Authored by Brian Stabler of Chapel Hill North Carolina USA.

Brian is a professor and specialist in stress at the University of North Carolina Medical School, and is an 8 year survivour of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Brian successfully under went Rituxan therapy in North Carolina earlier this year of 1998.

Brian wrote this article because he found a gap in the information cycle related to Rituxan therapy.

Brian is currently woking with cancer patients who are strugglingling with the stresses of cancer.

For more information on Rituxan, please speak with your doctor or oncologist. Rituxan is available by prescription only.

(Therapy for low grade B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma)

How and why Rituxan works

Low grade non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) cells are not easy to spot by your cancer-fighting immune system. Rituxan works by attaching a biological "flag", called a monoclonal antibody, to proteins which are on the surface of the lymphoma cells. This makes it easier for your immune system to find the lymphoma cells and destroy them.This process is called biological response therapy or immunotherapy. The treatment acts by stimulating your body's own abililty to destroy cancer cells instead of relying on more toxic and less specific drugs. Thus there are different and generally less toxic side effects than with standard chemotherapy.
Rituxan is administered as an intravenous infusion (IV) once weekly for four weeks. You may have received chemotherapy or blood transfusions this same way in the past.
Many patients receive a second four week course of Rituxan after a brief "rest" period.
Rituxan had a complete or partial remission rate of 48% when tested in the early trials.

What you might experience while on treatment

Rituxan may cause the following discomforts : weakness, fatigue, sweating, chills and shaking (known as "rigors"), headache, breathlessness, racing heart, and muscle aches. Some people also develop a rash over various parts of their body, but this is not as typical.

Most patients experience some discomfort while Rituxan is being infused. These symptoms, although upsetting, are expected and will be managed by your physician and nurse by taking over-the-counter remedies (Benadryl and Tylenol) just prior to starting treatment to reduce any discomfort. It is important to remember that being alarmed by these symptoms is understandable. They need not frighten you since they are part of the response to treatment and indicate that the treatment is doing it's work. If you have concerns, please talk with your physician or nurse.

For some patients some of these symptoms can occur a day or two following therapy. All symptoms need to be reported to your physician who will make the necessary plans to treat them and reduce discomfort for the following treatment cycles.

Tips to help you with the Rituxan treatments

You will receive four infusions of Rituxan at weekly intervals. Treatment generally take longer in the first session because the Rituxan is given to you slowly. This allows the medical staff to observe your reactions and make adjustments as necessary. For the first session this may take 4 to 5 hours during which time you will be either in a comfortable reclining chair, or in a bed. One of the medications you will be given (Benadryl) makes you drowsy and so it is necessary to have someone accompany you for each infusion in order to drive you home afterwards. All treatment is done on an outpatient basis.
Lying quietly for several hours can be hard for even the best of patients and so planning for diversions during this time is a good idea. Some people bring along a book or magazine to read, others a crossword puzzle, many folks like to use a portable audiotape/CD player with headphones to help them while away the time.
Most centers where you will be treated have soft drinks or snacks available, but you may prefer to bring along your own favorites. The treatments are likely to go through a lunch hour and so you may want to check with your doctor or nurse about having a snack.
Bringing your own pillow or cover can also make the experience more comfortable, although everything you will need is readily available on site.
Because your visits to clinic will be regular you are likely to strike up new acquaintances during your infusion sessions. Some people use these opportunities to share their experiences with treatment, and often pick up invaluable new insights of their own.
You may want to use the audiotape relaxation and visualization exercises which accompany this brochure. These techniques are often useful ways of overcoming boredom and increasing a sense of wellbeing and optimism.
Finally, remember, if you experience any feelings of discomfort or unusual sensations let your nurse know immediately so that changes may be made in the infusion process.

Understanding and coping with physical symptoms

Patients report that if they are told ahead of time to expect discomforts, the effect is not so alarming. This knowledge and information is a vital part of your ability to cope with the stress of physical discomfort, fatigue, and worry that is a part of cancer treatment. Of course, remember that everyone has a slightly different experience and not everyone has the same combination of reactions to treatment.

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