The Goan Inquisition: A Signal Act of Piety

© Prakash John Mascarenhas, Bombay, India.
This article is written as a response to Kanchan Gupta's article denouncing the 'Goan Inquisition' in Portuguese India, and is a defence of the Inquisition.

While it is certain that, as any organization composed of men vulnerable to sin, some of the personnel of the Inquisition misused it for evil, on the whole, the project was a holy and pious one, a thing to be lauded and praised.

The Inquisition began as an attempt to protect the neophyte Christians from being enticed into backsliding - back into the black hole of paganism. But even more, it was an instrument to fulfil the duty of the state to God.

The State, as much as any individual or society, has the duty and obligation to submit to the Law of God, and permit, as far as is possible, His one and only true religion, to the exclusion of every other, each of which are evil and unlawful in His eyes.

The State exists to preserve and uphold Law and Order, and Law and Order can only stand on Morality, and Morality can only stand on the truths revealed by God - His Revelation. Every state that is not based on this, but on a false religion or on no religion is badly skewed and disordered, at war with itself, and on the path to damnation.

When Christianity first appeared in India under the auspices of the Portuguese explorers, the land suffered under the double tyranny of Islam and Hinduism, a twin benightment.

While Islam is brutual and vicious, Hinduism is but just a little less than Islam.

The people of India have been groaning under the evil of Hinduism for over three thousand years, under the most barbaric system of the 'Varna Ashrama' - the Colour or Caste System. Their victims were dehumanised and robbed of every possession, the greatest of which, their very humanity. Nor was Hinduism ever pacific, as it pretends. On the contrary, it was not only a persecutor of the Buddhists, Jains and the animist aborigines, but it was also continually wracked by internal sectarian and fratricidial wars.

And this was not all. Under the growing influence of the Brahmins, the people of India gradually withdrew into themselves, and while at one time they went out boldly on voyages of discovery, discovering and colonising South East Asia, among other areas, they now came to regard leaving the shores of the land with horror because the Brahmins taught them that by doing so, they lost their 'Caste' position, and became alien barbarians!

Again, under the influence of the Brahmins, India was never allowed to unite, but kept on breaking up into even smaller states which spent all their time and monies in feeding the parasitical Brahmins. And to keep the rulers from uniting, they were continually reminded of their religious duty of warring against each other and conquering each others territory. By this stratagem, the Brahmins kept India in a constant state of civil war over centuries and left it too weak and divided to resist foreign invaders!

Yet, today, Hinduism has the effrontery to claim to be the guardian of Indian unity, and accuses the Christians, among others, of plotting to destroy it!

Again, the vicious 'Caste' System victimised millions for centuries, and even today continues to do so, as everyone knows. It is only such harsh steps as those imposed by the Portuguese that has any hope of breaking the back of this perverse, obscene evil and putting it to a complete stop!

The self-deluded Hindus not only contemned their Portuguese liberators as foreign barbarians - Mlechhas - but they also severely persecuted the first converts to Christianity, expelled from Civil Society and denied their rights, when they could not be killed. They were told that they had fallen from their caste positions to become, like the Portuguese, foreign barbarians. It was in response, principally, to this vicious campaign of intimidation and terrorism, not to mention Civil Disobedience, by the Hindus, that the Portuguese government began to take increasingly severe steps against them, finally, in exasperation, expelling them wholesale from the land.

Nevertheless, the stain of Hinduism is so strong that the evil and satanic 'Caste' System continued to be practised by the converts for centuries after their conversion, even to this day. I myself am witness to this. My family is descended from the Gaud Saraswat Brahmins. The older members, largely, still used to take pride in being 'Brahmins.' This is something that I can not stand and cannot accept.

Christian and Hindu theology are both clear on the point. From the Christian viewpoint, any one who is a Brahmin cannot be a Christian, for in Christ, we have put away the works of Satan, and are no longer 'Greeks and Barbarians, Jews and Gentiles.' Whoever believes otherwise is a false Christian. Again, from the Hindu viewpoint, by becoming Christians, we have become barbarians - Mlecchas - the lowest, basest of all men, and no longer retain our former caste ranking.

One can only be united with either Christ or Brahman, but not with both, for they exclude each other. One, Christ came from God, and the other is an invention of fools to delude themselves and their victims into continued slavery to their parasitical existence.
See also, The Church, The Inquisition, The Death Penalty, Etc.
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