The Strange Case of Comrade Marlon

©Lucio Mascarenhas. May 20th., 2004.

  1. GoanCauses Correspondence: l'Affair Marlon

  2. Statement: Making Shipwreck Of The Faith (To be uploaded)

Two caveats: 1. I publish this statement with reluctance. I wanted Senhor Agnelo Gomes' permission, as he has closed this particular exchange between Marlon and myself in the GoanCauses list, and this, as it were, opens it once again. Senhor Agnelo has refused permission for it to be posted on GoanCauses. That deepens my reluctance. However, I also see that it is still necessary for me to make a "closing statement" as it were.

2. A letter is being sent to Marlon, informing him of this statement, so that no one can claim that I am attacking him behind his back, after his exit from GoanCauses.



RECALL WHAT COMRADE MARLON HAD WRITTEN IN RESPONSE TO MY EXPOSE OF VOLTIVA'S PORNOPHILIA: Beg for forgiveness from the almighty, or may you burn in the fires of hell for all eternity. Your blasphemy against the church and our great pope makes me sick from the very depths of my despairing soul. People like you make me lose my faith in mankind, inspite of great people like Agnelo in our midst. Even Adolf Hilter would not make the allegations you have made. Even the execution video of Mr. Berg is more tolerable than this. This is an anti-christian hate crime. YET, EVIDENTLY, COMRADE MARLON HAS NO COMPUNCTION AGAINST CO-HABITATING GOACOM WITH EDDY THE BLASPHEMING ANTI-CATHOLIC MISANTHROPE!

I sincerely did not know whether Marlon was male or female. I first ran into Marlon when I was invited to join one of the "Goan" communities, and quickly realised that it was Quislinger, upon which I immediately asked to be excused. At that time, Marlon, one of the moderators / admins had asked me why I categorized that community as "Anti-Goan." I later constructed my reply into a webpage: Goan Quislings, removing all traces of the person to whom originally addressed.

It was from that time, that I believed, (I agree now that it was mistakenly), that Marlon was female rather than male.
The first thing I noticed when Marlon began posting on Goancauses was his monomaniacal plugging of Communism, and of something he called the "Goan Marxist Leninist Party". Cute name, but does it exist? Did it contest the recent polls?

The name of this supposed party is itself eminently improbable, and I will tell the reader why. In India, the Communists have split into innumerable independent factions. Yet, these divisions are not on the basis of territorialism and ethnicism, but on the basis of ideological differences.

The Maoist branch of Communism in India is the Naxalite Movement, akin to the Sendero Luminoso of Peru — a rabidly Maoist movement. This Naxalite movement is also not monolithic but again split into innumerable factions, of which the Peoples War Group and the Maoist Communist Center are the most prominent. The Naxalite hotspots are Andhra, Gondvana, Jharkhand, and Santhalkhand.

But another ideological variety — and one that is not active on the field, but which is largely "academic" is based in the Malabar. This variety proposes that India is multinational and that the Communist movement must reflect that. But, even in the Malabar, this maverick brand of Communism is a very small minority, with the major Communist parties being the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the Communist Party of India–Marxist (CPM).

Aside from this small and insignificant fringe, the Communists are big on the cult of the "Unity" of India. One only needs to remember that the various Communist parties played an important role in the Rape of Goa, and were in the forefront of the Indian agitation to demand more precipitate action on the part of Nehru.

Given these facts, it is improbable that there would be any serious communist faction in Goa that would style itself as the Goan Communist Party. Rather, it would style itself in such a manner as to clearly demonstrate that it is merely a regional chapter of an Indian "national" party — such as the Goa Pradesh Communist Party of India, the Goa Pradesh Communist Party of India — Marxist, etc.

None of these communists would dream of forming a purely Goan Communist party, or look kindly upon any such attempt, without making a vicious ruckus over such "national splittism", to use a Communist term.

Again, if Marlon was really communist, and as monomaniacal as he came across on Goancauses, he would have been notorious for doing the same on the lists where he is top dog — Goacom, goanet, etc. And, Goans would have spoken somewhere and at sometime, about a monomaniacal Goan communist. But I have not heard of any monomaniacal Goan communist...

Nor is the "Goan Marxist Leninist Party" heard of.

For a time, because of one person who is/was a regular on Goanet, I searched out the Goanet archives and checked out to see if there were any new statements.

At no time did I find any monomaniacal plugging of communism there — by anyone, leave alone Marlon.

The Goan Su-Raj Party made a public decision to stand aside and to support the "South Goa" Congress candidate against the BJP, and so, when the Congress candidate won, Su-Raj could justly claim a share in the victory and in the celebration.

But no one had heard of the GMLP and of any part it had to play in the polls, if that organisation does really exist.

Yet, Marlon was acting as if the election verdict in South Goa was for the GMLP and not for the Congress. That stank of deceit and mockery — of an attempt to play the fool with GoanCauses.

It seems to be what is usually called "Pulling the leg", and it cannot be respectful or conducive to the dignity and honour of GoanCauses.

What is apparent, as I see it, is that Marlon Menezes sees us as being eccentrics espousing an eccentric cause.

For Goans who are uncritical Indianists, Goan patriotism is an eccentric cause, and we who espouse it, are eccentrics.

Again, for such Indianist Goans, we Goan patriots, who are a small minority, are an "oppositional" group; GoanCauses and the GoanCenter are "oppositional" communities opposed to the mainstream view that Goa is an integral part of the Indian Union.

So he sought to underline our "eccentricity" by mock-espousal of a fantastic, contrived alternative eccentricity, acting on the axiom: Fight eccentricity with eccentricity.

When the president of a large list / community does not espouse his eccentric ideas there but "deigns" to visit an "oppositional" list / community, where he "inexplicably" espouses an eccentric cause which he nowhere else espouses, then it is conclusive proof of his bad faith, of malicious intent, of an intent to perpetrate humbug.

When a man's ideological pose is attacked, usually than not, he reacts emotionally and defends himself more by reflex-action than by a careful and deliberate, dispassionate response.

An analysis of this "knee-jerk" reaction demonstrates the subject person's true inner convictions.

When I duelled with Shushrut Martins, he reacted by a passionate defence of his beliefs. Ditto for Leo Rebelo and Dr. Jose Colaco.

Marlon Menezes' responses, on the contrary, demonstrate that his "Goan Marxist Leninist Party" cause was not deep-rooted – a homogenized, internalised belief-system. And so, it could only be a facade.

I have already remarked to demonstrate that Marlon's pretensions to be Communist are inconsistent to his free and voluntary confession of Gringomania. Gringomania and Erythromania (Red-Mania) are opposite and contrary diseases.

But, again, not only is Marlon an Erythromaniac-cum-Gringomaniac, but he is also a stalwart defender of the "Pope". This "defence" states that exposing photographic evidence of the public fornications of John-Paul II is evidence, not of John-Paul II's bad faith, but of mine!

This transference of guilt from the perpetrator to the "prosecutor" (as I would be, in a sense) is mind-boggling, to say the least.

And so, to his Erythromania and Gringomania, we must need add the disease of... what shall we call this: Credomania?

But, honestly, I find it extremely hilarious when a self-avowed Communist threatens me with hell-fire and eternal damnation! In riposte, what more can I say, but that the good Comrade Marlon must be labouring under the delusion that in the after-life, he will be welcomed with joy by Mu'Ahmad into his harem-in-the-sky and allotted a stupendous bevy of houris all for himself?

As for Comrade Marlon's much-vaunted "Goan Marxist Leninist Party: I did a Google search and drew a blank. The Election Commission of the Indian Union also does not list such a party. See here.

That an Indian political party is not registered with the Indian Election Commissioner is, of course, not evidence that it does not exist, for there are also parties that have not cared to or been unable to fulfil the requirements for registration.

But, neither did the "Goan Marxist Leninist Party" play any part in the recent polls in Indian Occupied Goa.

As a matter of fact, I believe that the evidence is in favour of the verdict that this party does not really exist... that it is as fictional as Clark Kent aka "Superman" or Peter Parker aka "Spiderman"... That this "Goan Marxist Leninist Party" exists nowhere else than in Marlon's mental cuckooland!

When Marlon was challenged, Marlon reacted, not by defending Communism, but by taking refuge behind Uncle Sam and hiding behind the American flag. But it is a fact that when a man of convictions finds that his sincerity is challenged, recourse even more strongly to his ideology. Yet, when Comrade Marlon was attacked, he sought to defend himself by covering himself with the American flag... a sure evidence of his insincerity!
Marlon wrote: The communist party should not allow sonia gandhi to rule india because she is a foreigner. There are many indians in the commmunist party who can rule india. I have heard that Rahuls wife is Portuguese or Spanish (not a big difference). I think she might make a good candidate to rule Goa." This would have been hilarious for its stupidity, if it was not breath taking for its grandiose, patronising contempt of Goa and of Goans...

I mean, Antonia Maino aka "Sonia Gandhi" is not eligible to run India because she is a foreigner, but a Portuguese or Spanish foreigner is eligible to run Goa!

And what are the supposed qualifications of this woman, purported to be the wife of Rahul Gandhi, who is himself Maino's son? Why, understandably, it is that she is married into the family of Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter Indira Nehru-Gandhi and of her son, Rajiv Gandhi, the "husband" of Antonia Maino? (Maino, baptised a Catholic, married by Hindu rites. Catholic Canon Law does not recognize such a marriage).

Even I am tiring of pointing out Marlon's innumerable inconsistencies.

From the Goan viewpoint, it is precisely that such a woman would be related in some manner or the other to Nehru that would disqualify her from any role in Goa! So much should be evident to any one who loves Goa and who cherishes Goa's self-respect.

Yet, Marlon cherishes the self-respect of India, but not of Goa! That betrays his true loyalties beyond the least shadow of doubt.

By making this statement, Marlon, above all, demonstrates his true feeling of contempt for Goa, and his attitude that it is merely a petty little Indian province.

By this statement, Marlon spits straight into the face of Mother Goa, straight into the face of the Goan patriots.

More than anything else, it is this statement that inflamed my heart with a murderous rage...
It is because of the huge number of inconsistencies that I disbelieve Marlon's sincerity when he claims to be a Communist. I do not believe that, in so believing, I am being unreasonable!

To my eyes, it is evident that by plugging a non-existent political movement, Marlon was spoofing us who are passionate for Goa; spoofing our desire to procure the liberation of Goa from the Indian occupation.
An Aside.

There are some who demand that societies should not compel men to believe in any one ideology, but that men should be free to believe as they choose. Yet, communism and its "moderate" kid brother, socialism, both insist on imposing themselves, willy-nilly, on mankind at large.

And, logically, even Socialism or Communism, with all its constituent doctrines and creeds, and signally including its rejection of God and of the supernatural, and exaltation of a false, agnostic pseudo-Rationalism, are Belief-Systems, demanding the assent of men.

The Germans have a nice word for both religions and such "secular" ideologies — Weltanschauung.

In the Indian Union's constitution, every Indian citizen is compulsorily required to swear allegiance to Socialism.

Any person or party that wishes to contest for public office must officially and formally swear to the ideology of Socialism — or be barred from contesting.

That makes India into a Monocredal State, a Confessional State — for it exclusively confesses Socialism!

This Monocredalism leaves no space for such other ideologies that reject Socialism — such as, for example, orthodox Catholicism — or for their sincere and honest adherents.

(I remind the reader that the Catholic Church, up to Pope Pius XII, has formally and definitely excluded participation in the ideology of Socialism as being contrary to the Faith: Catholics who become Socialists incur automatic excommunication, cannot receive communion, be married in Church or be buried in Catholic graveyards, unless they repent and are reconciled by their bishops. Of course, the "New Church" has mitigated or abrogated these rules, but, under the Laws of the Church, which forbid attempts to change what is immutable, and under the provisions of Pope Paul IV's Enactment, Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, these actions are illegal, null, void and without moral value).

How is this Socialist hegemonism and insolence any different or better than that of the Hindutvawadis?

Marlon denounces me as a "communalist". The word "Communalist" has a positive meaning in the English language worldwide, but a peculiar and different meaning in India, which is negative in connotation. In Hinglish or Indian-English, it is the equivalent of "Sectarian".

Therefore, I dismiss with due contempt the gratuitous pretensions of the Communist and the Socialist that he is non-sectarian. On the contrary, as I have demonstrated, they are eminently sectarian! They are eminently intolerant!
Lastly, though I had though not to counter-act Marlon's parting propaganda, I need to set the record right where he has made a base allegation against my integrity.

Marlon has alleged that in refusing to answer Leah David's attack against me on the Goacom BBS, I was being cowardly. Leah David herself had insisted that she would not "condescend" to do battle with me on GoanCauses, but that if I wished to defend myself, I must come over to the Goacom BBS.

I would have the reader remember that Leah David attacked me because she found some post of mine, made on GoanCauses, offensive. Reason says that if that were so, she was morally bound to take me to task there, on GoanCauses. But arrogance, conceit — and I believe, cowardice too — made her to instead confine her attacks against me to a list to which I was foreign, and which I did not know existed, nor did Leah David have the common basic courtesy and decency to bring to my attention her attacks on my positions that she made on the Goacom BBS.

I believe that any honest man will agree with me that when someone has some issue with what one person has posted or written in one place, then it is the duty of the person who wishes to take issue to take issue at that same place.

Of course, such a course is excluded when the site or list is hostile or inimical to the dissenter.

But there was and is no hostile atmosphere on Goancauses, and the list administrator was / is not partial to me. Therefore, Leah David had no moral reason for avoiding to counteract me on Goancauses and instead to recourse to the Goacom BBS.

But following this course, Leah David not only added insult to injury against me, but also added to her crimes by insulting the moderator of Goancauses and tacitly imputed motives and biases to him.

Again, I believe that honest men will agree with me that if I did condescend to the demands made by my challenger to meet her on her terms, that it would mean that I have unnecessarily yielded her a moral victory for free, even without having gone into the merits of the case.

Necessarily, from the view of the third party, for the person so challenged to make such a compromise, must mean that he (the challenged) entertains serious moral doubts about the righteousness of his own cause, and believes that his challenger is more apt to be correct than himself.

That is, if the challenged did so, he would be making a first, crucial surrender before his opponent.

Therefore, since I did not believe myself wrong and since I did not believe that Leah David had a better case than I had, I was bound by the dictates of morality not to give her a free victory by yielding to her unnatural demand that I should condescend to battle her on her terms and at the place of her choosing.

Therefore, no sensible man can call my course — my refusal to make this unnecessary surrender before my challenger — as being born of cowardice.

And if anyone does in fact allege cowardice, then it must only be understood as a proof of his own immorality!
For myself, I only saw that Marlon was playing us for dumb by his idiotic plugging of the spoof, his "Goan Marxist Leninist Party". In my irritation, I missed what Elias Monteiro recognised, that Marlon's entry was part of a conspiracy against GoanCauses.

Yet, since Elias has mentioned it, I can easily enough recognize that it was, indeed a conspiracy.

There is no other explicable reason for Marlon's foray into GoanCauses, his monomaniacal spoofs.

But, when one reflects on the issue, more ramifications become evident.

GoanCauses has reached a critical moment in that it has become, more and more, an open and free forum for Goan Nationalists, from which it can only go one further to catalyse the actual liberation movement. And it is precisely that this poses a risk, from the Indianists' viewpoint, an intolerable risk of fructifying into success.

Until now, the murmurs of dissent were too few and far apart, and Goans were inexplicably afraid of speaking up. But now, unlike many other discussion forums and internet communities, GoanCauses has encouraged many more Goans to step up and to speak out. The Goan cause, has a result, become more livelier.

Of course, we are very far from having reached any really substantial point, as we ourselves are only too aware; yet, the enemy can only be dismayed to see the shackles of fear and reticence fall away, and Goans openly and contemptuously reject India's pretensions over us.

Evidently, from the Indianist viewpoint, this needs to be obviated.

I believe now, that Marlon's foray was meant to accomplish this. I believe that Marlon intended to take advantage of Senhor Agnelo's liberality and effort to build an all-encompassing coalition of Goans against the Occupation, and get past his blind-side to infiltrate the list, to inveigle into the good books of Senhor Agnelo and to gradually turn him around, to co-opt him, as the Indians have always done, co-opt him by all means to being pro-India.

If this had succeeded, GoanCauses would have been permanently deep-sixed.

Evidence for this is to be found in the importance of the person selected for this task — one of the administrators of the mammoth Goacom community.

But if this is so, then the conspirators goofed and goofed badly by selecting Marlon for this task, for it is evident, from hindsight, that Marlon, despite his pre-eminent status in the Indianist Goan communities, was sorely unfitted for this task, and unnecessarily drew attention to himself by his monomaniacal spoofs.

And, if my surmise is correct, it must mean that someone who personally knows Senhor Agnelo and is personally acquainted with him and with his personality traits, is party to this conspiracy, and based the hopes for the success of this plan on this insider knowledge.

Yet, again, if my surmise is true, then we the Patriots need to rejoice and take heart at this development, for it is an admission, a confession by our opponents that we are hitting the target, that our missiles are hurting. This conspiracy is evidence that GoanCauses and our work is getting somewhere, for we are disturbing the hitherto complacence of the Indian invader-imperialist-colonist.

I rest my case.

©Lucio Mascarenhas. May 20th., 2004.
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