serb etymology






Caucasian Albanians must not to be confused with the Illyrian Albanians of modern-day Albania in the Balkans.





Any member of a people of undetermined origin who built an empire in eastern Europe between the Adriatic and Baltic seas and the Elbe and Dnieper rivers in the 6th–9th centuries.

Mounted nomads, possibly from Central Asia, they made the Hungarian plain the centre of their empire, from which they intervened in Germanic tribal wars, helped the Lombards overthrow allies of Byzantium, and nearly succeeded in occupying Constantinople in 626. They also fought the Merovingians and helped push the Serbs and Croats southward towards Illyrian territories. Avar decline began in the late 7th century and culminated in the destruction of their capital by Charlemagne in 796. In the early 9th century the Avars were fully incorporated in the Carolingian empire.


Caucasian Albanians must not to be confused with the Illyrian Albanians of modern-day Albania in the Balkans. The Caucasian Albanian name could be the remnant of the Macedonian expansion towards Asia. Alexander the Great had recruited Illyrian soldiers for his campaign against Persia and later India.

Alexander the Great:




In the Spring of 329, Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush from Gandara to Bactria in order to pursue the Persian leader Bessus. The best description is that of the Roman author Quintus Curtius Rufus, who based his account on earlier, Greek sources. Section 7.4.20-25 of his History of Alexander the Great of Macedonia was translated by John Yardley.





Bessus had an army of 8,000 Bactrians who faithfully carried out his orders as long as they thought their intemperate climate would make the Macedonians head for India but, when it was discovered that Alexander was approaching, they all slipped off to their villages and abandoned him. With a group of dependants who had not changed their allegiance, he crossed the river Oxus, burned the boats used for crossing to stop the enemy using them, and started levying fresh troops among the Sogdians.


Alexander had already crossed the Caucasus, but grain shortages had brought the troops to the verge of starvation. The men rubbed their bodies with juice from pressed sesame in lieu of oil, though the cost of this juice was 240 drachmas per jar, and honey and wine respectively cost 390 and 300 drachmas. As for wheat, there was none, or very little, to be found. (Their crops were hidden by the barbarians in what they called siri, so cunningly concealed that only the men who dug them could find them.) Lacking such provisions, the men survived on fresh-water fish and herbs and, when even those means of sustenance had run out, they were given orders to slaughter the pack-animals. They managed to stay alive on the meat from these until they reached the Bactrians.



Caucasus is the Greek name for the Hindu Kush and Himalayas.


Consequently Albanian Illyrian toponyms reveal the identify of Illyrian mercenaries in Macedonian army. The lack of Caucasian Albanian root words in Albanian Illyrian language proves the impossible kinship between ancient Avars and modern Albanians.







Classical Sources


In the mid 5th C., Priskos Rhetor was the first to deal with the Avar tribe which existed in the West Siberian region. This supports the theory of origin from the Balkhash region which is further supported by the Chinese records concerning the related Hua  tribes. According to Priscos's account, the Avar-Huns forced the Sabirs out of this land and over the Volga around 461-463CE because "a fog rose from the sea scaring people" and this was followed by countless "vultures descending upon the people". Then in 550, Zakharias Rhetor the church historian mentioned an "Avar" community in the west. Also in the mid 6th century, Menandros wrote about Avars. At the same time Procopius made a distinction in his History of the Wars, Books I and II, between White Huns and European Huns which Simokattes in the early half of the 7thC. defines as the real- and pseudo- avars respectively.

Based upon Simokattes's and other information, the Avars who entered Europe are thought to have been a combination of a (Uighur people called Hund(?) and (because of the anthropological evidence as well as etymology on Avar Khagaan names like Bayan meaning "prosperous" in Mongol but meaning female in most western Altaic tongues) a Mongolian people called Var(?) who united around Balk sometime between 410-470CE.



Developments in Central Eurasia


Avars were once equated with the Juan Juan resulting in much confusion as the latter have become frequently referred to as Avars. Though this equation has since proven to be a gross generalisation since the Juan Juan continued to exist after being overthrown by the Asena until 557 while Sarosios was already well established as Khagan of the Avars in Europe by that time. There is, however, evidence that an element of the European Avars may have been, at least for a little while, a small part of the Juan Juan confederacy.

Besides their generally circulated suggestion of their relationship to the Hephthalites, another well-circulated story of more enigmatic origin has it that the Uygurs were conquered by a Mongolian people in the 5th century (see Uar and Hua). Forming a confederation in present Central Eurasia, they tried to survive in the competition with other Turkic tribes (see Juan Juan), by which they were eventually expelled. The survivors of this group of Turkic/Mongol people migrated toward East Europe where they established the Avars Khaganate 502-530CE, starting an era of conquest.

Developments in Central & S.E. Europe

Allies of the Byzantine Empire, they fought against the Slavs and the Bulgars, controlling the area between the Volga River and the Elbe River as far as the Baltic Sea. However, the situation changed resulting in an attempt to invade Italy in 610 and they attacked Constantinople in 619 and 626. The emperor Heraclius, the Bulgars and some Slavic peoples (Croats (Hrvati) and Serbs Срби Srbi) fought them and pushed them to Illyria and in the 630'sCE Khagan Kubrat of the Onoghur became the first Khagan of the second Avar dynasty.

From the late 7th century, writings begin to mention peoples using a 'K-B/V-R' root ethnonym in the same areas inhabited by Avars. The root K-B/V-R has been explained as "rebel" or "mix" as well as "rotate" and "wander". Dissident Kuber Avar-Huns are mentioned migrating southward following a rebellion against the main body of Avars not long after Batbayan-Bezmer succeeded his father Kubrat as Khagan. It may reasonably be deduced that those western Avars who mixed with the Bulgar-Huns and/or severed ties with/rebelled against the main eastern horde in the Caucasus which was under Khazar rule, became known by the 'K-B/V-R' variation of the name.

Little is known about Kabar/Avars from between the late 7th to late 8th centuries except that most of their neighbours still called them Avars. Excavations of their graves have yielded evidence that they were a Mongolian people who carried objects usually associated with Hebraic culture and it has been suggested that their center of control was actually in Khazaria rather than the Ukraine or Pannonia. As Kabarids (or Kavarites) they also seem to have left their ethnonym in certain towns they founded like for example the Kopyrev Konets district of Kiev in the Ukraine which has been explained from their ethnonym. In 791 they invaded Europe once again. The so-called Avar Ring was defeated by Franks led by Charlemagne in the 9th century whereupon the three major tribes invited the Magyar seven-tribe confederacy to liberate them. The three Avar tribes which Magyar sources call Kavar or Kabar (there is no other mention of Avars in original Magyar sources) were settled in Transylvania. Their Szekely descendants preserved the popular Avar Dragon Totem well into the 15th century.

Caucasian Avars and their Language

A connection between the European Avars and the Caucasian Avars and Kabard is severely questioned, but evidence is mounting in favor of the theory that the Avars who settled in Transylvania were only a "pseudo" (Kabar?) portion of other "true" Avars who remained in the Caucasus region under Khazar control. The faction which is supposed to have remained in the Caucasus formed a powerful khanate in the 10th century contributing to the collapse of Khazaria from within that kingdom.


Anthropological Origins


There are three popular points of origin suggested for the Avar peoples one is in the Caucasus as a branch of the Protoiberians, another is in the Hindu Kush around present day Kabul, and another, associating them with the Parni, is the region beyond the Jaxartes (Transiaxartesia) around Lake Balkhash in north-east Kazakhstan. Perhaps a suitable synthesis of these ideas may be that they were originally inhabitants of Khwarezmia and had thus influence in all three areas. The skeletons found in European Avar graves are mostly mongolian [Istvan Erdelyi's "Kabari (Kavari) v Karpatskom Basseyne" specifically page 179 from Sovietskaya Archeologiya 4 (1983)], but many items usually associated with Hebrews have been found with them [A. Scheiber "Jewish inscriptions in Hungary from the 3rd Century to 1686" (1983); V.L.Vikhnovich "From the Jordan to the Dneiper" from Jewish Studies 31 (1991)]. Whether they had some kind of Hebraic origin connected to the quasi-"Jewish" tribes discovered in China and were a major influence in Khazaria or were simply influenced by the alleged Khazar conversion is a question demanding further investigation. Others have described them as "Amerinoid" (?source) loosely described as 'similar to a Mongolian Type with prominent noses'.



Speculations on Religion


In the east, the inhabitants of Khwarezmia, recognized as being under the Avars by 410CE, were said to observe a form of Mosaic law (see Sabians) which might explain the apparent Hebrew artifacts found in excavations of their Carpathian basin graves. Later while western Avar areas like Avaristan, apparently became a Christian kingdom their former eastern haunts became strongly islamicized. Arguments also exist that Avars were originally Magians, and others suggest a basic form of typical Eurasian Shamanism. These days the only surviving people still known as Avars mostly practice forms of Jafarite islam.

Noahite Origins

The Avars have been included with various Turkic peoples in attempts to trace them a descent from Noah. Joseph ben Gorion's 10thC. historical work "Sefer Yosippon" mentions Avar (עבר) as one of the ten children of the Biblical Togarmah. There is also a suggestion that the Avar-Huns descend from the Biblical Patriarch Eber (also written עבר) via Abraham's third wife Keturah whose descendants had moved to Central Eurasia mentioned in the 12thC. ["Chronicles of Jerahmeel" by Jerahmeel ben Solomon]. There are also references to the descent of various Avar-Hunnic tribes from Magog who also had a descendant called Heber (עבר).

A Common Ethnonym

The obviously quite common eponym may be explained by a widely accepted, theory that the word Avar has a common root with the Turkish word avare, meaning wanderer or vagabond. Thus, it is suggested that terms like "Avar" used for various peoples might derive from a common Turanian etymology with a meaning of human movement like "freeman/ nomad" along with many similar words from many ancient languages like for example Hebrew. For more speculations about Avar peoples in western Central Eurasia before the 5th C. CE see AparDi, Aparytae, Abar-noi, Abaris.




Hua is:

•          the self designation (endonymic ethnicon) used by the Hephthalites

•          the name of a country in China prior to being destroyed by the Chin Emperor Huaguo .


The writings of Procopius of Caesarea (500 ? - 565 ?), in Palestine, are the primary source of information for the rule of the emperor Justinian. He was the author of a history in eight books of the wars fought by the Justinian I, a panegyric on Justinian's public works throughout the empire, and a book known as the Secret History that claims to report the scandals Procopius could not include in his published history ("anecdotes").


The term Hephthalite derives from Greek, supposedly a rendering of "Hayathelite", the name used by Persian writers to refer to a 6th century empire on the northern and eastern periphery of their land.

In China they were known as 厌哒 or 厭達 (py Yanda) also written Ye-ti-i-li-do/Yeda/Yoptal but are documented as having called themselves Hua or Huer (滑).


Uighurs (also: Uyghurs, Uigurs, Uygurs) (Chinese: Weiwur 維吾爾 or 维吾尔 in pinyin: wéiwúìr) are a Turkic ethnic group of people living in northwestern China (mainly in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, where they are the dominant ethnic group together with Chinese Han people), Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The other branch of Uighurs lives in Taoyuan county of Hunan province in Southcentral China. Uighurs form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China.


Juan Juan (wg), Ruanruan (py), Ru Ru (py) or Rouran 柔然 (py) was the name of a confederacy of nomadic tribes on the northern borders of China proper from late 4th century until late 6th century. The term Rouran (柔然) was a Chinese language transcription of the pronunciation of the name the confederacy used to refer to itself.


According to Theophylaktos Simokattes, Uar, along with the Hunnoi, are the names associated with the two biggest tribes of "Procopius's White Huns". They were called Varkhon or Varkunites (Ouarkhonitai) by Menander, perhaps inspired by the name of the God Vulcan, and settled Europe in the Balkans and Pannonia. They are supposed to have united around 460 under the rule of one of the five Yuezhi families - the Hephthal.


The Byzantine Empire or Eastern Roman Empire was the eastern section of the Roman Empire, with its capital at Constantinople (modern Istanbul), which remained in existence after the fall of Rome in the 5th century. The Byzantine period is usually considered to extend from 395 to 1453.





Sabars and Avars


The name "Serb" is non-Slavic in origin and more likely than not original Serbs were overlords of the Slavs. The name 'Serb' designates not only the population in the invaders of Balkan peninsula but of Lusatia as well. Lusatia, a region in Eastern Germany is inhabited by a nation the Germans call the Wends from which the Greeks derived the word Venedi, alb. vendi 'homeland, country' hence an Illyrian not Slavic name. The name "Serb" is e neologism from the ancient homeland of Serbs, Sarmantia an ancient district between the Vistula River and the Caspian Sea, occupied by the Sarmatians [Lat. Sarmatae] from the 3d cent. B.C. through the 2d cent. A.D. The term is vague and is also used to refer to the territory along the Danube and across the Carpathians where the Sarmatians were later driven by the Huns. The Sarmatians, who until c.200 B.C. lived E of the Don River, spoke an Indo-Iranian language and were a nomadic pastoral people related to the Scythians (see Scythia), whom they displaced in the Don region. The main divisions were the Rhoxolani, the Iazyges, and the Alans or Alani. They came into conflict with the Romans but later allied themselves with Rome, acting as buffers against the Germans. They were scattered or assimilated with the Germans by the 3d cent. A.D.


The common Indo European phonetic mutation allowed -m > -mb > -b from Sarmoi > Serboi.

The name of Sarmatians derived from PIE Root / lemma: ker-6 and k̂er- : 'dark colour; dirt, etc'.

    ahd. horo, Gen. horawes, mhd. hor, hurwe `ordure, smut' (*kr̥-u-); ags. horh, Gen. horwes, ahd. horg `dirty, filthy' (*kr̥-k-u̯-o); aisl. horr m. ` nasal mucus, snot, smut'; ags. hrot m. ` snot ', ahd. hroz ds., asächs. hrottag `snotty'; ahd. ruoz, rouz, mhd. ruoz, ruost, asächs. hrot `smut'; ags. hrum m. `smut', asächs. hrum, mhd. PN Rum-olt;

Maybe Sarmoi > Serboi, Srb from lit. sarma `gray, white weasel' [common PIE b > w mutation].

Both root names Hrv (Croat) and Srb (Serb) are interchangeable: s > h, b > v phonetic mutations. Clearly Srb (Serb) is the origin of the latter Hrv (Croat).

    lit. šir̃vas `gray, greyish-blue' (*k̂r̥-u̯o-s), šir̃mas ds. (*k̂r̥-mo-s), lett. sirms `gray' (compare ai. śyā-má- `black, dark' besides śyā-vá- ds.); lit. šir̃vis `hare'; in addition lit. šarmà f. ` hoarfrost', lett. sarma, serma ds., lit. šarmuõ, šermuõ `ermine' (:ahd. harmo, ven.-illyr. carmō); šarmuonỹs m. `weasel', with ablaut ostlit. širmuonė̃lis ds., lett. sermulis m. `ermine';

The Indo European root/lemma Root / lemma: ker-6 and k̂er- : 'dark colour; dirt, etc' could be a collective name for Sarmatea 'dark people'.

Yet the origin of the name Sarmat could be an Indo European interpretation of Sabar (Sabat) common PIE b > mb > m phonetic mutation].

Serbs and Croats would retain their sumptuous Turkic names in contrast to their Slav mercenaries called Slovenians. Bosnia was populated by an Illyrian tribe called Besoi which eventually drowned under the Slavic tide. Montenegro would be called by Serbs as Crna Gora 'black mountain'. The true Slavs who defeated the Avars in the Balkans were actually Slovenians. They would impose their language on defeated Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats and Macedonian Avars. Bulgar Avars would suffer the same identity crises while Huns managed to survive in their tiny kingdom.  



The origin of the name Serb from an Indo European root seems incredible. Serbian toponyms in their homeland in Caucasus are often remote to Slavic tongues.  


Azerbaijan Ser-Abad : Serboi Greek reading.


Both names Serboi earlier Sabar and Hrvat (Croat) earlier Havar, Avar seem to have originated in the shores of the Caspian Sea. The forefathers of Serbs and Croats were not Indo European but Caucasian.

The names of Asian tribes Sabar and Kavar (*Havar) Avar derived from the same root [common shift b > v, also allophones s/ h].


Serbs (*Sabar) and Croats (Hrvat) were Avar tribes which Magyar sources essentially call Kabar and Kavar.


The remnant of Sabar, Avar excellent horsemanship in Turkish language was stamped in the cognate: tr. süvari ' cavalier, cavalry, cavalryman, chevalier, mounted troops, man'. Clearly the origin of Serbs and Croats is not Indo European. Although they adopted the language of their slaves, the Sabar and Avar overlords preserved their original name. Franks, a Germanic tribe who had conquered Gaul also lost its ancient language against numerically superior native population. 



Turkish Identity of Avar People


In order to illuminate the state of affairs in brief, it should be beneficial to determine these 3 issues stated below:

a)    100 years before the collapse of Juan-Juan domination in the Central Asia (the events in 461-465, see Sabar people, Ogur people), the Byzantine historian Priskos (in the middle of the 5th century) dealt with the "Avar" tribe that existed in the western Siberian region. Another resource (Zakharias Rhetor, in the years of 550) cited about an "Avar" community in the west before the occurrence of the Mongolian events. In addition to these facts, the ancient Greek geographer, Strabon (1st century DC) stated that he dealt with "Abar-noi" people in his work and that the name of "Abaris" was used in combination with he Greek legends in the very ancient histories.


b)    According to these records, it is obvious that the relevant Avar (Abat) people did not have any relation or relevance with the Mongolian Juan-Juan people that were totally abolished in the year of 555 DC.


c)    Actually, it is of significance that the Byzantine historian Th. Simokattes (2nd quarter of the 7th century) had made a classification about Avar people such as "Real Avar" and "Fake Avar". According to the results obtained from the researches carried out upon this record, the group called as "Fake Avar" was composed of Warkhon (in other words, Var and Hund: in Simokattes) people that were the neighbors of the Oguz tribes living in the region between the Western Turkestan- Northern Caucasus and within the environs of Don-Idyll (Volga) Rivers and that were named as "Avar" in the Byzantine resources (Menandros, the end of 6th century).


       These two Turkish groups that used to speak Turkish with Y like Gokturk, Hun peoples, etc. deserted from the government of Juan-Juan family that they were subject to after the year of 350 and they turned towards the west. These two tribes participated in the establishment of Ak Hun (Eftalit) State in Turkestan- Afghanistan- Northern India. Then, they got separated from the foreign domination in Mongolia pursuant to the defeats of Juan-Juan people against the Tabgaç armies in the years of 458-459. These War (var) and Hun tribes that came to the region of Caspian Sea-the north of Lake Aral constituted a Turkish tribal union and they were collectively named as Apar (Abar, Avar) in accordance with the occupations that they had.


       Therefore, the founders and the dominant majority of the European Avar Khanate were composed of the crowded Turkish groups that came from the central regions of Asia and united with the Ogur tribes that they encountered in the plain lands of the southern Russia and the other Iranian foreign elements such as Mongolian, Alan people, etc. that retreated towards the west under pressure due to the political expansion of the Gok- Turk State.


       Some of the Turkish administrative offices that were present in the Avar Khanate were essentially named with Turkish idioms (the titles such as Tudun, Yugruº, Tarhan, Boyar, Ban, etc.). Similarly, it is beyond doubt that the Avar statesmen that made history were of Turkish origin. Additionally, the name of the famous ruler Bayan was a Turkish name.


       The statement that the Mongoloid type was dominant in the skeletons excavated from the tombs pertaining to the Avar period is not convincing. Actually, some archaeological excavations pertaining to Avar period were carried out in the regions that were within the domination fields of the Avar Empire (Hungary, Albania, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Austria, the southern Germany) until the year of 1970s. As a result of these excavations, it has been determined that the Turkish type (brachycephalic) had a significant level among various types such as Germanic, Slav, Iranian, Finno-Ugrian, etc.


Origin of Avar People


       Avar people established a powerful state in the Central Europe between the Frank Kingdom and the Byzantine Empire upon the support of the Turkish groups such as the ancient Hun and Sabar residuals and Oguz (Bulgarian) people, etc. They established dominion over various Germanic and particularly the crowded Slav tribes. Therefore, the Avar people had directed the course of the policy of Europe for nearly 250 years (558-805). The subject matter about the origin of Avar people has been one of the issues that caused great trouble for the historians and the linguists. It cannot be stated that there is a common opinion of the experts formed about this issue. However, the Turkish identity of the founders of the European Avar Khanate become much more definite as the researches are carried out on a much more extensive basis.


       The Byzantine historian Th. Simokattes (2nd quarter of the 7th century) had stated that a group composed of nearly 20 thousands of people immigrated to the west pursuant to the abolition of the Ju-an-Juan State in Mongolia (in the beginning of the 4th century- 552/555) by the Gok-Turk State. This statement caused the establishment of a relation between the group that sent an envoy from the eastern borders of the Byzantine in the year of 558 and applied for allowance and residential lands for settlement and the groups that oriented from the Central Asia towards the west and then to the central regions of Europe. The general and mistaken consideration of the Juan-Juan as "Avar" and mostly "Asian Avar People" reinforced this opinion of relevance.


       On the other hand, since Juan-Juan people were considered as Mongolians, it was natural that the European Avar people were of the same race. In the end of the previous century, a tribe named as Var-guni (Bar-guni) was determined to exist in Mongolia that reminded the European Avar People. In addition, it was stated that the human skeletons that were excavated from the tombs pertaining to the Avar era in Hungary were mostly Mongoloid. Furthermore, the allegation stating that Bayan that was the name of Avar Ruler was a Mongolian word reinforced this conviction.



Relations between Avar People and the Byzantine and their Penetration into Europe



        Avar people abolished the Sabar domination in the year of 558 and advanced towards Caucasus. Then, they established domination of the Iranian Alan people and the Ogur tribes and sent envoys to the Byzantine. These Avar people wanted the payment of an annual tax and the allocation of lands for settlement. Meanwhile, the emperor Justinianos was occupied with extensive conquests in the Balkans and in Dalmatia and the struggles against the Ogur people that tried to invade the Thrace all of a sudden.


        Therefore, the emperor rejected the payment of the tax. Then, he tried to set up a barrier composed of crowded Slav groups including particularly Ant people in the lower Danube basin in order to stop any possible Avar raid towards his country: However, Avar people that could surmount this obstacle easily in the year of 562 invaded the lower section of Danube River and they shared the same borders with the Byzantine. Then, they started to organize raids towards the central regions of Europe. Due to the hesitation of the Emperor Justinos (565-578) in the payment of the taxes, they suppressed the Byzantine under the government of Hakan Bayan since the years of 565 and they penetrated into the Cental Karpat.


        They collaborated with Longobard people that constituted one of the Germanic tribes in the west of the Danube River. Then, they established dominion over Gepid people in the Eastern Hungary. Upon the migration of the Longobard people to the Northern Italy in the year of 568, they invaded the entire Hungary of today. Therefore, the Avar people had established a great state in the Central Europe. Afterwards, they defited the Frank king Siegebert in the west and captured the important Byzantine border citadels such as Singidunum (Belgrade) and Sirmium (Eszek), etc. in the south.


        The great organiser, Bayan Hakan who accomplished the conquests stated above came to Çorlu in order to advance towards Istanbul in the year of 592 and the Byzantine capital city was seized with fear. Meanwhile, the entire regions extending from the northern Slav regions towards Italy had become the military operational fields of the Abar people.


Blockade of Istanbul by Avar People in 626           



        The principal core of the army of the Avar Khanate was composed of Turks and this army was supported by the crowded backup troops that were recruited from various Slav and Germanic tribes. It has been understood that the Avar Khanate tried to maintain the safety and security of the principal market cities and the trade routes. The important military attempts of the Avar people in the course of their domination in Europe for a period of 200 years were the military blockades of Istanbul. The first blockade (in 617 or 619) was carried out by Avar people upon the collaboration with Sasani State and this blockade was so impressive that even the Emperor Herakleios (610-641) thought of the abandoning the capital city and going to Kartaca. Pursuant to this first blockade, the second operation was carried out jointly with the cooperation of the Sasani Empire again (626). In these years, the Iranian-Byzantine wars became more severe and cruel and the Sehinshah Husrev II (590-628) captured the entire el-Cezire, Palestine and Syria.


        Under these circumstances, the emperor Herakleios who was in the coasts of the Eastern Black Sea went to Tbilisi in order to provide military help and assistance from the Khazar Turks. At the same time, the Iranian army under the command of ªahrvaraz passed through the entire Anatolia and reached to Bosphorus. Concurrently, the Avar army that was supported by the Bulgarian forces passed over the Balkans and Thrace and came in front of the city walls of Istanbul. The actual military blockade was carried out by the Avar army (in July-August 626). This operation that aroused great excitement in the capital city that was defended by the Patriarch Sergios and Patricius Bonos left historical memoirs behind. The day that was declared as a "holiday" for the commemoration of the salvation (on Saturday in the 5th week of the "Great Fast") was memorialized in the form of ceremonies organized in the churches for centuries and it has been understood that the hymn of "Akathistos" was related with this Avar blockade.


         The military blockade failed due to the lack of a navy and therefore, the Avar army had to retreat under difficult situations without the attainment of any result. This situation caused the khanate to lose its influence and prestige and the advance towards the decline. The backup troops got dispersed. Particularly after the death of the ruler in the year of 630, the subject groups rebelled upon the encouragement and support of the Byzantine. As a result of the long struggles, the Balkans were captured by the Bulgarians. The region of Danube-Sava was left to the Slav tribes such as Croatian, Slovenian, etc. and the Bohemian region was abandoned to the ancestors of the Czech people. Therefore, the Avar Khanate was surrounded within the circle of hostile states and it lost its economical opportunities and facilities.


          It gradually lost power during the 8th century. As a result of the attacks and raids of Frank Empire (Karolus Magnus= the period of Carlemagne: 768-814)-with a severe and cruel holy war- that lasted incessantly for 15 years since the year of 791 (the fortified capital city of Avar people in the Central Hungary was captured in the period of Pepin in 776), the Avar Khanate was totally abolished (805). The Avar groups that got disintegrated spread within the Eastern Hungary and the Balkans. Within a short period, they became Christians and they got assimilated within the native people.



However, it has been observed that the Avar influence kept going in Europe. The traces of their mementoes include the title of "Ban" that was one of the highest military-governmental titles among the Croatian people (Baga in Gok-Turk language and Bagan in Avar language that was present among the Bulgarians and Hungarians) and the titles such as Boyar and Yugruº, etc. and the name of the cities such as Navarino in Greece (=Pylos, with the original form of Avarino), and Antivari in Albania (=Br, with its ancient form of Civitas Avarorum). Furthermore, the archaeological works pertaining to the Avar period that were excavated in Hungary (the cast tools and horse harnesses with the animal fight descriptions upon these materials) are accepted as the examples of the Turkish art in Europe (animal style) that originally developed in the Central Asia and the traces of this style can also be observed in France in the period of Movergin family.


        The Protsotvats golden treasury in Albania pertains to Avar people. Additionally, the archaeological researches have also displayed the influence of Avar Turkish art over the Germanic and Slavic arts. A treasure composed of 23 units of golden pots with Turkish inscriptions on them was found in the site of Nagy Szent in the Central Hungary in the year of 1799 and the question about the Turkish tribe to which this treasure belonged is a still debated issue. However, it has been alleged that this famous treasure belonged to the period of Avar people.


        As a consequence; the domination of Avar people in Europe for more than two centuries is of great significance for several reasons in respect of the European history. First of all, the Slavic tribes had lived under the long-term Turkish domination for the first time and they found the opportunity to advance from the stage of "tribal" life to the stage of state organization due to the influence of Turkish state and military organizations. Secondly, the Turks had much more blended with various Germanic (Frank) groups. This relation has been mostly composed of reciprocal struggles; however, both tribes were forced to resolve a state of coping in the capacity of neighboring groups.


Influences of Avar People over Slavs           



       It has been understood that the Avar Khanate had had influence particularly over the Islamic tribes. It has been known that as a result of the precautions taken by Avar people, the first Slav groups settled in the Balkans in an essential manner. There are some indicators that showed that this Turkish tribe established domination over the southern and the eastern Slavs for a long time and most of the Slavic tribes were totally defeated by the Avar people.


       The Slavic groups were under the domination of German Goths until the 4th century and then, they were under the domination of Turks subject to the Hun Empire. The history of the Slavic communities has turned into nearly "a part of the Turkish history" from that date on. The disperse of crowded Slavic groups towards various Eastern Europe regions and the Balkans took place mostly in the period of Avar people. These large-scaled migrations were arranged and implied by the Avar government. Therefore, the Avar government led them to undertake the agricultural works in order to yield the harvest and crops that were needed by the Avar Khanate and the performance of border forefront services at the same time.


       Therefore, various Slavic tribes were directed towards today's Czechoslovakia and the banks of Elbe River, the coasts of Dalmatia and the Balkans. In the years of 750, it was cited that there was some Slav people that were called as "Avar" within the environs of Athens. In the same periods, the names of the leaders that led the Croatian people to the Adriatic coasts were listed as follows: Kiıliik, Lobel (Alp-el?), Kösenci (Koºuncu), Buga, Tugay. It has been alleged that there were some Avar beys that became Slavs who were the leaders of 9th Pannonia (Western Hungary) and Morva Slav groups. On the other hand, it has been declared that the German tribes abandoned their homelands in the Czech country as a result of the pressure of Avar leaders rather than Slav people that were so weak in respect of war capabilities.


       It has also been stated that this situation was confirmed with the works related with Avar art that were found in the Eastern Hungary. Therefore, according to the statement of Bishop Syrian Johannes in the year of 584, "While the Slav people could not dare even to get out of the forests in the past, the Slavs got accustomed to war by means of the Avar people and they became the owners of gold, silver, and herds of horses. They were oriented towards migration in a systematic manner. Therefore, it has been understood that the ethnical map of today's Central and Eastern Europe was drawn by the Avar Khanate. The Avar groups that live in the Caucasus today are accepted as the descendants of them.



Name of Sabar


        It has been determined through the unorganized information in various foreign resources that this Turkish community had played an important role in the Western Siberia and the northern region of the Caucasus in the 5th-6th centuries DC. This Turkish community was named as Sabar, Sabir, and Savir in the Byzantine resources and as Savır, Sabr, S(a)bir, Sibir, etc. in the Armenian, Syrian Christian, and Islamic resources.


        The allegations stating that the Sabar people were of Slav or Mongolian or Finno-Ugrian origin had become out-of-date. Today, it has been understood that they were Turks in origin in respect of the names that they hold and the historical and cultural characteristics. As a result of the labial attraction in various languages, the word of Sabar has been observed in various forms. The word of Sabar that can only be identified with Turkish language was formulated as the addition of the suffix of +ar to the verb of "sab+ar" (=sap-ar= sapmak/ violate, deviate) (Some other examples are: Khazar, Bulgar, Kabar, etc). It has the meaning of "deviationist, defector, uncontrolled, free" and it is in compliance with the naming procedures among the Turks. Furthermore, the personal names pertaining to Sabar people are also Turkish. Balak, İlig-er, Bo-arık =Buğ-arık, etc.






Ancient History of Sabar People            



        The ancient periods of Sabar people are not known well. If they had separated from a main group in accordance with the meaning of their names, they must have been one of the communities subject to the Great Hun Empire that lived in the region of the west of Tien Shan Mountains- Ili River that was their homeland. The first definite information about Sabar people was provided by the Byzantine historian Priskos (5th century) on the occasion of the great movement among the Western Siberian tribes between the years of 461-465 and the large-scaled events of migrations. Against the Avar pressure that came from the east, the Sabar people abandoned their lands and oriented towards the west. They drove the Ogur-Turk tribes that lived in the plain lands between Altay-Ural Mountains (the southern region of today's Kyrgyzstan steppe lands) from their homeland. Then, they settled within the environs of Tobol and İçim Rivers.


        Sabar people had had profound influences in this region through their culture that was superior to the cultures of the native people that lasted for centuries: The names of places and castles such as Sabar, Saber (Tapar), Soper, Savri, Sabrei, Sıbır (Sı-vır), etc. are much widespread within the environs of Tobolsk and on the banks of Ob, Tura and Irtish. The personal names such as Ay-sabar, Kün-sabar, etc. have also been encountered. The people of Tobolsk have called the ancient inhabitants of this region as Sybyr, Syvyr.


        Furthermore, Sabar people have an important place in the folk tales and heroic short stories of the people in this region. Apart from Ostiyak people that considered Sabar people as their celebrities, the Vogul people have also called the Russians with the name of "Sa-per" that they were subject to. All these events indicate the superior characteristics of the ancient Sabar people in the public opinion. The capital city of the Sibir Khanate that was founded in the same region (16th century) had the name of Sibir.


        This word identified a wide geographical area in the course of time (Siberia)… The Russians had captured the city of Sibir (Isker) and then called the region with this name. Then, this name indicated much wider regions upon the advance of the Russian movement. Therefore, the keepsake of the Sabar Turks has survived until nowadays. 



Sabar People in the Eastern Europe            



       Sabar people had expanded their domination towards the Eastern Europe in the very early year of 503 and they subdued some of the Bulgarian groups. A crowded group of Sabar people settled between the Idyll (Volga)- Don Rivers and on the banks of Kuban River that was located in the north of the Caucasus. Therefore, they were directly in contract with the Byzantine and Sassani State. These situations led them to have a priority in the history of the Eastern Europe. In those years while the Iranian- Byzantine wars kept ongoing, Sabar people had a large-scaled military operation under the command of Balak (Belek?). Then, Sabar people collaborated with Sassani people and fought against the Byzantine (516).

        It has been known that they organized some raids towards the Armenia region and then penetrated into Anatolia and advanced towards Caesarea Cappadociae, Ankara, and Iconium. On this occasion, the Byzantine must have been lost in amazement due to the great war power and especially the high techniques of the war materials. The expressions of Prokopios are significant: "Sabar people have machines that have not been designed either by Iranians and the Roman people since the periods that the human being remembered. There was always a scientist in each two empires and they made war machines in every period. However, any invention that was similar to the materials of these barbarians have not been invented or used like they did so far.


        It is beyond doubt that this is the masterpiece of the human wisdom." Pursuant to Balak (died in 520s), his widow wife, Bo(ğ)arık that replaced him was a famous Turkish queen that was well-known with her warrior and governor characteristics and her beauty. She commanded the Sabar army that was composed of "100 thousands" of people. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian (527-565) preferred to conclude an agreement with Boğarık in return for various silver made vases and the other rich gifts and presents (528). The Byzantine must have considered that it would be a more appropriate political stance to collaborate with Sabar people and establish friendly terms in the Sasani War that was ongoing for centuries.


Collapse of Sabar People            



        Any clear evidence pertaining to the following period could not be obtained about the Sabar people that seemed to have been in cooperation with the Byzantine until the year of 531. It has been anticipated that they suffered from terrible losses and casualties in the continuous and successful wars of Sasani State in the Caucasus (especially in 545) in the period of ªehinshah Anuºirvan (Adil). As a result of this decline, they lost their military power and they had a terrible strike from Avar people towards the year of 557. After a short period, the Sabar regions were under the domination of the Gok-Turk State that reached to the Black Sea.

        In the year of 576, their domination in the Caucasus was abolished by the Byzantine. Then, some of Sabar people were settled in the south of Kura River. Their name was observed in an unorganized manner until the middle of the 7th century. It has been understood that Sabar people constituted the main community of the Khazar people that came into existence as a great state in the same region in these years. Similarly, it has been observed that Belencer and Semender tribes that were considered as Khazar tribes were essentially two big Sabar groups.





The original Serbs and Croats were Central Asian Sarmatian nomads who entered Europe with the Huns in the fourth century A.D. The Sarmatian Serbs settled in a land designated as White Serbia, in what is now Saxony and Western Poland. The Sarmatian Serbs, it is argued, intermarried with the indigenous Slavs of the region, adopted their language, and transferred their name to the Slavs. Byzantine sources report that some Serbs migrated southward in the seventh century A.D. and eventually settled in the lands that now make up southern Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Hercegovina. Rival chiefs, or zupani, vied to control the Serbs for five centuries after the migration. Zupan Vlastimir formed a Serbian principality under the Byzantines around 850, and the Serbs soon converted to Eastern-rite Christianity. The Serbs had two political centers in the eleventh century: Zeta, in the mountains of present-day Montenegro, and Raska, located in modern southwestern Serbia.


The proto-Serbs were part of the Caucasian Race much like the Georgians, Mingrelians, Lezghians, Ingush, and spoke a language similar to these peoples. At some point in the history of the Serbs, this Old Serb language stood side by side with the Slavic language in White Serbia (Porphyrogenitus) and likely even in the first 300 years leading up to the formation of the Serb state on the Balkans in the 9th century. Even to this day, the Serb language has at least a third as many words in its vocabulary than other Slavic languages. This is because of the influence of Old Serb and Illyrian as well as Turkish on the Slavic language spoken by Serbs today. Here is a list of Old Serb words which exist side by side with Slavic words in the modern Serb language.


The Serbs were mentioned by Plinius the Younger in the first century BC (69-75) as living on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov as Serboi in his Geographica. In the 2nd century, Herodotus writes in his Persian Wars that Serbs (Serboi, Sirboi - Serboi, Sirboi) live behind the Caucasus, near the hinterland of the Black Sea. In the fourth century the Carpathians are mentioned as 'Serb mountains' by the Roman emperor Licinius.


In the Caucasus, the homeland of the Serbs, they left their traces around the river Volga (Araxes in Greek). In modern Georgian, that river is called "Rashki". This name was used by Balkan Serbs as a name for their first state and is found wherever the name Serb is found in clusters indicating settlements. It is often used to designate hydronyms and likely meant 'river' or 'water' in Old Serb.


The Serbs migrated in two directions from the Caucasus, northwest and northeast. Those who went northwest became overlords to the Slavs. There they established a mighty empire and became slavicized. Konstantine Porfirogenitus called this "White Serbia". Their descendants are known as Lusatian Serbs today and despite immense Germanization, there are still a few thousand left. These we will call 'White Serbs'.


The other branch moved northeast to the southern base of the Urals, settled there for a period of time and split into two. We will call them 'Volga Serbs'. One tribe moved west and eventually met up with the above mentioned White Serbs. The other moved east and went deep into Siberia and left its traces in the names of cities and towns along the coast of the Sea of Japan. They faded out with onslaught from the Mongols. These we will call 'Siberian Serbs'. It seems likely that Siberia was named after this Old Serb tribe.


It seems that the western branch of the Volga Serbs, upon their rendezvous with the White Serbs did not stay long. They must have found the White Serbs completely Slavicized by then (6th century). The descendants of these Slavicized white Serbs are today's Lusation Sorbs. This would explain why Lusatian Sorbs did not pick up the Caucasian words of the original Serb language while Balkan Serbs retained theirs. The western Volga branch of the Serbs must have left White Serbia immediately upon their own arrival, and according to Porfirogenitus, came to the Balkans (7th cent), invited by Heracleus, defeated the Avars and were given Macedonia to inhabit. There they took the already settled Slavs (who began arriving in the 5th and 6th cents) under their control and became Slavicized much as the White Serbs.


These Slavs who came before the Serbs had already assimilated the Illyrians, who were an Indo European people.  


Most contemporary historians agree that the old Serbs were no Slavs, at all, but a non-Slavic caste ruling over Slavs.


Serbs: living among the ancient peoples of the Black Sea

The first mention of the Serbs ('Serboi') in history locates them in the Caucasus among the Dinaric peoples of Ibero-caucasian linguistic stock.

Here are a few of the earsliest quotations from well known ancient geographers and historians:



Strabon (63 - 19. god. stare ere)

"...the rivier Ksant is called Srbika by the natives."

( Strabonis rerum geographicarum libri septendicini, Basileza 1571 s. 763)


Plinius (69-75 AD)

"... beside the Cimerians live Meotics, Valians Serbs (Serboi), Zingians, Psesians."

("On Nature" "A Cimmerio accolunt Meadici, Vali, Serbi, Zingi, Psesii - Plinius Ceacilius Secundus Historia naturalis, VI, c. 7 & 19 Leipzig 1975)


Claudius Ptolomei (150 AD) - geographer

" ... between the Keraunian mountains and the river Pa, live the Orineians, Valians and Serbs."

(Claudius Ptolomaius, Geographica... V, s. 9)



A theory on Avars and their relations to the Serbs

Alex Petrovic


The Caucasian Avars who conquered the Balkans have given Serbia, Crna Gora, and Croatia the names each respectively bears today. In the Lesghian-Avar language, the Balkan Crna Gora carries the same toponym of the land they left behind in the Caucasus: also called Crna Gora, now part of Daghestan. In the Lesghian-Avar language: Srbi means "people." Also, in the Lesghian-Avar language: Albania is the land they called their homeland, neighboring Armenia, once known as Ancient Caucasian Albania, dating back 2,000 years ago, but still found in old maps. Yet the name Albania derived from the Illyrian tribe Albanoi. The Illyrian mercenaries took part in the campaign of Alexander the Great in India. Some of these tribes settled in the Caucasus region while others continued the journey towards India. Illyrian foot-soldiers created military stations for the Macedonian army for a safe return. The very name Albania has no cognates in Caucasian languages so it is not a native eponym. The name Albanoi derives from Indo European Root / lemma: albho-: 'white'.


Obviously the ancestors of the Serbs, Montenegrins, and Croats were Avar tribes (not to be confused with Mongol tribes near Siberia) from the Caucasus, however the indigenous people such as the Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians, and Slav retainers, were fussed with them, giving mixed signals to us all today. Serbs and Croats think they are pure Slavs, which they are not. The Montenegrins think they are Polabs who have been christianized by Rome, which is not true.

The Avars  were totally assimilated by the Thracians and Slavs, and their vestiges live on in Serbs, Montenegrins and Croats so does their spirit. The Council of Chalcedon changed many things for them but they continued to exist as part of the Khazar Confederacy (Khazar is a Turkic word for Georgians or Circassians) always keeping Byzantine ties rather than Latin ones. They paid great heed to their dead and had 26 tribes, including clans, like the Montenegrins.



Contemporary historians on the Serbs


Most of the Balkans had been part of the Roman Empire since the first century AD. When, in the fourth century, the decision was taken to divide the empire between Rome and Constantinople, the area was home to a mix of peoples such as Greeks, Thracians, Illyrians, Romans, Dacians and many others. There were no Slavs though. The Slavonic-speaking peoples began to migrate to the Balkans only in the early sixth century. At first they came as raiders, but by the seventh century they began to settle.


Some contend that the Slavs came from the land between the Danube and the Carpathian mountains. Others believe that they came from the Caucasus and that they were ruled by an Iranian-derived elite. What can be said with certainty is that, unlike the earlier raiding Goths and Huns who left no lasting traces in the Balkans, the Slavs came to stay. By the 580s they were a powerful force, although they appear often to have fought as subordinates to the more powerful Avars, who lived roughly in the area of modern Hungary.


The constant warfare of this period led to the depopulation of large areas into which the Slavs were to move. These first Slavs cannot be identified as Serbs, Croats or Bulgarians -- they were 'undifferentiated' Sllavs. These three named tribes were now to arrive by diverse routes. The Croats migrated from the kingdom they had established during their migrations in southern Poland. The Serbs moved to the Balkans after briefly settling in areas that now fall within the Czech lands. It is also possible that there is a connection with those areas of northeastern Germany, around Bautzen, where the Sorbs, a Slavonic-speaking community, still live.


Before these migrations, in the second century AD, Greek geographers wrote of an Iranian tribe called the Serbi or Serboi living on the River Don. Professor John Fine, one of the foremost historians of the region, writes that if the first Serbs and Croats, like the Turkic Bulgars, were not Slavs but Iranian, this is 'not important in the long run since the Iranians were a small minority in a population of Slavs. They quickly became assimilated by the Slavs and the resulting society was clearly Slavic (despite the non-Slavic origin of its ruling class).' Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, the Byzantine emperor and historian, writing in the mid-tenth century notes that some of the Serbs or Servloi were originally given land around Salonika at Serbia by the Emperor Heraclius (610-41) but that they had not stayed there, had migrated north of the Danube and had then turned southwards again.


While the origins of the Serbs and Croats are still shrouded in mystery it is clear that from the very beginning these two distinct but close tribes moved one beside the other. Their histories have always been entwined. How close the tribes were is attested by the fact that they spoke, and still speak, virtually the same language. The Slav spread through the Balkans carried on until about 800 when it not only stopped but, in certain areas such as Greece and Albania, appears to have been reversed.


Tim Juddah



"Most scholars believe either that both Serbs and Croats were Slavic tribes with Iranian castes, or that they were originally Iranian tribes which had acquired Slavic subjects... What is clear is that the Serbs and Croats had a similar and connected history from the earliest of times..."


N. Malcolm.



"The Slavs settled in Bosnia (as well as Serbia, Croatia, and Montenegro) in the late sixth and early seventh centuries. They appeared in small tribal units but were drawn from a single Slavic confederation-the Slaveni. Thus the Bosnians come from the same Slavic base as today's Serbs and Croats. In the second quarter of the seventh century, the Croatians (who were probably of Iranian origin) invaded and asserted their overlordship over the Slavs (Slaveni) in Croatia and parts of Bosnia. In regions to the south and east of Bosnia, the Serbs (also probably Iranians) came to predominate over the Slavs there."

John V. A. Fine



The so called 'pure race' is an idealized point of view of anthropologists. European people are not pure races. He who says to be racial and ethno-biological pure, in fact pleads for it own biological degeneration. Along with that Serbs and Croats are maybe not even Slavs, according to some ethnologists. During the ethnical waves that whipped across the Balkans between the 5th and 7th century, they arrived on the Balkans as two quite unimportant en not very crowded tribes, from their home countries White Croatia and White Serbia (that also in that time bounded towards each other) somewhere between Caucasus and Carpathian mountains. The Croats and the Serbs came on the 6th century on the Balkans (and quarreled since than about who came first) after they were expelled by the Mongols, and they came as foot-soldiers of the Avarian people. According to some scientists the word Serb 'Srb' and the word Croat 'Hrvat' even come from the Avaric language, which could be so because they can not be related to Slavic words.


Which leftovers are purely Croat, and which purely Serb? The Croatian historiographer from the 19th century Natko Nodilo wonders himself. 'I do not know the answer like an Englishman doesn't know the difference between the old Angelic and Saxon heathens.

The Serb Name in the Caucasus Region




The Republic of Georgia:

Serbaisi, Georgia, Republic of Page

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Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

41° 57' 0N

Long (DMS)

43° 17' 60E

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Serebryannoye, Georgia, Republic of Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

43° 22' 0N

Long (DMS)

40° 47' 60E

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Serebryanoye, Georgia, Republic of Page

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Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

43° 19' 42N

Long (DMS)

40° 51' 14E

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Serebryanyy, Georgia, Republic of Page





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Lat (DMS)

43° 22' 0N

Long (DMS)

40° 47' 60E

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Serebryanyy, Georgia, Republic of Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

43° 22' 0N

Long (DMS)

40° 47' 60E

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Serebovski, Azerbaijan Page

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Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

40° 23' 44N

Long (DMS)

49° 58' 25E

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Serebrovskiy, Azerbaijan Page

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Lat (DMS)

40° 23' 44N

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49° 58' 25E

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Seri-abad, Azerbaijan Page

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Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

39° 22' 25N

Long (DMS)

48° 34' 36E

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Ser-Abad, Azerbaijan Page

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Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

39° 22' 42N

Long (DMS)

48° 35' 51E

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There are also countless Serb toponyms (too many to list) found all over Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Czech and Slovak Republics, Poland, Germany to attest to the migration of Serbs from the Caucasus to northern Europe and to their present location in the Balkans.


At first we find the Serb name in the above mentioned locations in the Caucasus. Then we find the Serb name breaking into two directions with one branch shifting NORTHWEST out of the Caucasus region into southern Russia towards the Ukraine and Central Europe. We find the Serb name moving across the Ukraine and along the Carpathians into Central Europe. It is appropriate to note that the in the third century Roman emperor Licinius referred to the Carpathians as 'Serb mountains'.


We find another row of Serb toponyms moving northeast from the Caucasus towards the base of the Ural mountains. At the base of the Ural mountains we find a cluster of Serb toponyms. We can conclude that this branch of Serbs settled there for a period of time. Then we notice Serb toponyms moving in two directions. One going eastbound deep into Asia moving along the Kama river and the other going WESTBOUND following the river Volga into Ukraine Poland. It is likely that this divergent movement happened because of a disagreement between the Serb tribal leaders of this tribe of 'Ural Serbs'. This faction which moved WESTBOUND eventually met up with the first group of Serbs which immediately left the Caucasus for Central Europe, as the direction of toponyms shows. This land eventually became to be called 'White Serbia' by Konstantine Porphyrogenitus.


We can conclude based on the distance of toponyms one from the other that they are the most dense in the modern Czech Republic, Western Ukraine, and southern Poland as well as Eastern Germany. This may have been the size of the 'White Serbia' which Porphyrogenitus spoke of. It would have been even by modern standards a large European nation. South of it was 'White Croatia' as we can tell by Croatian toponyms in Slovak and Hungarian lands.


Having migrated from the southern Caucasus to the north, as we can see by the shift in the toponyms northward, we see other Serb toponyms moving eastward towards the Ural mountains and the Kama river and we even find Serb toponyms along Russia's border with China. It would appear that when the Serbs left the Caucasus region they split into two groups moving in separate directions. One moved into the southern Ukraine and along the Carpathians into Northern Europe the other eastbound to the base of the Ural mountains. We see a string of Serb toponyms from there moving westbound along the Volga and another string on the same longitude moving eastbound deep into Siberia. Along the coast of the Sea of Japan there are two towns named 'Serbia' and two other towns named after the Serb toponym Rashka (a name the Serbs took to them wherever they went; it is distinctly Serb and not Slavic, it might have meant river, this would explain the many hydronyms derived from 'Rash' in Poland, Germany and Russia where Old Serbs settled).


Serb toponyms aren't thrown around Europe and Asia randomly, they are often in rows and lines one after the other, moving in a particular direction:


1. northwest from the Caucasus along present the Carpathians into Central Europe.

2. northeast from the Caucasus to the Urals into Siberia.

3. from the Urals westbound to Central Europe.



It is wisest to conclude that diverging Serb toponyms mark the path various Serb tribes took while they were migrating from the Caucasus to Europe and Asia. Interestingly the migrations are not in accordance to Slavic migrations, thus implying that Serbs were overlords to the Slavs and migrated and existed together with the Slavs.


Here are the locations of Serb toponyms in alphabetical order:

Sarbai 58N 49E 152 498

Sarbaktuy 51N 116E 557 1827

Sarbala 53N 87E 232 761

Sarbala 60N 43E 111 364

Sarbalin 54N 74E 103 337

Sarbalyk 55N 76E 110 360

Sarbayevo 55N 45E 249 816

Sarbay 51N 57E 412 1351

Sarbay 52N 56E 182 597

Sarbay 53N 51E 198 649

Sarbay 54N 56E 145 475

Sarbay 58N 49E 152 498

Sarba 55N 76E 110 360

Sarbiya 52N 57E 696 2283

Serbilovo 56N 40E 157 515

Serbinka 51N 43E 181 593

Serbinka 52N 36E 246 807

Serbino-Vedenyapina 51N 43E 175 574

Serbino-Vedenyapino 51N 43E 175 574

Serbinovka 54N 73E 128 419

Serbinovskiy 49N 40E 183 600

Serbino 53N 40E 160 524

Serbino 58N 28E 55 180

Serbin 45N 38E 16 52

Serboyan 55N 83E 155 508

Serbilovo 56N 40E 157 515

Serbinka 51N 43E 181 593

Serbinka 52N 36E 246 807

Serbino-Vedenyapina 51N 43E 175 574

Serbino-Vedenyapino 51N 43E 175 574

Serbinovka 54N 73E 128 419

Serbinovskiy 49N 40E 183 600

Serbino 53N 40E 160 524

Serbino 58N 28E 55 180

Serbin 45N 38E 16 52

Serbiya 51N 37E 209 685

Serbiya 52N 57E 696 2283

Serbiya 64N 142E 564 1850

Serbolovo 57N 30E 94 308

Sorbala 60N 43E 111 364

Sirbishina 57N 60E 218 715

Sirbishino 57N 60E 218 715

Srbce 49N 17E 328 1076

Srbce 49N 16E 397 1302

Srbce 50N 15E 194 636

Srbetsch 50N 13E 330 1082

Srbe¡ 50N 13E 330 1082

Srbice 49N 13E 487 1597

Srbice 49N 13E 433 1420

Srbice 49N 14E 495 1624

Srbice 50N 13E 207 679

Srbsko 49N 14E 270 885

Srbsko 50N 15E 317 1040

Srbská Kamenice 50N 14E 318 1043

Srbská 50N 15E 354 1161

Srby 49N 13E 407 1335

Srby 49N 12E 399 1309

Srby 50N 14E 426 1397

Srbín 49N 14E 439 1440



Here are the locations of RASH toponyms in order of appearance:


Roshka, Georgia, Republic of Page

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Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

42° 32' 47N

Long (DMS)

44° 55' 22E

Altitude (meters)



Roshka-Khorkhi, Gora, Georgia, Republic of Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 4.76, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

42° 34' 9N

Long (DMS)

44° 49' 33E

Altitude (meters)



From here, the Serbs move to two directions one NORTHEAST towards the Urals, the other NORTHWEST towards Central and Eastern Europe.



(behind the Urals)

Rashkina, Russia Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

59° 57' 0N

Long (DMS)

61° 34' 60E

Altitude (meters)



Here is where there is a cluster of Serb toponyms as well. This must have been where this Serb tribe settled for a period of time. But then, one branch moved EASTBOUND deep into Siberia... to the coast of the Sea of Japan...

Rashkino, Russia Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

43° 40' 0N

Long (DMS)

131° 43' 0E

Altitude (meters)


Here we find two cities named Serbia and two named after Rashka.



Rashkovichi, Ukraine Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 4.02, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

52° 6' 19N

Long (DMS)

34° 4' 18E

Altitude (meters)





Rashkov, Ukraine Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.08, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

48° 30' 0N

Long (DMS)

26° 18' 0E

Altitude (meters)



Rashkov, Ukraine Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.26, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

0° 0' 0S

Long (DMS)

25° 25' 0E

Altitude (meters)

305 lat=48.7333&long=25.4167&name=Rashkov&cty=Ukraine&alt=1003

Rashkuv, Ukraine Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.30, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

48° 43' 60N

Long (DMS)

25° 25' 0E

Altitude (meters)


Rashovka, Ukraine Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 13' 0N

Long (DMS)

33° 53' 60E

Altitude (meters)


Raska, Ukraine Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.59, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 45' 0N

Long (DMS)

29° 36' 0E

Altitude (meters)




We see a row of Serb toponyms throughout northern Poland and Russia. It is likely that when the Volga Serbs split into two separate tribes moving in two separate directions, the row of Serb toponyms moving through northern Russia and Poland and Ukraine may have been the route taken by this westbound group of Volga Serbs to meet up wit the first group of Serbs which immediately moved from the Caucasus into Central Europe.

Rasy, Poland Page

Very abbreviated output: load average is 19.24, which is greater than 3 (weather) and 8 (nearby links).





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

51° 25' 0N

Long (DMS)

19° 22' 60E

Altitude (meters)



Raszczyce, Poland Page

Very abbreviated output: load average is 15.64, which is greater than 3 (weather) and 8 (nearby links).





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 7' 0N

Long (DMS)

18° 18' 0E

Altitude (meters)



Raszelki, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 6.22, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

0° 0' 0S

Long (DMS)

18° 45' 0E

Altitude (meters)

120 lat=51.7500&long=18.7500&name=Raszelki&cty=Poland&alt=396


Raszewo, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.28, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

52° 28' 0N

Long (DMS)

20° 16' 0E

Altitude (meters)


Raszewy, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 5.22, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

51° 43' 0N

Long (DMS)

17° 8' 60E

Altitude (meters)


Raszewy, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 4.26, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

52° 4' 60N

Long (DMS)

17° 36' 0E

Altitude (meters)


Raszkówek, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.40, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

51° 43' 0N

Long (DMS)

17° 43' 60E

Altitude (meters)


Raszków, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 4.61, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 28' 60N

Long (DMS)

16° 30' 0E

Altitude (meters)


Raszków, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.69, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 34' 60N

Long (DMS)

19° 55' 60E

Altitude (meters)


Raszków, Poland Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

51° 43' 0N

Long (DMS)

17° 43' 60E

Altitude (meters)


Raszowa, Poland Page





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 22' 60N

Long (DMS)

18° 10' 0E

Altitude (meters)


Raszowa, Poland Page

Abbreviated output: load average is 3.14, which is greater than 3.





Altitude (feet)


Lat (DMS)

50° 36' 0N

Long (DMS)

18° 7' 0E

Altitude (meters)









Serbs (in their language: Срби, transliteration: Srbi) are a south Slavic people which lives mostly in Serbia and Montenegro and Republika Srpska.





Most Serbs live in the traditional Serbian heartland of Serbia and Montenegro. Large Serb populations also live in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, (where they are a constituent nation) principally in the Republika Srpska, one of the country's two largely autonomous entities). Much smaller Serb minorities also exist in Hungary, Macedonia and Romania.


The largest urban populations of Serbs in the former Yugoslavia are to be found in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Banja Luka in Bosnia. Abroad, Chicago has the largest Serb population followed by Toronto (note that Chicago has more Serbs than Novi Sad). Serbs constitute 63% of the population of Serbia, about 7 million people in all, and another 11 million people abroad claim Serbian descent.




The etymology of the word "Serb" (root: Srb) is not known. Numerous theories exist, but neither could be said to be certain or even probable:


Some believe that the name is of Sarmatian origin. The main weakness of this theory is that because next to nothing is known about the Sarmatian language, virtually any word of unknown origin could be Sarmatian.

Some believe that the name is of Iranian origin. Of which word exactly is unclear.

Some believe that the name comes from the word sebar or peasant. However, as peasants did not exist in pre-medieval times while the name did, this seems unlikely.

Others say that the name comes from saborac or co-fighter. This could make sense but the words are too far apart. It is possible that saborac comes from sebar (that sebar sometimes meant co-fighter), which would make this theory more interesting but there is not much basis for this claim either.


However, one thing is certain: the name is very old. It is clearly a self-identification and not a given name as its root cannot be found in western European languages.


Regardless of the origin, the age and rarity of the name allows for certain historical conclusions based partly on it (for example, see Gordoservon below).

While Ukrainians and krajischniks (their names coming from Slavic word for "mark") or Slovaks and Slovenes (obvious variations of "Slavs") need not be related, Serbs and Sorbs may well be. Some have taken this to the extreme, creating theories that link Serbs with Sarmatians, Sirmium, Serbona, Siberia and so on. 





Early references to "Serboi"

The tribal designation Serboi first appears in the 1st century Geography of Ptolemy (book 5, 9.21) to designate a tribe dwelling in Sarmatia, probably on the Lower Volga River. The name reappears, in the form Serbioi, in the 10th century scholar-emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos' advice on running an empire, De administrando imperio (32.1-16), and in the continuation of Theophanes' history, the Theophanes Continuatus (288.17-20), usually in the same context as the Croatians, Zachlumians, and other peoples of Pannonia and Dalmatia.

Constantine VII gives an unlikely derivation of the name from the Latin 'servi', which he explains as 'douloi' (slaves) of Roman emperors. He relates that the Serboi are descended from the "unbaptized" (pagan) Serboi who lived in the place called Boiki near Frankia (Bohemia?), and that they claimed the protection of Emperor Heraclius (reigned 610-641), who settled them in the province of Thessalonica. Constantine's assertion is regarded with some skepticism by modern scholars; since the 19th century it has been commonly held that Serbs came to the Balkan peninsula in the 6th century. Kekaumenos, the 11th century Byzantine general, locates the Serboi on the Sava River (268.28), as does The Chronicle of Nestor, but this is not considered particularly reliable.


The Slavs came to the Balkans from a broad region in central and eastern Europe, which extended from the rivers Elbe in the west to the Dneiper in the east and from a point which touched the Carpathian mountains in the south and the river Niemen in the north. Their settlement in the Balkans appears to have taken place between 610 and 640. Different tribes settled in different parts of the Balkan peninsula, subsequently developing their distinct identities.


A mention of the Serbian name in 680 is about a city of Gordoservon in Asia Minor where "some Slavic tribes" have settled. Gordoservon appears to be a distorted spelling of Grad Srba, "City of Serbs" in Serbian.


The first certain data on the state of the Serboi, Serbia, dates to the 9th century. The episcopal lists of Leo VI mention bishops of Drougoubiteia and the Serbioi. Envoys of the Serboi arrived at the court of the Emperor Basil II, around 993.


In the 11th century there was probably a theme of Serbia: a seal impression of Constantine Diogenes, strategos of Serbia, is preserved. Around 1040 Theophilos Erotikos was the governor of the Serboi until he was expelled by Stefan Voislav, who reportedly conquered the territory of the Serboi and became its 'archon'. T. Wasilewski (1964) surmised that this theme was the same as Sirmium, whereas Dj. Radojcic (1966) thinks that it was Raska, only temporarily governed by the Byzantines.



The name Avar is probably of Roman origin and it meant greedy people.

Root / lemma: au̯-7, au̯ē-, au̯ēi-

Meaning: `to like; to help, *desire'

German meaning: `gern haben'; daher einerseits `verlangen', andrerseits `begünstigen, hilfreich sein'

    lat. aveō, -ēre (basis au̯ē[i]- as in preceding) ` be eager, have a wild desire, long for, desire ', avidus ` desiring, longing for; esp. greedy for money, avaricious ', avārus ` covetous, greedy ';

The eponym of Croat Hrvat people as they prefer to be called, stemmed probably from the royal title of an Avar tribal leader called Kovrat.

Kubrat (also Kurt, Kovrat, Kobrat, Kuvrat, Kubert, Korbat, Qobrat, Khudbard, Kuvarog, Krovat Kurbat and even Bashtu) was an early Bulgar ruler .

He was of the house of Dulo, Dub or Duba. He was of Avar paternal line, son of Balt-Avar Alburi, and Bulgar  maternal line.

Kubrat was endorsed by Khan Sibir as the first king of Onogur , the 2nd Avar dynasty. Under his and his son Bayan's rule, Avaria grew to stretch from the Danube to the Volga  rivers. In 619 CE he arrived as hostage in Constantinople and was soon baptized. His maternal uncle Organa (also Organ or Ornag) acted as regent over his tribe the Unogundur until he was old enough to rule. Kubrat established peace with Byzantium , due to his respect for Byzantine culture. He was buried near Poltava  (from Balt-Avar, meaning Chief of Avars). His Kurgan  was excavated in 1912 .

After Kubrat's death, Bezmer (also called Bezmes Bayan and Batbayan) inherited his rule, but soon other "sons" led factions of the once great empire in secession. The first, called Kotrag after the tribes he led, moved up the Volga  to found the state of Great Bulgaria . Then Ultzindur or Balkor led a rebel Kuber tribe into Pannonia  only to break away and move south. Atilkese, moved southwest from Ukraine  with his horde to join these Bulgars south of the Danube  and eventually founded the state of Bulgaria there. Emnetzur, who was based in Pannonia sought refuge from the ensuing chaos for his Altsikurs in the west with the Lombards.


List of Bulgarian monarchs:

the two legendary rulers

•          Avitokhol

•          Irnik


•          Gostun

•          Organa, regent (? - 619)

the Dulo clan (? - 740, before 808 - 976)

•          Kubrat (584-642)

•          Benzmer (642-643)

•          Asparukh (643-700)

•          Tervel (701-718)

•          name unknown, Tervel's successor (718-724)

•          Sevar (725-740)

the Ukil clan (739-761, 764-766)

•          Kormisosh (739-756)

•          Vinekh (756-761)

•          Subin (764-766)

•          Umar (766)


The word Avars can mean:

•          The nomadic people that conquered the Hungarian Steppe in the early Middle Ages, the Eurasian Avars.

•          The modern people of Caucasus, mainly of Dagestan, Caucasian Avars.


Bulgars (also Bolgars) a people of Central Asia, probably originally Pamirian, whose branches became slavicized and perhaps Turkic over time. The Turkic etymology most often given for their name is Bulgha meaning mixed, though it might also be from Varkun.

Bolgars moved west from the lower-middle Volga river AD to control the second Avar dynasty of Onoguria (in Ukraine) by the mid-7th century. The group then split into two.


Onogur or Onoghur was the name of the European Avar federation spreading from Pannonia to the Kuban during their 2nd Dynasty under the rule of the Bolgar house of Dulo (also Dub or Dubo, of the Unogundur tribe of Bolgars) from 635-685CE. It was during this dynasty that Pannonia came to be known as Hungary by its neighbours. It is most frequently refered to as Great Bulgaria.


The Danube (Bulgarian Dunav, German Donau, Greek Ister, Hungarian Duna, Latin Danubius, Romanian Dunãrea, Serbian and Croatian Dunav, Slovak Dunaj, Ukrainian Dunay) is the second-longest river in Europe (the Volga being the longest).

It is the only major European river to flow from west to east. It rises in Germany in the Black Forest as two smaller rivers called Brigach and Breg, which join in Donaueschingen and are called Donau henceforth, flowing south-east for a distance of about 2850 km (1770 miles), to the Black Sea in Romania where the Danube Delta is.


Constantinople (Roman name: Constantinopolis; Greek: Konstantinoupolis or Κωνσταντινούπολη) is the former name of the city of Istanbul in Turkey. Its original name was Byzantium (Greek: Byzantion or Bυζαντιον.

"Constantinople" is an Anglicization of Konstantinoupolis, which means "City of Constantine." The name is a reference to the Roman emperor of Illyrian descent Constantine I who made it the capital of the Roman Empire on May 11, 330 AD. Constantine named the city Nova Roma (New Rome), but that name never came into common use.


Byzantium was an ancient Greek city, founded by colonists from Megara in 667 BC and named after their king Byzantas. The name "Byzantium" is a Latinization of the original Greek name Byzantion (Βυζάντιον).

After siding with Pescennius Niger against the victorious Septimius Severus the city was besieged and suffered extensive damage in AD 186.


Poltava is a city and oblast center in the Poltava oblast of eastern Ukraine with some 315,000 inhabitants as of 1989.

The city belonged to Lithuania from the 14th century. Polish administration took over in 1569. In 1667 Poltava became part of Russia.


A kurgan is a type of burial mound heaped over a burial chamber, often of wood, that was characteristic of Bronze Age nomadic peoples of the steppes, from the Altai to the Caucasus and Romania. Within the burial chamber at the heart of the kurgan, members of the elite were buried with grave goods and sacrificial offerings, sometimes including horse-sacrifices.

In 1956 Marija Gimbutas introduced her "Kurgan hypothesis" combining archaeology from the distinctive "Kurgan' burial mounds with linguistics to unravel the problem of the origins of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) speaking peoples. She tentatively named the culture "Kurgan" and traced its migrations into Europe. This hypothesis, and the act of bridging the disciplines, has had a significant impact on Indo-European research.


Bulgaria, called today Volga Bulgaria or İdel Bolğaristan, is a historic state that existed between the 7th and 13th centuries around the confluence of the Volga and Kama Rivers. Today, Tatarstan is considered to be the descendant of Bulgaria (in terms of territory and people).

Bulgaria was founded by Kotrag Khan, son of Kubrat Khan around 660. The capital was Bulgar (Bolğar) city, located 160 km south of the modern city of Kazan, Tatarstan, today Bolğar town.


Pannonia is an ancient Illyrian country bounded north and east by the Danube, conterminous westward with Noricum and upper Italy, and southward with Illyrian Dalmatia and upper Illyrian Moesia.

Its original inhabitants were the Illyrian Pannonii (sometimes called Paeonii by the Greeks). From the 4th century BC it was invaded by various Celtic tribes. Little is heard of Pannonia until 35 BC, when its inhabitants, allies of the Illyrian Dalmatians, were attacked by Augustus, who conquered and occupied Siscia (Sisak). The country was not, however, definitely subdued until 9 BC, when it was incorporated with Illyria, the frontier of which was thus extended as far as the Danube.


Ukraine, formerly The Ukraine, is a country in eastern Europe which borders the Black Sea to the south, the Russian Federation to the east, Belarus to the north and Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova to the west. Its name derived from slav. kraina 'country' from earlier:

Proto-Slavic form: krajь

Page in Trubačev: XII 88-89

Old Church Slavic: krai `edge, end'

Russian: kraj `edge, country, land' [m jo]

Czech: kraj `edge, end, region' [m jo]

Slovak: kraj `edge, end, region' [m jo]

Polish: kraj `edge, country, land' [m jo]

Serbo-Croatian: krāj `edge, (dial.) bank, end, beginning' [m jo]

Slovene: kràj `edge, bank, end' [m jo]



It is very easy to identify Croats and Serbs as descendants of Avar and Sabar tribes. Avars were very proud of their name. They were so pathologically obsessed with their Avar identity that they added the suffix -ava to every German, Illyrian, or Greek city which they conquered. Of all Mongolian - Turkic savages who scorched Illyria, Thrace and Macedonia, only Huns in Illyrian Pannonia (numerically superior to Slavs) preserved their archaic language, although a huge part of their vocabulary is part of Pannonian substratum.

Although Sabars and Avars lost their ancient non-Indo European language against their Slavic subjects [the same fate suffered by Bulgars in Thrace], they would retain their Avar names.

If that was not enough Avars added the suffix -va, -vic to surnames of their children. Virtually all Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, Slovenians, Bosnians, Slav Macedonians bear the hallmarks of Sabar, Avar ancestry by adding the Avar formant to their surname.

Albanians are exempt of the Avar custom of adding -va , -vic formant to their surname frequently found among the Slavs. Unfortunately many Illyrian cities in Koso-vo (earlier Dardania), Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and even in Albania (once invaded by Bulgarians and later Serbs) still bear the infamous Avar -va formant. But no Albanian words share the Avar suffixes. Morphologically speaking the suffix -va is unknown to Albanian dialects which preserve the grammatical code of the ancient Albanoi, an Illyrian dialect.


The phenomenon of conquering immigrant groups adopting the language of its surrounding subjects takes place when the subjugated population is culturally and numerically superior to their new rulers. The Scandinavian Normans adopted the Romance French language in Normandy, while their ruling kinsmen in England adopted Anglo-Saxon; the Germanic Franks, Merovingians and Carolingians adopted the Romance French language; the Nordic Visigoths adopted the Romance Spanish language; the Germanic Lombards adopted the Romance Italian language, and the Tungus Manchu adopted the Chinese language of their subjects. Slowly Mongol races would blend with Slavs who gained from the alien races not only their Asian name but also the slanted eyes, dark hair and such brutality unknown to mankind. Therefore Croats, Serbs and Bulgarians were those non-Indo European hordes that ravaged Europe but finally were defeated and lost their respective languages against superior Slavs. Yet the Mongolian venom still flowed in their veins as they prepared for the final slaughter - the carnage of one of the oldest Aryan people, the Illyrians.


The Caucasus

A high mountain range extending across the land between the Caspian and Black Seas, this region has collected a tremendously varied number of small enclaves of cultures who have found life on the steppes to the north or the semi-arid plateau regions to the south too inhospitable.

ABASGIA Also known as Abkhazia or Akhazia, it is a mountainous district along the east coast of the Black Sea, to the northeast of Georgia.

ARMENIA Armenia has nearly always been a client or province to some great empire or other, but it has always survived as well. A client-Kingdom of Rome during late Classical times, a Principality was established in the Dark Ages, which was raised to the status of a Kingdom in 885. Note carefully that there have been several Armenias, often with the same or very similar names. This list begins with Greater Armenia, which was based around the Ararat valley. Sophene was a state located between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. Lesser Armenia was between the Euphrates and the upper reaches of the Lycos, in Galatia and southern Pontus. An entirely different Lesser Armenia, often called Armenia Minor, was in southern Anatolia around the province of Cilicia.

ARMENIAN PATRIARCHATE As can be appreciated above, the Armenian people have seldom held a secure and independent realm of their own, but have often been at the mercy of the neighbours. In some ways resembling Diaspora Jewry in that Armenians have normally been found as isolated communities throughout the Middle East, their religion has been a powerful source of unity to them, and has been enormously influential in preserving the identity of the culture. Since the 15th century, the seat of the Patriarchate has been in the ancient city of Etchmiadzin, about 10 miles west of the current Armenian capital of Yerevan, and about 7 miles north of the Armenian/Turkish frontier. The Armenian Church is a Monophysite communion, and therefore is most closely related to Syrian and Coptic branches of Christianity. For a neighbouring Church hierarchy, Eastern Orthodox in it's theology, see below, the Georgian Patriarchate.

ARRAN Western Azerbaijan, south of Chechnya.

AVARISTAN The Caucasian Avars are an ethnic group living in southern Dagestan. Any connection between them and the Avars who invaded central Europe and the Balkans in the early Dark Ages is problematic: these Avars speak a Caucasic tongue akin to Circassian and Lak rather than the Turko-Mongolic language the Balkan Avars are thought to have used. Still, the name is suggestive - sundered folk do sometimes adopt divergent speech, and the issue is not satisfactorily resolved. They were Georgian Orthodox Christians during the early Middle Ages, but Sunni Islam is the dominant faith today. The Avars number approximately 600,000 and are now scattered throughout Georgia, Southern Russia, and Azerbaijan.

AZERBAIJAN The eastern end of the Caucasus Mountains, aside the southwest coast of the Caspian Sea. See also Baku, the modern capital, and Atropatene for the southern reaches of this area.

BAKU A Khanate created after the death of of Persian Emperor Nadir Shah Afshar in 1747 and abolished at the beginning of the 19th century by the Russians. Today's capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

BALKARIA The Balkars are a Turkic-speaking people of the North Caucasus with heavy Persian lingusitic influence. They are of diverse origin, including Hunnic, Cuman, Khazar, Alan and Caucasic elements. They were pastoral nomads until the 1700s, when Islam was introduced and they settled in the highlands of northwest Circassia. In 1921 the Balkar District was established under Soviet power. In 1922, it became part of the Kabardino-Balkar Autonomous province, that in 1936 was made an autonomous republic. In 1943/44, many Balkars were deported and scattered throughout Kazakhstan and Central Asia, accused of having cooperated with the Germans. They returned in 1957. Their limited influence in Kabardino-Balkaria has led to a rise in Pan-Turkic ideology among the Balkars. In 1991, they joined the Assembly of Turkic peoples, a regional economic consortium which consists of Azerbaijanis, Kumyks, Nogay and Balkars.

CHECHNYA An upland district in north central Caucasus, lying just to the west of Dagestan. The region has always been situated on the very edge of great empires either to the north, the south, or both; consequently, it has seen incessant raids and occupations from many sources for most of it's history.

CIRCASSIA A region located in the foothills north of the Caucasus. The inhabitants, a sturdy, handsome folk with many often rapacious neighbors, have developed a warrior culture as a response to repeated invasions and slaving raids

COLCHIS Technically the name of the people living here; their state was called Colchida - but "Colchis" is the term best recognized from Hellenic usage. It was an ancient Kingdom at the southeastern end of the Black Sea, the supposed home of the sorceress Medea, and the location of the Golden Fleece. There is gold in the mountains adjacent to the coast, and a common method of extraction in ancient times was to stream gold-bearing water over a wool hide.

DAGESTAN Northern and eastern Caucasus, approaching the central western Caspian coast. The Murid Imams of the 19th century were the source of considerable resistence to Russian advances in the region, and succeeded in gaining independence from Russian occupation for a time after 1834.

GEORGIA A fabled land, in ancient times known as the home of the golden fleece.

GEORGIAN PATRIARCHATE In similar fashion to the Armenian Patriarchs listed above, these are the spiritual leaders of the Georgian people. The Armenian Church is a Monophysite communion, however, and has more in common thereby with Jacobite and Coptic Hierarchies. The Georgian Church is a part of the Eastern Orthodox communion, although it is fully independent as such and not within the authority of any of the other Patriarchates.

GHAZI-GHUMUQ The kingdom of the Laks, a North Caucasian people related to the Caucasian Avars, Lezgins, and (distantly) the Circassians and Abkhaz. The Laks controlled significant portions of what is now Daghestan. A very warlike people, they managed to repel attacks from such invaders as Batu Khan, Timur Lenk, and Nadir Shah.

GURIA A Georgian district in the north, near Mingrelia.

ILISU A tiny Muslim sultanate on the border between Azerbaijan and Georgia.

IMERETI A Georgian district, intermittently independent.

INGUSHETIA (Galgaachia) Ingushetia, or "Galgaachia" in the native tongue, is the smallest constituent republic of the Russian Federation, located in the northern Caucasus. The Ingush people are closely related to the Chechens and speak a similar language.

KABARDA A Circassian principality in the Northwest Caucasus. The Kabardins were closely tied historically with the Balkars, a Turkic ethnic group of the same region. Today Kabarda comprises the dominant part of Kabardino-Balkaria, an autonomous republic within Russia.

KARACHAI The Karachai, a Turkic people closely related to the Balkars were driven into the highlands of the North Caucasus by Mongols in the 13th century. Their territory was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1828 but they continued to resist Russian rule throughout the 19th century. In the 1920s Soviet authorities grouped the Karachai together with a Circassian tribe, the Cherkess, to form a single autonomous republic in an attempt to squelch the nationalism of each. Like many Turkic peoples of the Caucasus, the Karachai were largely imprisoned in Kazakhstan from 1943 until 1957, allegedly for collaberation with the Germans. Today the Karachai are heavily Russified and exhibit much lower nationalist tendencies than other Caucasian peoples.

KAYTAK A Caucasian people who converted to Islam in the 8th century. They were vassals of the Laks in Dagestan from around the 10th century but eventually became an important princedom in South Dagestan, with a population composed of Lak, Dargwan and Kumyk elements. In 1806, the Kaytak became a Russian protectorate. In 1819, the area between the mountains and the Caspian Sea was annexed by Russian General Emolov and in 1862, the mountain area followed.

KHAKHETI A Georgian district, intermittently independent.

KHAVKHAZIAA Hunnish Khanate centered on the cities of Vara'achan and Chungarsh in Dagestan, northwest of Azerbaijan.

KUBA A district in northern Azerbaijan; briefly in control of much of that region in the era between the disappearance of the Persian Safavids and the extension of Czarist Russian control of ther Caucasus.

LENKORAN A city on the Caspian coast in southeast Azerbaijan.

LORIAn Armenian district, occasionally autonomous.

MINGRELIAIn the northwestern Caucasus, north of Georgia and west of Chechnya and Dagestan.

NAKHCHIVAN An Azeri enclave located between Armenia, Turkey and Iran, centered on the city of Nakhchivan and including the regions of Nakhchivan, Sharur, Ordubad, Mehri-Gafan. During the late 1700's and early 1800's Nakhchivan was an independent Khanate; today it is a hotly-contested region between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

SHEKA A district in what is now northwestern Azerbaijan, intermittently autonomous or independent.

SIUNA (Sisacan) A province in eastern Armenia and western Azerbaijan, adjacent to Lake Sevan and normally a vassal of Armenia, Persia or some other foreign power.

SVANET'I The northwest coastal region of Georgia, just south of Abkhazia. The Svans are a Georgian sub-group.

TARKI An ancient coastal city long associated with the Scythians and Khazars, and long associated with the Kumyks of Dagestan. The Kumyks are probably descended from a mixture of indigenous Caucasic people and Turkic nomads who infiltrated the Daghestan region. They claim descent from the Khazars, but this claim is not widely accepted; the Kumyk language is a dialect of Kipchak (Cuman). First mentioned during Timur the Lame's campaign in 1395, they ruled a relatively large kingdom from the late 1400's until the late 1700's, holding many neighboring peoples as tributaries and dominating the northeast Caucasus. Their ruler was called the Shamkhal and ruled from Tarki. The Shamkhal was vassal of the Persian Shah, and in the same time entertained good relations with Russia and signed a treaty with the Turkish Empire.

YEREVAN Today the capital of the Republic of Armenia; but under Persian rule a small Azeri khanate grew up around the town in the early 1700s. It was not under Russian rule (and attached to Armenia generally) until 1828.




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