the external world through a sublimated libidinal satisfaction, and in delivering a relief from the suffering caused by the repression of instincts, and the subsequent energetic accumulation. Libido satisfaction is always a discharge of accumulated energies. On the other hand, sufferance is their accumulation.

Reik, in “The Shofar” (see note 6), has shown how music began in the imitation of the voice of the primal father, after he was slain by the brotherhood horde.
As also Nietzsche has shown, (11) , music engenders in the primal and most archaic layers of human soul, which he defined as “Dionysian”. Freud called the same psychic province “Id”.

Before the formation of the “Ego”, which is the psychic agency necessary to the mediation of Id - drives (Freudian trieb) into art, there was music, a crude expression of the orgiastic joy and suffering concomitant to parricide. When the first music erupted, there was still no Ego, or it was only in its first stages of formation. For sure, there was also not yet a Super – Ego, which would inhibit the erotic discharge of energies. Music was still only an orgiastic expression of the Id. With the gradual formation of an inhibiting Super – Ego, it was channeled into singing, and at last into melodies, as we know them today.
Oddly, it seems that Freud was quite adverse to music. Was his Super – Ego too severe?

Some time ago, I had the occasion to watch to an interview on Israeli television with Daniel Birenbaum, the director of Berlin Philharmonic. Once in a while, he comes home, and we know that “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and his own house" (Matt. 13:57). The interviewer pressed a provocative question upon him ironically, as we Israelis usually do with prodigal sons returning home:  “How do you feel when everyone, here and in the world, even while carrying your errands in the market, call you Maestro?”
Birenbaum responded to the ironic glance of the interviewer with his own defiant smile and, settling into his chair, responded: “Even the greatest Maestro of orchestra, when he raises his batton (an obvious phallic symbol) to open the first bar, hesitates for a moment. He knows that everything depends on the musicians. The conductor is powerless, if he is not followed by the orchestra". And so saying, he raised his right hand into the air, as if he were standing in front of an imagined host of disciples, and then he lowered it abruptly.

Therefore, the Maestro depends on his disciples, as the leader of the brotherhood of the primal horde had to look backwards, to see whether he was followed. His own orgiastic scream of pain and victory had to be echoed by his brothers. He was first among peers, but a nobody if left alone. The Maestro is the hero of the primal tragedy, and he needs the Chorus of the Goats, dancing and limping around him, echoing and telling his gesta.
Henceforth, Freud’s nearly obsessive preoccupation was that others would not understand him, and that he would die before his work was universally recognized. As Jones writes, Freud constantly pressed Strachey into finishing his translating work. The Maestro needed an audience to fulfill his mission.

In the same way, Moses, triumphantly descending from the sacred mountain and holding in his hands the paternal penis – Torah captured from the slain Father, had found his brothers enhancing him with orgiastic dances.
Moses descends the mountain, and “There is a noise of war in the camp” (Ex. 32:17). That had been the primal scene, to which, in thousands of years of repression, condensed mnemonic traces of other events.
And the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play (Waiaqumu Lezacheq)” (Ex. 32:6).
Rashi, in his commentary to this verse, says: “They committed incest, and shed blood, because the word Zachoq has both meanings”.

Those are the mnemonic traces of the totemic meal and orgy, while Moses triumphantly raises the Tablets of the Law - paternal penis and female body. The act, symbolically repeated every Saturday, Monday and Thursday in synagogues, when the Scrolls of the Torah are publicly raised and displayed before the congregation, condenses the orgiastic triumph on the Father, the capturing of his penis, and then delivering  the craved for female object to the congregation.
The overlay of the Post - Exilic Editor pasted into the text creates a divergence of intentions between Moses, the Maestro, and his disciples, when the former was elaborated into an imago of Vicar of God the Father. As Abraham and Reik have shown, Moses was originally a Son – God. The same thing happened to Jesus. In the final elaboration of the version collectively agreed upon, the "Son of Man" became the Vicar of  God the Father.

Thus, the Maestri bring down from the mountain the fire – knowledge – female body – Zeus’ penis (Prometheus - Moses – Freud), they direct the orchestra of the brotherhood’s orgy (Daniel Birenbaum), and they (the cooks) prepare tasteful dishes – woman – Father’s penis.
Last but not least, it is no casual thing that we call a group of musicians “a musical band”. We are indeed dealing with a band of brothers, a horde led by a Maestro, a conductor, primus inter pares, first among peers.

Prometheus and the inanimate body of Man
A sarcophagus dating IV century A.D. From Pozzuoli near Naples
(Archaeological Museum of Naples)

Prometheus creating man (Prado Museum)

The Christ is sometimes represented as Pantokrator, Creator of the world and of Man, as by Wiligelmo in the facade of the Modena Cathedral, and by Hieronymus Bosch in his The Garden of Earthly Delights. The meaning is that He replaced the Father in the role of Creator. The theological explanation is that the Father and the Son are one. However, it seems that Christianity reconnected to the primal and most archaic layer of human mythology, which finds its expression in the Greek myth of Prometheus, namely a Son - god, creating man.

   Giovanni del Biondo (Terruzzi collection)                    Spinello Aretino (Arezzo. Museo Civico)           

We can see in the painting and in the fresco - both dating to the 14th century - that the Father in the Holy Trinity is represented with the same semblance of the Christ. Apparently, the Son became the Father. However - according to Freud - the Mother and the Son came before the Father as primal deities. Christianity reconnected to this primal version, which preceeded monotheism.

Tryptychon, 1390
Gemalde Galerie, Berlin



(1) Carolyi Kerenyi, The Gods of the Greeks, Thames and Hudson, p.214
Kerenyi summarizes Prometheus' legends, and he depicts the Titan as mocking Zeus. On one hand, he is called "the provider", "the far - sighted", on the other hand, he is called "the imprudent". The description fits the one which Freud gave of the youngest son of the primal horde, who was impertinent and bold, but pretended to be stupid and harmless, in order not to raise the Father's suspition (Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921), Postscript, Chap. XII (B)  ).

(2) S. Freud, op.cit.

(3) Karl Abraham, Dreams and Myths: A Study in Race Psychology  (1909).

(4) Theodor Reik  has been the first to  show  that the Torah is the symbol of the maternal body, in "The Re-Emerging Mother-Goddess" in Pagan Rites in Judaism, Farrar Straus and Company, New York 1964, pp. 66 - 68.

(5) K. Abraham, op.cit.

(6) Theodor Reik, “The Moses of Michelangelo and the Events on Sinai”, supplement to “The Shofar”, in Ritual – Psychoanalytic Studies,  Farrar & Straus, New York 1946.

(7)  We have shown that Dionysus, the primal Father, only subsequently condensed in Greek mythology with Zeus, a Father imago posterior to that of Dionysus, in Iakov Levi e Luigi Previdi, Occidente e Oriente nello specchio di Dioniso e di Apollo, [Entered January 2002]

(8) Cf.  Iakov Levi, Sapere e Conoscenza. Dai riti iniziatici alla filosofia platonica., in Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia, [in linea], anno 4 (2002) [consultato il 29 aprile 2002], disponibile su World Wide Web: <http://mondodomani.org/>, [112 KB], ISSN 1128-5478.

(9) S. Freud, “The Future of an Illusion” (1927), in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, The Hogarth Press, London 1953, Vol. 21, p.14

(10) In op.cit., p. 79.

(11)  The Birth of Tragedy; see also Iakov Levi, Il silenzio e la parola, note seven, in Scienza e psicoanalisi. Rivista multimediale di psicoanalisi e scienze applicate [ Entered 2 Marzo 2003]

[End of the article]


The bird, which daily comes to devour Prometheus' liver, is Zeus' phallic symbol. In many paintings, we still can see the dove, symbol of the Holy Ghost, standing on the top of the Cross. The bird only transfigured from threatening and malevolent into "dovish" and benevolent. The original meaning has been repressed, but the bird is still there.

Masaccio's The Trinity
The Father = Zeus; The Son = Prometheus; The Holy Ghost = Zeus' bird

Christianity is an evolution and transformation of Greek - Roman culture. Christian myths express the existential change which took place in Greek - Roman culture after the crisis undergone by the ancient world. As part of the metamorphosis, the aggressive contents of the relationship between fathers and sons, still vivid and tangible in Greek myths, were transformed into a "love affair" between the Father and the Sons, sterilized of the aggressive connotation peculiar to the ambivalence mode of the Oedipus complex' conundrum. However, the original significance of the repressed pole in the ambivalent relationship - the hatred and the aggressiveness between the two - still emerges in symbolism and in art. Now, at last, we know what is the real substance of the bird on the top of the Cross, between Father and Son.

The original sin, which caused the fall of Man, is the primal fantasy of children toward the paternal penis (the bird). As Theodor Reik writes:

The successive emergence of hostile impulses directed against the father, based upon sexual jealousy, and of the dread of castration, may still be studied in our children. Here is a case in point to illustrate this process: A boy of two and a half years cried out, spontaneously, at the sight of his father's naked body: "A knife" When he was asked what he wanted the knife for he replied: "To cut off papa's gambi!" ("The Wrestling of Jacob", in Dogma and Compulsion, International Universities Press, New York 1951, p.249)
I have drawn an equivalence between the paternal penis (Zeus' bird = papa's gambi), and the Holy Ghost, as it can be easily inferred by the bird symbolism. Now we can better understand a verse from the Gospel, which so far has not been clear at all. In Mark we read:
Most assuredly I tell you, all of the sons of men's sins will be forgiven them, including their blasphemies with which they may blaspheme; but whoever may blaspheme against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin ( Mark 3: 29-30)
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a sin which refers to the primal fantasy of aggression against the paternal penis. Henceforth it is the Primal Sin and the worst of all: eternal and unforgivable.


Pinocchio. The Puberty Rite of a Puppet
Hamlet. The Puberty Rite of a Danish Prince and His Companions
Myth and the Cloacal Theory
On Trees and on Birds (and on Flowers)
Truth Is a Woman: Bernini - Giorgione - Manet
Counterculture Through the Ages. From Abraham to Acid House, Written by Ken Goffman and Dan Joy

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