Repair My Church

(Our Lord, in an apparition, to Saint Francis of Assisi).

©Lucio Joao Mascarenhas.

Before I do anything else, I wish to set out the reference works on the basis of which my tract is written. These are:

  1. For General Teachings of the Church, The Church Teaches - Documents of the Church in English Translation, by the Jesuit Fathers of St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kansas, USA. 1955 B. Herder Book Co. Reprinted 1979, TAN Books & Publishers.

  2. For the Doctrine, Error Has No Rights, the book, El Liberalismo Es Pecado by Rev. Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, 1886, Barcelona, Spain, and translated as Liberalism Is A Sin, by Conde B. Pallen, 1899, B. Herder Book Co., St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and reprinted as What Is Liberalism? 1979 by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.

  3. For the Doctrine, Outside The Church No Salvation, Rev. Fr. J. Bainvel. Republished as Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church?, translated by Rev. Fr. J.L. Weidenhan, 1917, B. Herder Book Co. Reprinted 1979, TAN Books & Publishers.

  4. For Roman Indefectibility, see Romanism, The Doctrine of.

  5. For the denunciation against Roncalli, the antipope John XXIII-II, see Roncalli: Fountainhead of the Great Apostasy. I show how Roncalli is demonstrated a heretic since his election. However, Stanfill-Benns & Bawden, in their work, Will The Catholic Church Survive The 20th Century?, and Fr. Francis Ricossa in his article, The Pope of the Council, prove that Roncalli was in fact a heretic since before his 'election.' The Ricossa article is available at the Our Lady of Fatima, Spring Hills, Florida site.

  6. For those who still believe in the sect led by the Antipope 'John-Paul the 2nd', Rama Coomaraswamy's The Destruction of Christian Tradition

  7. The heresy promulgated by A.J. Roncalli is identical with the heresy of Modernism that was condemned and excommunicated by Pope Saint Pius the Xth in 1907. The following documents state the position of the Church on this heresy:
    1. Lamentabili Sane, Syllabus of Modernist Errors. 3rd July 1907.

    2. Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Pope St. Pius X, Encyclical on the Doctrines of the Modernists. 8th September 1907.

    3. Praestantia Scriptura, Pope St. Pius X, Motu Proprio. 18th November 1907. ["We declare and determine that if anyone, which may God forbid, should go forward so brazenly as to defend any proposition reprobated in either of these documents, by that fact itself, he incurs excommunication reserved to the Roman Pontiff."].

    4. Antistitium Sacrorum, that is, "Oath Against Modernism", Pope St. Pius X, 1st September 1910 and prescribed to all in positions of teaching the faith, on priests and biships, and on all those receiving offices in the Church.

    5. A Catechism of Modernism, Rev. Fr. J.B. Lemuis, English translation, 1908, Society for the Propagation of the faith, Archdiocese of New York. Reprinted 1981 TAN Books & Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 424, Rockford, Illinois. USA. 61105. A Question & Answer form of Pascendi Dominici Gregis.

    6. The first two documents are to be found in the book, All Things in Christ - Encyclicals of Pope St. Pius X, edited by Vincent Yzermans, 1954, Newman Press, Westminister, Maryland, USA, and reprinted by the Daughters of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 02130.

  8. Antichrist, 1 John 2: 18-19

  9. For general instruction on the Catholic Faith, I highly recommend the Radio Replies in three volumes (and its continuation, That Catholic Church) by the Rev. Frs. Leslie Rumble and Charles Carty, 1940, Radio Replies Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Reprinted by TAN Books & Publishers.

    If I am a believer today, it is because of Frs. Rumble & Carty!

  10. Teresa Stanfill-Benns & David Bawden, Will The Catholic Church Survive The 20th Century?. Delia, Kansas, USA. Email [email protected]

  11. Fr. Francis Ricossa, of the Institute of the Mother of Good Counsel, Italy, The Pope of the Council. English translation by Mrs. Susan Potts from Sodalitium no. 22 November-December 1990; French translation of the April-May 1990 Italian issue, volume VII, No.2.

The Faith of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the 'Deposit of the Faith' received from the Apostles. This Deposit is made up of various doctrines, which form an integral whole, called the Catholic Faith, or the Deposit of the Faith.

This Deposit is also called Public Revelation, or that Message revealed by God and prescribed by Him as necessary to be believed by all men for their salvation. Other messages from God, not necessary to be generally believed by men for salvation, are Private Revelation. The denial of a teaching (doctrine) of the Church is called Heresy. Technically, a heresy is any idea that contradicts the Deposit of the Faith, even if only one particular doctrine is contradicted. When one believes in a heresy publicly or severely violates Church discipline or separates oneself from the Church in any manner (such as by joining a schismatic or heretic), one enters into Schism. Technically, schism is separation from the body of the Church.

These are some fundamental doctrines:
  1. The Doctrine of the UNITY of the Church:

    This Doctrine teaches that the Church is One, i.e. perfectly united in itself, and not including heretics and schismatics. Breakaway groups are not branches of the Church, but are as much strangers to it as those never its members.

    The Unity of the Church is an ACCOMPLISHED fact, uninterrupted from Christ and by Him guaranteed till His return.

  2. The Doctrine 'Error Has No Rights':

    Man is not free to worship as he likes. Man was made by God and God alone can prescribe the manner in which He may be worshipped.

    This Doctrine also permits, even enjoins, the legitimate Church the control, repression or destruction, according to necessity, of spurious churches.

  3. The Doctrine of the Finality of Public Revelation:

    Public Revelation has come to a full stop with the death of the last Apostle and cannot be added to, subtracted from, or otherwise amended.

  4. The Doctrine 'Outside the Church No Salvation':

    Men can have salvation only through Christ, which He administers only through His Church.

  5. The Doctrine of the INTEGRITY of Public Revelation:

    Public Revelation is Integral or Indivisible. Therefore, if one rejects or amends, adds to or subtracts from, even only one doctrine of the Deposit of Faith, his personal belief loses its identity with the Faith, becoming a Heresy or false religion.

  6. The Doctrine of the Free Will of Men:

    Every man has been gifted by God with the faculty of Free Will, such that he may freely choose and act, whether according to God's Will or in opposition to it.

As the Doctrine of the Integrity of Public Revelation, i.e. of the Deposit of the Faith, teaches, one ceases to be a Catholic or Christian when one publicly contradicts even a single particular doctrine in any way.

It is therefore merely necessary to prove heresy in regards to one doctrine in order to prove that the subject (of investigation), as an individual or as a group, is in Heresy.

The Catholic Church, upt the end of the reign of Pope Pius XII in mid-October 1958, did not deviate in the least from the Apostolic Faith. However, under the leadership of Roncalli or John XXIII, in the form of the AGGIORNAMENTO OR 'Bringing Upto Date Movement', sweeping changes were brought about in these doctrines.
  1. Roncalli publicly taught, and his followers publicly teach, that the Unity of the Church is not an accomplished fact, but that it needs to be achieved, and that by some sort of merger, or, as they say, RE-INTEGRATION, of the various 'Christian' bodies.

    This teaching denies the Doctrine of the Unity of the Church.

  2. Roncalli's followers publicly teach that man is free to believe and worship as he likes, and that the Doctrine 'Error has no Rights' is wrong and that they have abrogated it. They teach that the various religions have equal rights to libverty in the eyes of governments, and that political states must be neutral, treating all religions equally.

  3. Roncalli's followers publicly teach that men may gain salvation through the practice of any religion whatsoever, not only through our so-called 'fellow-Christian' churches or sects, but even through the various paganisms, or the falsely so-called Judaism and Islam.

    Consequently, they teach that conversions from these heresies to Christianity are not necessary and that their adherents can gain salvation by consciently practising their heresies.

  4. When challenged on their public contradiction of Apostolic Doctrines, the Roncallites claim the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of Papal Infallibility as their authority for changing doctrines.

    But the General Council of the Vatican, 1869-70, which defined Papal Infallibility, taught that "... the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of St. Peter not that they might make known new doctrine by His Revelation, but rather, that with His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully explain the Revelation or Deposit of Faith that was handed down through the Apostles."

    Thus the Roncallites, adding to their heresies, publicly deny the Doctrine of the Finality of Public Revelation by claiming that the 'Vatican-II General Council' and the 'Popes' who authorised it, received and promulgated new Revelations - Public Revelations - which amend the Deposit of Faith.

    Further, they blaspheme the Holy Spirit, when they make Him the author of their heresies. They make God, who is Unchanging, a liar, when they claim that He gave them this new gospel, which contradicts the gospel He first gave us. Also, implicitly claim to have changed the Gospel, because (they say) the old was defective, but they destroy their own locus standi, since, if the old gospel was defective, what guarantee have they that their new gospel is not? But their gospel gives them no comfort here, while the Gospel of Christ gives us an unimpeccable guarantee of inerrancy.
To sum up our indictment of the Roncallites: it is sufficient to prove heresy with regards to one particular doctrine to prove that the subject is in heresy, and therefore, in schism. Here, we have convicted the Roncallites of heresy on four separate counts. Therefore, one is forced to conclude that Roncalli and his followers, the 'Vatican-II General Council,' and Roncalli's successors - John Montini, Albian Luciani and Charles Wojtyla, under the names, Paul VI, John-Paul I and John-Paul II, are in heresy and schism, together with all those who accept and follow them.

Is this possible? Can popes become heretics? The teaching of the Church from the beginning to our day, of the great Doctors and Popes, say yes! In essence, the matter is simple. As Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy points out in his book, The Destruction of Christian Tradition, popes, even after assuming office, retain their FREE WILL, and are therefore fully capable of sinning, even upto denying the doctrines of the Church, becoming heretics. Now a heretic is, by definition, a non-Catholic, i.e. not a member of the Church, and since the offices of the Church can be held only by members, an office-holder who becomes a public heretic automatically loses office. The public adoption of heresy results in automatic schism from the Church and an implicit abdication of office. The election of one who publicly professes heresy, to any office is null and void; the public adoption of the profession of heresy by an office holder removes him from office.

But how can popes, who have the charism of infallibility, fall into heresy? They can, since infallibility does not protect them from falling into error and heresy. There is popular confusion between (Papal) Infallibility and Indefectibility. Popes, when they are in the good standing of the Faith, solemnly teach a particular doctrine or an aspect of it, whcih doctrine or aspect is not an innovation, but implicit in Public Revelation, supported by the tradition of the Church, then and only then does infallibility apply. Infallibility admits that popes can err when the subject matter is not in their competence, (i.e. not pertaining to faith, morality or involved discipline), or when they have not studied the subject thoroughly, etc. Indefectibility, on the other hand, says that a particular person or group cannot defect from the Faith. By definition, only the Church in general and the local Roman Church in particular, possesses indefectibility, but not individuals. To attribute indefectibility to any individual is to deny the doctrine of Free Will, and thus to fall into heresy.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913, "An exceptional situation might arise were a pope to become a public heretic, i.e. were he publicly and officially to teach some doctrine clerarly oposed to what has been defined as de fide catholica. But in this case some theologians hold that no formal sentence of deposition would be required, as, by becoming a public heretic, the pope would ipso facto cease to be pope." [Infallibility, pg. 799, Catholic Encyclopædia.]

Taking all of this, we conclude that the Roncallites, with their 'popes' are outside the Church and constitute a heretical sect. As such, we are strictly bound to reject them.

Having disposed of the Roncallites and their sect, we turn to the business of discovering where the true Church is.

Break-Up of the Catholic Resistance

The Catholic Resistance has grativated around a number of schools: the Cassiciacanist or Sedeprivationist or Guerardist, the Lefebrist (Lefebvrist), the Sede-Vacantist, etc. In addition, there are claimants to the papacy in Lyons and Seville, France and Spain respectively.

The Phalangist Movement in France is led by Fr. George of Nantes who teaches that there exists two Churches within the Church governed by 'John-Paul II': the Catholic Church and the Roman Modernist sect of the Roncallites themselves. [The Catholic Counter-reformation in the XXth Century, #220, June 1989, pgs 19 & 22.]

This is also the teaching of Michael Davies, an apologist of the so-called 'conservatives' obedient to 'John-Paul II', and of the Lefebrists. In his book, Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre, he tells us that "There are two Churches under Paul VI. Not to see that there are two, or not to see that they are strangers, the one to the other, or not to see that Paul VI, thus far, is presiding over both, partakes of blindness, in some cases, perhaps, invincible blindness." [Michael Davies, Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre, as quoted by Theresa Ickinger in Christian Order, Vol. 35, #8/9, Aug/Sept., 1994, pg 445, para. 1.]

But it is obvious to any right thinking Catholic that this teaching is repugnant to Catholicism and besides, utterly impossible. Can the Church of God be taken hostage by His enemies? To say so is to say that God has been mocked, defeated.

"Two religions in one Church," or "Two Churches in one Church", Nantes and Davies would blemish the unblemishable Bride of Christ by making her co-habit with Antichrist. What fellowship can light have with darkness? Can Christ and Belial abide in the same House? No! Besides, this teaching is also ridiculous. In the Church led by Charles Wojtyla (the antipope John-Paul II), we know who represents Belial, but who represents Christ? No one!

The Cassiciacanists follow the teachings of Msgr. Guerard des Lauriers who also used the name Fr. Bernard Lucien, the Cassiciacum Thesis (Formaliter Materialiter Argument), which teaches that the Roncallite 'pope', though become a public heretic, remains materially pope (but not formally), until deposed (or something like that. All this form and matter things confuse me sorely!) Such a deposition, teaches Des Lauriers, can, by the definition of Catholic theology, be given only by the Roncallite 'pope' himself or by a future successor.

This is a ridiculous - and impossible proposition. No Roncallite antipope is likely to depose himself or his predecessor - to do so would be to cut the ground from under his own feet! Or, in other words, when and if such a wonder happens, it actually means that the 'pope' doing that is publicly admitting that he is not pope. And that leaves us with the potential problem that when one 'pope' does that, his 'adherents' will promptly point out that he has merely abdicated, and elect another. And so the circus will continue on merrily.

Depending on a solution for our difficulties by resorting to the Cassiciacum Thesis once again merely makes Catholics hostage to the tender mercies of the Roncallite heretics, and God is again to be mocked by his enemies. That what Des Lauriers asks for is impossible is supported by an earlier theologian, the canonist Mathew Conte a Coronata: "If the Roman Pontiff were to profess heresy, before any condemnatory sentence, WHICH WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE ANYWAY, he would lose his authority." (Emphasis added).

The Lefebrists follow the late Bishop Marcel Lefebvre. They accept Charles Wojtyla (John-Paul II) as legitimate pope, despite themselves exposing his heresies. They are, thus, SCHISMATICS and HERETICS. Schismatics because they publicly acknowledge a proven heretic as their pope or head, heretics because they implicitly teach the heresy of Papal Indefectibility, i.e., the pope cannot defect from the Faith.

The Lefebvrists are thus, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, part of the Antichurch, and NOT Catholics.

There is reputed to be a group of ultra Sede-Vacantists, which group teaches that the papacy has lapsed. If there is indeed such a group, they are in heresy, for according to the promise of Christ, the Papacy is to continue uninterrupted till His Return. To teach the lapse of the Papacy is to teach the failure of Christ, which is to teach that He is not God. Such a proposition is excluded by Catholicism.

[According to the Abbe George of Nantes, this is Herr Wigand Siebel, of Saarsbruck, Germany. See The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century, #220, June 1989, page 20, paras. 1 & 2.]

In addition, there are two sects based respectively at Lyons, France [See Profiles in Belief, Vol. I, Arthur Carl Piepkorn, Harper & Row] and at Seville, Spain [Don Clemente Ferdinand Dominguez y Gomez, the antipope Gregory XVII]. Both claim to be the true Church. Both claim to have changed the name of the Church, the Renovated Church of God / Christ and the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Palmarian Church, respectively. Both are led by putative popes who claim to have been so constituted by Christ himself in private revelations. The later sect also claims that the papal seat has been permanently shifted from Rome.

[The Lyonese antipope, recorded by Piepkorn, is the same as the 'Clement XVI' or Michael Colin, Melanist & ultra-Modernist heresiarch... The Colinist sect uses this name, Renovated Church of God as one of its names, as is recorded by an ex-member, Brenda Daeges. ]

The very fact that they have claimed to have changed the name of the Church is sufficient to reject them.

It is a doctrine of the Faith that the papal seat is permanently fixed at Rome, until the Return of Christ. To deny this is to depart from the Faith.

Aside from these defects, to accept the claim of either putative pope, it is necessary for all men to accept their putative private revelation as part of Public Revelation, which is impossible for Catholics. Acceptance of these popes, then, makes one a heretic, one who adds to Public Revelation.

Lastly, there are the Sedevacantists.

Sede-Vacantists are those who believe that with the public defection of the Roncallite popes from the faith, the papacy has been rendered vacant. This is supported by the application of the Doctrine of Free Will, the Tradition of the Church and the application of Common Sense.

However, while it is true that the Modernist antipopes are not really popes, it is still not true or certain to affirm that the papacy is vacant.

Habemus Papam

It is not for nothing that the differences between the various schools of the Resistance resolve themselves around the question of the Papacy.

The Pope is the Lynchpin of the Church and the Church cannot survive in the continued absence of one — principally, there are too many disciplinary decisions that need to be made on a day-to-day basis, and moreover it is the pope who supplies jurisdiction. Sede-Vacantists are right in rejecting the Roncallite pretenders. However the matter cannot rest there. Catholics have the right to have their salvation secured, and this depends on the want of a pope being supplied. We are obliged to study how the situation may be remedied.

One thing ruled out by the teaching of the Apostles, is a supernatural intervention by God. God has given us in Public Revelation sufficient means to remedy all the difficulties the Church may encounter betwen its' founding and Christ's Return. God has taught us that Public Revelation is final and will not be added to, until the return of Christ. Therefore, apparent divine interventions are to be rejected as false. But if God is not going to directly intvervene, He nevertheless expects His people to do what is necessary in the light of Public Revelation.

Moreover, it is necessary to understand that this task is not optional, but is obligatory. All men are obliged to do all they can for the salvation of souls, and the Church is the greatest requirement towards this end. The continuance of the Church can never be in jeopardy, for it has God for its Guarantor and Sustainer, but those who fail in their obligation towards this end shall account to Him. In the end, God will find the men to do the task.

Out in the world, there are groups that adhere to men who they claimed have been elected pope or constituted pope in an apparition.

We can reject out-of-hand the latter groups, since the same criticism of the Palmarians apply to them also.

Of the 'elected pope' groups, there are three. These are the Bawdenites, the Pentzites and the Pulvermacherites, according to the consecutive order of their claimed elections.

David Bawden was elected in September 1990 by a group of seven in Middle USA, including himself, receiving six votes; he took the name Pope Michael the 1st. Fr. Victor von Pentz was elected by a group of indeterminate strength, laity and clerics mixed, at Assisi, Italy, in 1994 and took the name Pope Linus the IInd. A third election was organized by a Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher in Montana, USA, who upon election took the name Pope Pius the XIIIth.

[A fourth election has been postulated, in 1999, in Taiwan, resulting in a "Pius XIV". I have very good reasons to believe that this is a fraud, and that no such election took place and that there was no such claimant. I believe that this was cooked up by a young man as a spoof. See Dead Zhong, Dead Wrong for my treatment of this claim... ]

From the Catholic viewpoint, we are obliged to take each of these elected claimants in consecutive order and examine their claim. The first to be proven true is the true pope.

Pope Michael was the first elected. He was elected by a group of Catholics including his two parents, a Mr. and Mrs Benns and a Mr. and Mrs. Hunt.

The election was called months in advance, and all were invited to participate in it. In the end, aside from the above seven, none did.

The basis of Bawden's election is set out in the book he co-authored as preparatory for the election, together with Mrs. Teresa Stanfill-Benns, and is easily procurable. There is no defect in the process adopted and used, and therefore, from the Catholic viewpoint, it is sufficient, and has produced the true pope.

Therefore, David Bawden, under the name Michael I, is the true Pope, the Holy Roman Pontiff.

Subsequently, others organized further elections, which resulted in the elections of Linus II, etc. In none of these cases, did the organizers set out why they acted in the belief that there was no valid papal claimant, setting aside the previous elections. There has been no claim and no evidence furthered that the previous elections were fraudulent or defective. Therefore, these further election attempts were necessarily fraudulent, defective and self-nullificatory. There is no real pope Linus II or Pius XIII. There are only frauds.

From the Catholic viewpoint, those who choose not to participate in the election cannot veto the election, and those who did participate acted completely according to the law in proceeding without them and electing the pope.

Therefore, this election and the man elected pope by this group is legal and binding upon all who wish to remain Catholic. To refuse submission to him, then, is to depart into schism, to depart from the unity of the Holy Catholic Church without which there is no salvation.

The website of His Holiness, Pope Michael 1 is http://www.VaticanInExile.Com His mailing address is: His Holiness, Pope Michael the 1st
The Vatican-In-Exile
4127, 102nd, Delia
Kansas. 66418. United States.

Indefectibility Of The Roman Church

While defining the doctrine of Papal Infallibility, the General Council fo the Vatican (1869-70) incidentally reiterated the doctrine that the particular local Church of Rome, alone of all particular local churches, possesses indefectibility.

Indefectibility belongs to the Church in general, not to local churches, except the Roman Church, which, alone among the local churches, possesses indefectibility. This is the ancient doctrine of the Church. This also stands to reason. WHILE ANY PARTICULAR LOCAL CHURCH CAN BE ENTIRELY EXTINGUISHED BY HERESY AND SCHISM, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE THAT THE CHURCH OF ROME, THE HEAD OF WHICH IS ALSO THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH GENERAL, BE SO EXTINGUISHED.

It is necessary to understand the implication of this doctrine at this time, its applications in the present circumstances. The Roman Church is the pivot of the entire Church. The faith of the Roman Church is the norm for the faith of the entire Church. God has guaranteed that the Roman Church will not fail, a guarantee valid until the Second Coming.

Knowing that the Roman Church is Indefectible, where can we find it? We have in Rome the MODERNIST ANTICHURCH led by the Antichrist Charles Wojtyla. We know nothing of the faithful Church, its location and composition. Yet we know, on the assurance of God, that it exists. We are to believe it on faith, even though we cannot see it yet. We must trust on God that one day it will be made manifest!
©Lucio Joao Mascarenhas.
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