Whereon To Stand:
The Church, the Inquisition and the Death Penalty

© Prakash J. Mascarenhas, 2nd November, 2002.
This article or statement is in direct response to Alfredo de Mello's article on the Goan Inquisition on the TGF site, and the TGF's introduction to that article. These pages are nothing but anti-Catholic. Especially virulent, and without even the pretence of being impartial, are the pages of Arthur de Mello - the phrase, 'Poisoned Pen,' springs to mind, and true Catholics cannot but take umbrage at both.

TGF advocates (my paraphrase) the position that there has been in Goa enough of Portuguese-bashing, and it is time to acknowledge the positive Portuguese contribution. I say: While it is certainly true that we owe some kind of gratitude towards Portugal, I ask: Is Portugal something much more important and esteemable than the Holy Mother Church?

It is the fashion among the proponents of the New Religion and its dupes to denigrate and run-down the Catholic Church, or as they call it, the Old Religion, the pre-Vatican 2 religion. This is the attitude of anti-Catholics, motivated by Freemasonism. Indeed, as has been amply exposed, Vatican 2 was organized and achieved by Freemasonry in order to hijack the outward resemblance of the Catholic Church to convert it into the main and chief vehicle of bringing about the unification of all religions and to pave the way for the coming of the Jewish Anti-Messiah, whom Christianity identifies as the Antichrist.

At the end of everything, I merely ask this pointed question: Was Alfredo de Mello's mother, the Swisswoman Hedwig Bachmann, a Jewess? The answer should be very interesting. An affirmative answer would explain a lot.

And, just by the way, the fact that da Orta's wife buried him with Jewish rites more than justifies the suspicions against the entire family, doesn't it?

Prakash J. Mascarenhas

Reference Documents:
  1. Catholic Encycylopedia, 1910. Article on Freemasonry
  2. Catholic Encycylopedia, 1910. Article on the Inquisition
  3. Christianity & The Jewish Question
  4. Noahidism & Jewish Christophobia
  5. Islam & The Jewish Question
  6. Jewish Malice
  7. Lubawitchism: Noah's Covenant Website
  8. Lubawitchism: Blaspheming the Messiah
  9. Jewish Origin of Freemasonry - 1
  10. Jewish Origin of Freemasonry - 2
  11. TGF & The Inquisition

The world today is very different from the world as it used to be during the Inquisition. During that time, which has gone down, and rightly in my opinion, as the Age of Faith, those who belonged to the Catholic Church, by and large, truly and sincerely believed in its tenets. Then came the Protestant Deformation and Schisms, leading to the Judaeo-Freemasonic French Revolution and to the so-called Modern Age of Secularism, Eclecticism, etc.

Catholicism is an ideology, as every religion is, and therefore, it has its own internal logic. It is this internal logic that drove it to certain steps. Thus, it instituted the various Crusades against the Muhammadans, the Catharists and Albigensians, the Hussites, etc.

Thus the Holy Inquisition.

But what exactly is this Inquisition, that is so reviled and controversial?

The Inquisition takes its name from an organ of the Roman Empire. Sort of a police service which specialized in investigating crimes, as opposed to merely maintaining law and order, which can be described as 'fire fighting.' As opposed to this work, the Inquisition was meant to go into root causes.

France today has, since the time of Napoleon, a system very similar to and based on the Inquisition, as an organ separate from and distinct from both the police and the judiciary, and in between these organs.

Today, many, even Catholics, are diffident, if not outright hostile, to the Inquisition.

The Inquistion and the principles on which it was based and operated, are fundamental to Christianity, and to reject these principles is to reject and deform fundamentally the Christian Faith.

Jewish Christophobia

Judaism, ever since it has rejected the Messiah, has constantly conspired against Christians. In pre-Constantinian dispensations, Jews exploited their influence at the Imperial Courts to procure the persecution of Christians. The emancipation of Christianity and its establishment as the State Religion, since Constantine, had greatly reduced their ability to do mischief, but not, however, their burning desire.

Judaism's response to Christianity takes on a two-fold aspect: Denigration of the Messiah, and secondly, Noahidism.

On 17 Dec 2001, I received a message on a Yahoo! Groups, Tradcathgroup, from Jewish Noahidism, entitled, 'Campaign to Abolish the Observance of Christmas,' or words to that effect. I thought this was a prank, but checking up the links, I found, to my amazement that it was a genuine message and more, it was actually posted by the Jewish organisation or faction of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Menachem Mendel Schneerson - now dead, he claimed to be the true Messiah). This message, I found, was an expression of Noahidism.

The very act of posting this message on a group devoted to the defence of orthodox Catholicism against the pseudo-Catholicism of the Freemasonic antipope John-Paul 2 and his three immediate predecessors, and their anti-Catholic new religion established by the so-called council of Vatican 2, was an act of the greatest effrontery. Moreover, the message is totally offensive and intolerable.

The Lubawitchist message actually advocates the use of force to stop Christians from observing Christianity and Christian festivals and rites, etc.

Noahidism is the pseudo-ideology that the Jews want to fob off on Christians by which they will abandon Christ and Christianity and approximate to Judaism.

It consists in accession to and observance by the 'Gentiles' of what is purported to be the articles of the Covenant that God had made with the Patriarch Noah. Needless to add, these laws or precepts are purely of Jewish invention.

The invasion of the Roman Empire by the Arian Germans and its consequent overthrow, encouraged the Jews to attempt again their mischief - principally, though not exclusively, in Iberia - Spain and Portugal.

But in the modern ages, the main force of the Jewish Christophobic Conspiracy is the entity called Freemasonry.

Freemasonry, it is pretended, is purely a development of European free-thinkers. However, the very fact that Freemasonry is formally and explicitly founded on the precepts of Noahidism betrays its Jewish origin. (See here for the Catholic Encylopaedia for information on the connection between Freemasonry and Noahidism).

Since the French Revolution, Freemasonry has purportedly been divided into Anglo-Saxon and Continental factions. This is, however, only an eyewash.

Further, there have been allegations about a supreme body of the Jewish Christophobic Conspiracy, the Elders of Zion, with ardent apologists both for and against the allegation. However, from a purely logical viewpoint, when it is established that Freemasonry was instituted with the stated purpose of furthering Jewish Christophobia by the means of the pretended Noahidism, then it becomes logical that there must be a secret Jewish body that supports, progresses and guides Freemasonry in accordance with its aims and objectives.

It cannot be in the interest of Jewish Christophobia to permit the carefully nurtured Freemasonry to be split between factions and thus become useless.

Given these facts - and they are incontrovertible, the Inquisition and its determined search for Jewish Christophobes and pseudo-Christians come in to seduce and lead astray souls is entirely justified.

The Death Penalty

Romans 13: 4 "...It is not for nothing that he bears the sword..." Is the Death Penalty justified? Or is it irreconcilable with Christianity?

The New Church of Satan, presided over by the archbeast John-Paul 2, foul apostle of errors and heresy, stringently attacks the Death Penalty and contends that it is contradictory of Christianity.

In actual fact, to those who are aware of Holy Scriptures, it is not. Holy Scriptures, in matter of fact, explicity legitimizes the Death Penalty.

Therefore for anyone to pretend to be a Christian and to nevertheless contend that the Death Penalty is anti-Christian is the highest hypocrisy.

Jewish Christophobia & The Blood Question

Jews have been accused of sacrificing and murdering young children of Christian parents, whom they kidnapped for the purpose, such as, for example, St. William of Norwich and St. Hugh, the Child-Martyr of Lincoln, as a sort of blasphemy against our Lord. However, while many popes believed the accusations, some did not.


In 1247 Pope Innocent IV issued a Bull reprobating the false accusations and various excesses of the time against the Jews. Writing to the bishops of France and of Germany the pontiff says:

Certain of the clergy, and princes, nobles and great lords of your cities and dioceses have falsely devised certain godless plans against the Jews, unjustly depriving them by force of their property, and appropriating it themselves; . . . they falsely charge them with dividing up among themselves on the Passover the heart of a murdered boy. . . . In their malice, they ascribe every murder, wherever it chance to occur, to the Jews. And on the ground of these and other fabrications, they are filled with rage against them, rob them of their possessions without any formal accusation, without confession, and without legal trial and conviction, contrary to the privileges granted to them by the Apostolic See. . . . They oppress the Jews by starvation, imprisonment, and by tortures and sufferings; they afflict them with all kinds of punishments, and sometimes even condemn them to death, so the Jews, although living under Christian princes, are in a worse plight than were their ancestors in the land of the Pharaohs. They are driven to leave in despair the land in which their fathers have dwelt since the memory of man. . . . Since it is our pleasure that they shall not be disturbed, . . . we ordain that ye behave towards them in a friendly and kind manner. Whenever any unjust attacks upon them come under your notice, redress their injuries, and do not suffer them to be visited in the future by similar tribulations.
See also Pope Gregory X's Letter on Jews, (1271-76) - Against the Blood Libel

...since their law in this matter precisely and expressly forbids Jews to sacrifice, eat, or drink the blood, or to eat the flesh of animals having claws. While I do not want to be seen to take issue with the teaching of a pope, I merely want to point out that this reasoning is faulty.

It is certainly true that the Jews have a prohibition against murder and spilling or consumption of blood, it is also certainly true that the Jews have a even greater prohibition against idolatry. Nevertheless, the history of the Jews is full of relapses into Idolatry. They even practiced it secretly in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, as God showed it to one of the prophets. And today, Jewish Kabbalism is Paganism and Idolatry refined to the highest degree.

Therefore, if the Jews can violate without any compunction the highest of God's commandments, they cannot pretend that they would be psychologically unable to violate a relatively much inferior law.

Certainly, the accusations are far too frequent and universal in scope to deny that some of them at least must be true.

Christian Protection of Jews: Why They Failed

Many popes and ecclesiastics, etc., moved by the admonition of the Scriptures, that the Jews will be preserved till the end, when a remnant will return to God, strove to protect the Jews from mob violence and popular prejudice, giving them freedom and privileges.

Thus we have the solemn declaration of Pope Martin V (1419), in their behalf: "Whereas the Jews are made to the image of God, and a remnant of them will one day be saved, and whereas they have besought our protection: following in the footsteps of our predecessors we command that they be not molested in their synagogues; that their laws, rights, and customs be not assailed; that they be not baptized by force, constrained to observe Christian festivals, nor to wear any new badges, and they be not hindered in their business relations with Christians."

However, despite these efforts, Europe (and the pales of Islam, too) saw periodic uprisings against the Jews.

It is a fact that these uprising and hostilities were mainly caused by Jewish provocations, moved by their Christophobia. No sooner had they been able to regain their liberties and the end of the legal disabilities, that they began to subvert and pervert souls, blaspheming the Messiah and his followers. The Jew is pathologically unable to live peacefully with Christians, without making efforts to seduce Christians into Noahidism and Judaizerism. Thus, therefore, even Popes and other ecclesiastics have been compelled to take steps to condignly punish them for their contumacious and ingracious behaviour.
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