About Me

The Shoot

Here at Azzura Photo we want you and your family to enjoy the whole experience of being photographed as much as you will love and cherish the end results. When you arrive at the studio at the prearranged appointment time you will be greeted with a smile and taken to the spacious waiting room for a coffee and a chat about your tastes and requirements so we can assess how to best approach your shoot.

Each shoot is up to a hour long and on average we will shoot between 200 –300 pictures to guarantee getting the great results you want. We recommend you bring a couple of outfits for the shoot to give you maximum choice about the look you want. We would also suggest avoiding busy patterns on your clothes as these can make the image confusing to the eye especially when in groups. We recommend classic simple clothes that wont date quickly e.g. Jeans plain shirts, t-shirts, plain blouses or dresses.

The shoot itself is very relaxed and fun for the kids we go to great lengths to put people at ease so that you and your families' personality come to the fore. "We produce portraits that are vibrant, stylish and modern to suit your home. We also promise you'll experience a level of service you'll want to tell all your friends about!"

We're so confident our images, if you're not pleased, we'll re-shoot your sitting at no charge!