Chinese Whispers
& The Anti-War Hysteria

On Antimodernism, Hans-Georg Lundahl posted

origins wrote:

Dear friend for truth & justice,

The hour is VERY late, as time is fast running out on an up-till-now indifferent America wherein the bulk of its citizens couldn't have cared less what their gov't has been up to. If it's not already too late, this will almost certainly be our last chance "to care". Mr Giuffre [open-letter below] is a most courageous citizen who is fighting OUR war at this critical moment in our nation's history.


Original Message
From: Gary Giuffr�
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Subject: Bush Adminstration's Role in 9/11

Open Letter to Mayor Lee Brown and Council Members of the City of Houston

Dear Mayor Brown and all Houston City Council Members:

I urge you to examine the massive evidence now encircling the world via the Internet that the administration of President George W. Bush, not only had prior knowledge of the 9/11/2001 attacks, but trained those who carried them out, financed and protected them, and has since covered up its own connection to those monstrous acts.

It is now becoming increasingly evident that the 9/11 attacks were conceived from the beginning as a pretext to justify our nation's unleashing a horrific, pan-Arabian war abroad, starting with Iraq, and to quash the civil liberties of American citizens at home. This is becoming increasingly clear to people all over the world, thus the reason for huge anti-Bush demonstrations taking place in the capitals of the nations of every continent on the map. (On the streets of London, England, one million people are expected to be demonstrating against Bush's war next Saturday, February 15, in what may become the largest protest ever seen in that country.

A simultaneous demonstration in New City is planned despite that city's refusal to grant the protest's organizers a "permit" for the assembly.)

In case you haven't encountered them before, here are five links to sites that deal with the ghastly and criminal acts by the Bush administration in connection with 9/11:

Regarding the last of these five links, I would most heartily recommend that you obtain at once the book, by Alex Jones, "911; The Descent to Tyranny," and its companion video "911: The Road to Tyranny" (the video is available in both VHS and DVD, but the latter contains several additional minutes of information).

Those in our government who are ultimately responsible for this savage crime against the American people must be brought to justice, regardless of how high in office the guilty parties are to be found, or else we may soon witness a rapid metamorphosis of the USA, from a nation where there is still relative freedom, to a giant gulag where due process is sacrificed on the altar of "security."

Already, Attorney General Ashcroft has given the chilling warning: "If you suggest that the federal government was behind the 9/11 attacks -- you will forfeit your rights."

But this is precisely what we must shout from the rooftops in order to stop our country from being plunged into a suicidal world war against 1.6 billion Islamics, and to prevent a Soviet-style police state from being set up at home that brutally crushes all meaningful dissent.

The latter, Mr. Ashcroft has already promised to do, and believes he has been empowered to do, thanks to the subversive Patriot and Homeland Security Acts.

All council members are urged to examine the evidence in the enclosed links, and pass resolutions similar to those already adopted in municipalities around the country, nullifying within their city limits, those provisions of the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts which effectively overturn the Bill of Rights, and to call for the nullification of that insidious legislation, at once.

Furthermore, I urge the Houston City Council to adopt resolutions opposing the impending and unnecessary war in Iraq, and to demand the cancellation of the unconstitutional war resolution passed by the enfeebled 137th Congress, last October 11, for which the process of repeal has already been started in Congress by Houston-area representatives Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat) and Ron Paul (Republican).

Thank you.


Gary Giuffr�
130 Briarwood Lane
Bellville, Texas
May I

A) Put this on my site Antimodernism (I am hurrying to do so, hoping for affirmative answer)

B) send it to the owner of a Sedisvacantist Magazine (dito)?

Hans Georg Lundahl

Must We Be Overwhelmed
By This Paranoia?

Let us be clear about one thing: this is NOT our war, this is not our peace: So, why are we getting hysteric and rushing in to get involved?

Let us be clear about another thing: Do we really want to get involved on the same side and for the same cause as Communists, Neo-Catholics of the Wojtyla persuasion, Abortionists, Evolutionists, New-Agers, Free-Sexists, Sodomites, Pederasts, etc., the whole jing-bang gang of liberal riffraff? Or are we with Edward Said, the Wahabists, the Tabligh, the Taliban, the Islamic Arab imperialists, racists and terrorists? Are we with the promiscuous Clintonites-Goreites? Are we with the hysterics of Sola Pacifism? Are we on the same side? Should we seem to be on the same side? Should we even want to be seen even dead in the company of these vermin? Do we have our heads screwed on tight? Do we not endorse their anti-Catholicism by making common cause with them?

Should we allow ourselves to be stampeded along with the rest of the activist world for a cause not our own — even by a million brainless and promiscuous zombies stomping the streets of London or where ever? Must we suspend our intelligence and switch off our brains and allow this tempting paranoia rule us?

[So what's next? Today, we march with these vermin against Bush, tommorrow do we join them in the Free Love Parade? And if not, why not?]

Let me be clear about another thing: Some people are in the habit of thinking with their hearts, not their heads. Such people are liable to get ambushed by the devil.

When this whole thing began, and George Bush went after Osama binLadin, the whole world and his cousin said that there was not enough or real proof against Osama, and I concurred. Today, we have it from the mouth of Osama himself that it was, indeed, after all, his doing. At the end of day, what we do know is that Bush is not open about the facts in his position, but that he does have the facts right.

I will grant that Bush evidently is a stooge of Israel and of the Jews. But then, the whole West is.

What is important is that Sodom Hussain is a threat to world peace. It is immaterial that he was originally cultivated by the West. Even Hitler had his sympathisers - even a British Prime Minister and other powerful persons in other West European governments. That is, until he proved that he was above the West vs. Communist conflict and was a greater pain than any other. And the same is true with Sodom Hussain.

And for us, from the Christian viewpoint, what is important, is that he is a loose cannon and a material threat to Israel. Now, it is true enough that Israel is our enemy, yet it is a special enemy: It is precious to God. And we therefore cannot either be part of any Scheme that militates against it without just cause, or one of those who turns aside when Israel is unjustly threatened.

And let us remember this thing always: In the world, though evil has one master, his dupes are, in truth, not united among themselves. There is no unity between Jewish Christophobia and Islamic Christophobia. Yet both are our enemies. And while the Jew has a standing before God, the Muslim, as Muslim, has none.

The foolish allegation has been made that Bush has 'trained those who carried them out, financed and protected them, and has since covered up its own connection to those monstrous acts' the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. Now it is obvious to anyone who has his eyes open, that this is utter nonsense. It is obvious that the tactics of the perpetrators of 9/11 is the same as of the Muslim terrorists in Israel ("Palestine"), Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia (eg. the Kandahar hijacking, the Daniel Pearl murder), the Phillipines and South-East Asia - the hallmark of Islam is that it does not consider non-Muslims to be fully human.

That a group of terrorists with a grudge against a government or country should hijack planes and callously use them as missiles, without any consideration for the passengers, is trademark Islam. Such has never been done in the centuries of human history by any other people, who at least have some kind of consideration, even though it varies from place and culture, for the non-combatant. Do you remember how the Turks under Suleyman callously murdered thousands of Christian prisoners — the vast majority of them non-combatants: men, women, girls and boys kidnapped for slaves and for the harems, rather than abandon them when defeated by John Sobieski at the gates of Vienna?

The allegation has been made that Ashcroft has made 'this' threat - before some idiot passes this message on unthinkingly - the same old habitual Chinese whispers - and involves himself before God in an act of slander and libel, allow me to ask: How many have checked up whether it is true, and in what context was the statement made? After all, even taking worst case scenarios, America is not yet Iraq or Libya and George Bush has not yet staged a coup d'etat and crowned himself Caesar and Imperator, or even President-for-life, has he?

Lets get this straight: If the situation in America was anywhere near where it is being alleged, none of these people would have been out there, freely marching the streets, blocking and inconveniencing ordinary Joes who just want to do their job and get home, and imposing themselves gratuituously upon a long-suffering silent, law-abiding majority. They would have been all gagged and thrown into concentration camps. And remember that while America put all Japanese into concentration camps during World War II, it has not done a similar thing, or even suggested the idea.

Let us be logical: Carry forward this insanity and we must then believe that the situation that had prevailed in Lebanon, and which has helped bring about the present Syrian occupation, or that in Israel, or that in Afghanistan, the Philippines, etc., where the Muslims behave in the characteristic manner of the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11 were and are trained, organized, succoured, etc., by America.

And then, logically, we must extend this belief to believe that America inspired Muhammad to fabricate his vicious and inhuman 'religion' some thirteen hundred years ago! That the Great Campaigns of Jihads he launched against the Nestorian and Monophysite Arab states of Arabia, and against the Iranian, Byzantine and Ethiopian Empires and which were carried forward by his successors the Caliphs, were instigated by America!

Was Suleyman the Turk, the madman who set out to rape Austria and Vienna, instigated by America? Was Lepanto fought against American stooges?

Is there a shred of a good reason why George Bush should attempt such a fantastic caper and hope to get away with it? What does he stand to benefit by it? Or have we bought unquestioningly the slanderers' slanders — the same vermin who consider Clinton a paragon of virtue — that this man is a brainless dimwit?

Let's get another thing straight: With all its defects, the semi-Christian West is far better than Islamdom or anything else. So, should we, by our actions, give heart to our enemies? Should we be telling them that we are disunited, while Sodom Hussain's imprisoned people do not have the freedom to dissent against him? Should we be telling him that he can get away with his mischief because we are a bunch of fools who spend our time squabbling among ourselves, in internecine quarrels?

Let us remember another thing: If the Christians of the time were not disunited and squabbling among themselves, Islam would have stood no chance, not even in Arabia. It would have been squashed in Mecca itself, as the Christian Arab king of Sana'a, Yemen had attempted... Let us remember our past mistakes and let us learn from them.

And for God's sake, let's start thinking straight!

This is not our war,
This is not our peace,
So lets keep our noses
Out of this!
Prax Maskaren
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