YEAR: 1998 & 2003

Uh!. . . Stop there King! What are you doing in the museum?! I finally got all the robot data CDs!! With this info I'll create a powerful army. . . That not even Dr. Light could stop!! Well. .  your friend is here. Gotta go now! No! Stop there!!! Good! Let's play! Proto man!! Mega Man. . I'm ok. . Let me handle this. You get out now. You insist on getting yourself killed, eh?! Well . . . Maybe he'll give you a hand! Ha! Ha!
-- MIDDLE --
Well. . You made it! I admit I'm impressed. . But your efforts are worthless. Soon you will be no more!! Stop! He's mine! Ugh. .! My own beam! It can't be. . ! Now you will feel my true power!! Proto man! No!! Your to weak!!! You back off! This time it's my turn! Ha! Ha! You're a fool! Eat this! HADOUKEN!! What the. . !? Proto Man!!!  My energy. . . Hang on Proto Man! You will be ok!  Mega Man. . You're our last hope. . Finish him now. . ! You fools! I will kill you!! Why?! Why can't I destroy you?! Why am I not strong enough! Why can't justice prevail?!. . . Justice?! You stole the CDs and tried to kill us!!  No! I only wanted to stop you. . . To save the world from your menace. . . ! The red guy will be repaired. I don't want destruction. . I only want peace. . . But we don't want to harm anybody! You are wrong! No. . You don't understand. . He told me. . My master told me. . .You master?. . Could it be. . . !? Dr. Wily: Ha! Ha! My old friend having fun? King! Follow plan B! King: Master. .! They. . Too weird. . I can't obey you. . Dr. Wily: Ohh. .! But you will indeed!

Urh! My head. . What. . What happened. .? Ha! King lets get out of here now! . . . My end is near. Please leave me. He was a strong opponent. Not like the others. . I was wrong. But now  is too late, Wily!!!
-- ENDING --
HaHaHa! Mega Man! Welcome to your doom! Stubborn to the very end. I would expect no less from you. .! Thomas's favorite. His masterpiece. But this time not even you can stop my genius! HaHa! OK. . ! Break's over!!!

Roll: Mega Man!!!!! Beat: Tweet! Rush: Arf! Light: Welcome back! You saved us again Mega Man. .?  What's wrong? Mega Man: It happened again. . . I couldn't save King. . . Light: Don't feel sad. Roll, the letter! Roll: This is for you. . ! Mega Man: Who. . . ? Roll: Remember this mark? Mega Man: Let's read it together. King: Mega Man, I was wrong about you and Dr. Light. Now I know which were Wily's true intentions. I apologize for all the troubles I caused you. I hope we'll meet again. So Long. King. Mega Man: He's Alive! Roll: This is so touching!!!

Uh!. . . Stop there King! What are you doing in the museum?! I finally got all the robot data CDs!! With this info I'll create a powerful army. . . That not even Dr. Light could stop!! Hey! Who's this? Another pest? I'm outta here! No! Stop there!!! Good! Let's play! So that's King. . This may be fun! Hey scumbag. .! Get out of my way now! You insist on getting yourself killed, eh?! Well . . . Maybe he'll give you a hand! Ha! Ha!
-- MIDDLE --
Well. . You made it! I admit I'm impressed. . But your efforts are worthless. Soon you will be no more!! Stop! He's mine! Ugh. .! My own beam! It can't be. . ! No! I was the first one! I can't lose! You can't be serious! Leave it to me!!! You back off! This time it's my turn! Ha! Ha! You're a fool! Eat this! HADOUKEN!! What the. . !? How pathetic! Not even close. . My energy. . . Come on King! Face a real opponent! He's too strong. . We're all dead. . ! Idiot! I'll kill you right now! Why?! Why can't I destroy you?! Why am I not strong enough! Why can't justice prevail?!. . . Justice?! You only want power, just as "he" did! No! I only wanted to stop you. . . To save the world from your menace. . . ! The red guy will be repaired. I don't want destruction. . I only want peace. . . You're delirious! I must have cause you a severe malfunction! I must inform this to Dr. Wily. What?! Wily! Dr. Wily: Ha! Ha! My old friend having fun? King! Follow plan B! King: Master. .! They. . Too weird. . I can't obey you. . Dr. Wily: Ohh. .! But you will indeed!

<>Urh! My head. . What. . What happened. .? Ha! It's over. . I win! . . . My end is near. Please leave me. All my efforts. . Worthless. . I couldn't stop them. I wonder if it was worth it. . Why master? Why me. .?
-- ENDING --
Bass! My ultimate creation! Welcome back! Not even King was worthy of you! You're now ready to rejoin my army of destruction! Not even our nemesis will be able to stop us now? Dr. Wily! You're alive! But how come you tried to destroy me. .?! Why?! I can't forgive you! Now you're also my enemy!! HaHa! That's the spirit! Show me your rage Bass! Your true power!

Bass: You're dead Wily!!! Dr. Wily: Stop Bass! Please let me explain!! Bass: Argh. . .! Talk!!! Wily: . . . All this was a plan of mine. . . When you failed to kill Mega Man, I started a new project. King had a completely new design. Surpassing even yours. . . However he still needed training, battle experience. . . Bass: So it was all in vain. . Wily: No! The data of your fight against us, will be used to program a new King 2. . . Bass: . . . . . . . . . .???. . . Um! Very interesting! Wily: Wha. . Who's there? Proto Man: HADOUKEN! Wily: No! My lab! Bass! Get rid of him now! Bass: . . . . . . . . . . Wily: What Are You Doing?! Attack!!!  Proto Man: You're very strong Bass, but Mega Man. . Bass: . . . . . . Proto Man: He has something you don't . . . A noble cause. That's why Wily fooled King. To give him something to fight for. Bass: Shut up you fool!!! Proto Man: So long! Bass: You're an idiot! Only one can be the best. . And that's me!!!


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