The Catholic Church & The Pædophilia Scandal

©Prakash João Maskaren, 9th January, 2003. . This article has been written, largely, in rebuttal of the positions set out by the Doctors Colaco in their article, The Goan Forum: On Celibacy.
I have no desire to fight, yet fight I must, in order to defend the truth. Whenever someone misrepresents the Church and / or its doctrines, teachings, practices, etc., then I can either choose to be silent, and thus a criminal in God's eyes, or to reply and set the record correct.

In writing this rebuttal, I am supremely aware that I will need to attack the authors of the article personally, nor can I pretend, hypocritically, otherwise. I wish it were otherwise. However, when I must choose between acquiescing in evil by silence or by offending some or many, or even all, by defending the truth and contradicting erroneous positions, then I must, necessarily, choose the latter!

The Doctors Colaco wrote:
  1. "The eerie near-silence among many Catholics is striking!. It is possible that they are still in shock at these horrible revelations. It is possible that there are those who are hoping that this is just a bad dream. It is possible that they are just too ashamed or afraid to speak out."

  2. It has been a well known fact that those with the intent or tendency to molest use the cover & opportunity of certain organizations like the Scout movement, the Youth Correctional Services and the various religious establishments including the Catholic Church.

    We will even accept that the Catholic Church was infiltrated by individuals with such predatory tendencies.

  3. At the outset, we wish to state quite clearly our belief that homosexuality is a deviation from the norm. However, we have no right to moralize on the issue as we know not what goes on in the hearts, minds and bodies of individuals who externally appear to be male or female. Their situation is quite separate and apart from that of the predators whether they be homosexuals or heterosexuals.

  4. At the outset, let us agree on a few points: Consensual Sex between two responsible adults is NORMAL.

  5. Celibacy has NO theological basis. The first 40 Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, including St. Peter, were all married. Celibacy was enforced upon the priests somewhere in the Thirteenth century, possibly reflecting the misguided view that somehow, conjugal sexual intimacy was impure.

    As far as celibacy is concerned, it should be made optional and not compulsory. Lifelong celibacy is an unnatural state. It is an unnecessary burden on the priests. As long as it is enforced, it will be broken, that too in a clandestine fashion.

    Enforced celibacy is unworkable, isn't working, has no theological basis for existence and definitely is not worth it.

  6. Somehow, somewhere and at some point and time, ALL the major religions decided to give sex a bad name. In short, Celibacy is good, Sex bad. Just like saying Constipation is good, Normal bowel activity bad! However, Sex is NOT a sin as most religions have made it be.

  7. This counseling should be handled ONLY by those who have experience both in counseling and married life. We submit that unmarried priests generally, are in NO position to counsel anybody including priests, regarding marriage.

  8. The Catholic Church must invite an Independent agency to conduct a full and impartial inquiry into this horrible infiltration of its ranks by deviants.

Catholicism and Celibacy

The Doctors Colaco gratuitously set themselves up as teachers of the Catholic Faith and contemptuously rubbish two thousand years of Catholicism in order to exalt their own nonsense as the truth. When they say "Celibacy has NO theological basis" we are to understand that our Lord was a fool, the Apostles were fools, all the Saints, Martyrs, Doctors and Confessors of the Church, not to mention the innumerable Theologians, were all fools, except for our dear Colacos! "Celibacy has NO theological basis" is the most extravagant, extraordinary statement that a person, who purports to be a Christian, and, in this age and time, familiar with Holy Scriptures, can make!

I can sit down and quote Scripture texts after texts, but I think that it is better to let the Church speak for herself. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1910) article on Celibacy is sufficient refutation of the Colacos' ARRANT NONSENSE on this subject. Moreover, find here a short article The Theological Basis of Celibacy.

The Pædophilia Controversy has been dealt with by many persons on the Internet. As examples, I offer both my own page - Poisoned Tree Gives Poisonous Fruits, that of Pope Michael - Pædophilia, or of Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, son of the famous Indian Freedom-fighter, Ananta Coomaraswamy: Pædophilia. What evidence I provide in my article, together with other bits and pieces of evidence that any honest person can see, if they are willing to not be biased, shows that the Colacos' other contentions, too, are false.

That is, that these Pædophiles are an aberrant bunch, who have just infilterated the Church in order to prey.

There is neither a shred of evidence, or even the suggestion, ever offered at any time when such reports came up that either these aberrants were not originally from the same flock upon which they now prey, i.e. that they came in from other sects, or that they were already homosexuals and pædophiles even before they entered the clergy, which they indeed entered precisely for the purpose of preying, etc. Therefore, this suggestion seems to be made from whole cloth.

As a matter of fact, what becomes evident is that the Revolution in the Church, which Revolution has created this Caricature of the Catholic Church under its Caricatures of the Popes, the antipopes and heresiarchs Roncalli, Montini, Luciani and Wojtyla, is also the Revolution that has created this Pædophilia Monster.

This Pædophilia rests foursquare on the New Ideology, and cannot be separated from it.

And it also becomes evident that the only reason why the heirarchy of this church actively protects these pædophiles is because it recognizes that they are NOT aberrant, but that they are SUPREMELY faithful to it and its New Ideology! 'Birds of a feather flock together,' it is said, and in the like manner, a person of a type will protect and further others of his type!

Therefore, this "eerie silence" from the ministers and from the bishops, archbishops, cardinals, etc., is easily understood. It is NOT because they are shocked or ashamed into silence, but because they recognize that it is NORMAL and INTEGRAL to their New Ideology! This Silence is "Eerie" only to those laymen not in the know, not to the initiates and adepts of this sect.

Again, I wish to point out that, while it is possible that a few pædophiles could have gotten through, if they wanted to, (It takes years of Seminary training to become a priest!) it is impossible that any body would not discover at least a few of these persons who are foreign to its ideology and belief, and therefore, finding itself made a specific target by these unsavoury characters, should not set out to raise the alarm and to make a thorough check to discover the others. That this did not happen, and that this was not done only shows that this claim is utterly false, and is further proof that these persons are not infilterators, but INTERNAL products!

Regarding Point # 3: The question is not an open one: Males are males and females are females. Leave this type of rationalization to the irreligious rationalists. For Catholics to accept this type of rationalization is to make shipwreck of the faith.

We, as Christians, cannot accept the pretension that because a male believes himself to be "internally" a female, or vice versa, s/he is, in fact, a fe/male. To accept such a suggestion is to insinuate that God does not know his job and has made a mistake. It is necessary to point out that such ideas have only arisen in the last few centuries and are a direct product of free thought, libertinism, godlessness, etc.

As for Point # 4, I reject the position entirely, as being fundamentally Immoral and Anti-Catholic. See the Catholic Encyclopedia on Adultery.

Let us understand what the Doctors Colaco are teaching: It is entirely normal that, merely because they consent to it, two persons who are married, but not to each other, or are unmarried, or one of them is married, etc., can indulge in sexual intercourse, and that such is neither wrong nor immoral. This makes rubbish of Christianity, morality and ethics.

Let me state this clearly: Not only is this (Colaco) teaching wrong and utterly wrong, but even when among partners married to each other, when the act is purely an act of lust, impurity or a sodomitical act, it is immoral and sinful. This may be unpopular, but it is true.

As for Point # 5, I ask: What is the basis for the FANTASTIC CLAIM that "The first 40 Popes of the Roman Catholic Church were all married"?

I reject the contention that Celibacy was introduced "possibly reflecting the misguided view that somehow, conjugal sexual intimacy was impure" as being profoundly stupid and idiotic.

As for Point # 6: I ask: what is the basis of comparing the ONE TRUE RELIGION of YAHWEH - ELOHIM with any other religion, 'major' or not? I further ask: Do the Colacos seek to imply that the ONE TRUE RELIGION conspired with these other 'religions' to "give sex a bad name"?

I point out that the contemptuous analogy "Celibacy is good, Sex bad. Just like saying Constipation is good, Normal bowel activity bad!" is a monstrously vicious attack on the Church and on the Faith, because it basely disparages, mocks and rubbishes the Holy Faith. Moreover, as an analogy, it is contemptible.

Regarding Point # 7, I would like to remind the reader (if he be familiar with this) that a few years ago, a 'priest' of this New Catholic Church stirred up a storm among his flock when he publicly taught that Jesus Christ was not a sufficient model or teacher because he had not been married, and for that reason, among others, he preferred to add Rama, Krishna, etc! (I think that this was 'Fr.' Britto from Vasai/Bassein?)

It seems that the Colacos are echoing this man.

Leastways, if we take this contention at face value, then indeed, as this man taught, we must judge that because Jesus Christ was not any more a married man than celibate priests are, he is therefore, logically, not a competent person, instructor or preceptor for those of us who are married!

Lastly, Point # 8 for the great coup d'disgrace: "invite an Independent agency to conduct a full and impartial inquiry into this horrible infiltration of its ranks by deviants"

Like, pray, who? The Dalai Lama? The UN? The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of, say, France or Italy?

The persons who made this suggestion are blissfully, even contemptuously unaware of the nature of the Church. If this church is truly the Church of Christ, then it is above all other institutions and bodies, which are of purely human origin, and is subject to none of them! How is it that anyone who call themselves Christian, and who, in this age and time, must be familiar with Holy Scripture, should be so ignorant? Or is this really ignorance, or is it, as it is more probable, a contemptuous disregard for the niceties of the Faith and a dependence entirely on irreligious rationalism?


The sad and pathetic postscript of the Doctors Colaco: The Problems has been Solved! The pathetic, tear-jerking hagiography, even Martyrology, of that venomous serpent Karol Wojtyla, collaborator with the Communists, betrayer, along with Montini, of the East-European Catholics, one of the chief instigators and patrons of that impious assembly, the Latrocinium of the Vatican, held in 1962-65, the arch-heretic who presides over the annual blasphemies and sacrileges a la Assisi and Kyoto, etc., etc., not to forget, heresiarch and antipope!

No, it has NOT been solved, and will NOT be solved, precisely because the New Catholic sect will NOT give up its apostacy from Catholicism! Long after the Colacos have finished writing this pathetic apology for this sect of vipers and murderers of souls, the heads of the like of Bernard 'Cardinal' Law, 'bishop' of Boston, etc., etc., continues to roll. The spectacle will carry on, relentlessly, until it has reached its fulfilment in the Reign of the AntiChrist...

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