Seeking The Kingdom Of God

©Prakash John Mascarenhas. 22nd November 2003.
"Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of God, and His justice, and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt. 6:33) Patriotic Goans are waking up from the deep slumber instilled by the brainwashing and mythologization that India inflicted upon us. And to add to that, nature and time has worked on us, detoxifying us of the lies that robber India has instilled and brainwashed into us.

Yet in waking up, we face up to difficult questions: The most important being that of the Church and its role in this entire mess.

Ever since, under the impetus of the holy Francis, our Goencho Saib, when we cast off the curse and superstition of Hinduism for the freedom that is in Christ, the true light, the only begotten son of God and the only redeemer of men, the Church, the Magisterium deputed by and guided by Christ has always been the leaders of Goan society.

Nor is this set-up unique to Goa. It is universal, being innate and integral to Christianity.

Clericalism, therefore, is Constitutional to Christianity.

We are all aware of the happenings in the last few decades. In the Philippines and in Latin America and in Africa and in Europe and North America and in many other places, and also in many parts of India: Kerala, the aborigine dominated redoubts in the hilly and drought prone Deccan Plateau, etc., priests and nuns have been and are in the forefront of agitation for what they claim is social justice.

Frequently, rather than not, they are fighting for, and propagating anti-Christian ideas � the satanic gospel of Karl Marx, or the heresy of "liberation theology."

Again, these same people have been very active and very vocal in opposing the conservative governments of Spain and Portugal, under Franco and Salazar; latter on, you can add Pinochet and other conservatives.

Frequently, in all these places, not excluding the USA, governments and armies fighting against the infamous Communist Black Terror found that they were fighting against these priests and nuns, with the results that in the messy war of counter-terrorism, it was found necessary to seize and destroy these perverts, these abnormal agents of terrorism�

We all remember rather vividly, the role that the Polish Church played in the Solidarity crisis. Without its crucial support, the Solidarity Movement would have collapsed.

Turning therefore back to Goa, we are puzzled by the strange part played by these same folks (the sole exception being the late Fr. Francisco Monteiro of Candolim — and with due respect, it is necessary to point out that, courageous though he was, his was merely a emotionalistic stand, and moreover, he did not see it through... Worse, the rest of the Goan clergy did not join him to take advantage of his sufferings to make it a mass movement... )

It is not that they have done nothing whatsoever. It is that they have done something � and that something is a not so subtle subversion of Goan morale and a studious avoidance of bringing to the attention of the Goan people their moral obligations in the face of the occupation.

This "studious avoidance" is a negative act � something that they have not done or refused to do, which was their moral obligation in religion and as civil persons also, as fellow-Goans, fellow-victims. This avoidance is in marked contrast to their hysteric and intrusive campaigns for "social justice" the world over!

But then we turn to the active treason � the active subversion of the Goans and of their morale. This takes off from the "studious avoidance" and is ramified by the enthusiasm that these folks demonstrate for the occupation, for justifying it and even for enthusiastically cooperating with it and its aims.

This cooperation takes the form of the denigration of the Goan identity, based on Christian exclusivity, the Portuguese connection, Luso-Goan culture and art-forms, and of an active campaign of re-paganization and Indianization.

This corollaries of this repaganization and Indianization is de-Christianization and de-Goanization of Goa and of the Goans.

This takes the form of the active and Marathization of Konkani by the Church in its official liturgy and in its schools, press (the Thomas Stephen Kendr), etc.

And the maliciousness of this is further aggravated when we consider that the occupation has not even solicited this Marathization!

All this is bad. More than bad, it is damning. We have been let down and betrayed even by those whom we trusted upon to keep us safe.

And yet there is more to this than meets the eye.

It seems that the Church in Goa has been misled or has erred. But this is not the true picture.

The Church has not been confused or misled. It has set out to deliberately do what it has done and what it does even now. And this is not confined to Goa but is worldwide, global.

The worldwide abandonment of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the satanic gospel of Karl Marx, of the heresy of Liberation Theology, is part and parcel of the same process.

And the roots of this all go back to the Modernist heresy (derived from pseudo-Rationalism, materialism and evolutionism) and which infected the Catholic Church from Liberal Protestant circles in the post-Napoleonic age, culminating in the crises under the Catholic Champions, Popes Pius IX and Pius X, and which came into its own under the anti-Catholic usurper Roncalli and which has been formalized by him in his "Aggiornomento" and in the Latrocinium of "Vatican II."

As a result, most of the clergy openly threw off their allegiance to Christ and became formal Modernists, even as they pretended to continue the Catholic Church, under a Modernist joker masquerading as the pope.

Modernism and Communism coincide in "Liberation Theology" which is a denial of Christianity and an affirmation of Evolution.

This sect has felt the need to subvert the Catholics and draw them into the Modernist heresy. That is why they have acted as they did, subverting the social order in Christendom � in Latin America in particular and also in Goa.

In the Bible, God warns us to be faithful, and promises us that if we are, then He will reward us richly, while punishing us for treason.

Today, we face the fact that the Church of Goa has been usurped by an apostate sect, which under the guise of the Catholic Church has actively subverted us and is actively subverting us and our national identity.

Our duty before God is to repudiate these contemptible vermin and to return to the Catholic Faith. This must necessarily be the starting point of our Liberation Struggle. Otherwise, God will not bless us and further our cause, and without His support we cannot prevail.

The Kingdom of God is the True Church, the True Faith, the salvation of souls according to the Gospel of Christ, which St. Francis Xavier brought us and which birthed Fr. Agnelo.

The Justice of God is that we not countenance the immorality of the Indian occupation and of the repaganisation and Indianisation of Goa but that we actively fight against these evils.

If, therefore, we obey God, and seek first His Kingdom, and His justice, then certainly we will achieve our ends, which are the ends of morality and of religion � the triumph of truth and of morality over evil!

Brethren, my fellow Goans, let us not delay any longer. Already there has been too much of a delay.

But let us repose our faith in Christ, who assures us that He has already triumphed, and let us withstand the forces of evil, sure of the assistance of God.

Yours sincerely,

Reference:Repair My Church
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