The Fantastic Insanity of Chetak Baliga

©Lucio J. Mascarenhas. 11th. September 2003. Revised 14th May 2004.

The opposite party, "Chetak" was, I had believed, a fantastic character: Chetak Baliga. Evidently, this "gentleman" could not avoid bragging — and confessing — to being the perpetrator of the epistle of imbecility that he sent me, and which provided the opportunity for my reply.

See also Domingo Xetty: The Yapping of a Half-Breed.
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 07:35:07 +0100 (BST)
From: "Chetan"
Subject: Some ponderings

Hi Prakash

Stumbled across your site while surfing for information on Goan inquisition. Glad to know that you are calling it Portuguese Goa (however absurd it may seem to the rest of the world)

Also saw a wide range of topics that you have covered in a professional manner. Since you take great pride in being A Portuguese Goan you seem the right person to point me towards information of Goan Inquisition which again was requested by the great martyr Francis Xavier, whose earthly remains are still kept in Goa.

I need info on

1) Velha De Goa

2) Orlem Goro (the huge house/house of horrors where the humble Portuguese inquisitors did things that spoke in volumes about the honorable Roman Church and its benevolent nature)

3) the 121 Auto Da Fe's

I am also a konkani, a GSB (Gowd Sarasvath Brahmin) the name of the caste is a must for official documents etc otherwise it does not make any difference to me. Today in Urban India one has to be senseless to keep track of such trivial issues.

My ancestors too were Goans (we refer to use the old term Gomantak and not use left over colonial terminology)

We have our ancestral temple in Zamboalim in Goa. Off course might not be the original site for the noble Portuguese in their impeccable manners had this habbit of destroying temples plundering its riches etc etc all in the name of christ and under the refuse of the holy cross.

By word of mouth the heart breaking story of how my ancestors escaped from Goa , the Portuguese and the zealots of the church has remained in the family all along. I want to go ahead and write about the same in a detailed manner. I am trying to discover my roots and be in the shoes of my ancestor whom had to live with the great Portuguese people.

Whats bygone is bygone and no use talking about the past.

What i dont understand is how can a person want to associate even the term Portuguese with him. Off course you must have your own reasons. All i want to say as an Indian first and as a hIndu next that Goa has been a part of India since its liberation and it would take more than a few forums, yahoo groups and half bred Goans (the excreta of the Portuguese), to make it Portuguese gOa again.

Optimism is a way of life here in India so you can go on dreaming. According to history the Portuguese were no great explorers and colonizers but the means that they used to achieve their ends were much worse than the so called pagans whom they were trying to get under the true gods cross. Be it the Incans, Aztecs, Mayans, Goans, Indonesians all these indigenious people had to face extermination from tyrants Portuguese and Spanish.

I am not a zealot and deplore those who use religion as a means to achieve their ulterior motives. If you cant respect other religions fine dont bad mouth about them.

History bears testimony to the fact that millions had been persecuted by orders of the church and pope. Why once the exponent of the Roman Catholic church had tortured Gallileo Gallilei for saying that the world is spherical!!! Such is the diktats of the religion that terrorized its own people using hersay, witchcraft etc

Please refrain from writing stupid articles and its a challenge to the likes of you Portuguese vestiges do what you mAY Goa is eternally Indian and no entity can dream to snatch it away or as the neo Portuggalis would term "Liberate it"

I can see solid fuel propelled Agni 3 soar over Europe and strike Lisbon if these colonial villains try to interfere. As far as you live in the coccon you have created


An Indian Nationalist
An erstwhile Goan

Interesting little missive. A nice mix of pretended naivety and of malice masquerading as wounded pride.

Christianity teaches its adherents to love all men, but forbids us to love their errors, their heresies. We are required to hate the errors that keep men in slavery to untruth and separates them from God.

My ancestors too were Gaud Saraswat Brahmins. We were Shenoys, according to one of my elders.

Three millennia or so ago, Hinduism dawned on the East Indies. Hindus today like to claim that the founders of Hinduism were always indigenous to the East Indies, but it is their own historical records that show up their lies.

According to these works, the Vedas, the "Arya" race immigrated into India from a land whose precise present location is now forgotten and lost: the Uttara Kuru, which is idealized in Hindu and Buddhist literature. That inconvenient fact makes rubbish of the modern Hindu claim that the Aryas evolved as a result of a social reform process from among the aborigines of India themselves.

The Aryas perceived themselves as being a superior race; that is what the name Arya means: "Noble."

Again demonstrating the lies of the modern Hindus, the Vedas themselves depict the progress of the Aryans into the Indus River Drainage System from the Oxus River System, over the Uparisena or Hindu Kush range of mountains.

Coming into the East Indies, the Aryas conquered and colonized the land, sometimes displacing and sometimes absorbing the previously inhabitant ethnic groups.

The Aryas invented a system called the Colour Code or "Varna Asrama". According to this, the non-Aryas were considered inferior and were to be held in subjugation to the Aryas in perpetuity. This is the genesis of the Caste System.

At the top of this system were the Brahmins, such as my ancestors; next came the warriors and rulers, the Kshatriyas; next the "Countrymen" or Vaisyas; then the Shudras or Menials and labourers and lastly, all those who were not of these four were considered to belong to the fifth class that encompassed all the rest of mankind: the Mlechhas - the unclean or the "barbarians", the natives who fled for refuge into the impenetrable mountain fastnesses and into the deep forests of Peninsular India.

(Sanskrit derives the name Mlechha from the word for unclean, malich; I rather believe that the name is derived from Meluha, the native name for India, and malich was invented to describe them, depict them as "dirty", "unclean", a barbarous, uncivilized people!)

The first three classes are together called the Dvijas or Twice-Born. They are the true Hindus, descendants of the privileged conquerors, the Aryas. Membership is assured by birth and by the Upanayana Samskara.

Varnashram has successfully imprinted itself in the minds and psyches of the Indic peoples and holds to this day.

As a result of this system, the vast majority of the Indic people, in those parts where the Hindu system prevailed and continued to prevail or reclaimed from Buddhism, were treated as subhuman, denied and deprived of their humanity, even as the Hindus elevated dumb beasts to the position and status of "gods".

Let us not allow ourselves to be confused or deceived, as desired so earnestly by the advocates of Hinduism, about the integral nature of the Caste System with Hinduism: No one can be a Hindu from the Hindu theological view, unless he belonged to one caste or the other; Shudras and Mlechhas are strictly excluded from theological Hinduism.

But this is not the only horrible thing about Hinduism. From my viewpoint, horrible enough as this is, Hinduism�s invention of the most grotesque and fantastic "gods" is another thing that repels me, fills me with an overpowering revulsion.

Take "Ganpati": What I find mind-boggling, besides that his "mother" fabricated him from her sweat (Either she must have sweated a lot, despite being in the rather cool Himalayas, or she must have been a giantess to have been able to gather so much sweat) is to figure out whether it was the elephant that was of a mouse�s size or the mouse that was of elephantine dimensions. Perhaps you could enlighten me?

Any way: fast forward to the arrival of the Portuguese. Portugal had been one of the countries of Europe that the Arabs invaded and conquered. Portugal and Spain fought long and hard to achieve liberation, and when achieved, they rushed out to sea to carry on the campaign. That campaign against Islam brought them around Africa to outflank Islam and strike from the rear, besides breaking its monopoly over the Asiatic trades.

During the same time, the Muslims were everywhere advancing in India, pushing further and further sought. The Sultanate of Bijapur invaded Goa; Hindu Vijayanagar liberated it. Again, Bijapur conquered. This time, Vijayanagar was too weak to take on the Bahamani sultanates, and so it suggested to the Goans that they recourse to the Portuguese, which they did. That is how the Portuguese came into Goa, by invitation of the Goans themselves, and they liberated Goa permanently from Islam.

Coming into Goa, the Portuguese naturally enough began to intensively evangelise the country. It may be difficult for you to conceptionalize this, but Portugal at that time was swept with the fervour to reach Christianity out to all mankind, for the salvation of souls. There was a literal flood of missionaries who at times even outnumbered the Portuguese military in Goa. Relations between the native people and the Portuguese were cordial, and the natives looked up to the Portuguese as their liberators. And therefore they were the more acceptable, by and large, to the Christian missionaries and their message. Many converted. But a core group of recalcitrants, Hindu racists, malcontents and malefactors, exclusively of the upper castes, and mainly Brahmins, saw this as a threat and they began to stir up a hysteria and a campaign of vilification of the missionaries and of the neophyte converts, vilifying and intimidating with threats, violence, excommunication, deprivation of property, rights to trade, inhabit villages, marry, etc.

Again, this hate campaign soon took on the overtones of a program of sedition against the Portuguese.

Due to this hate campaign, the missionaries stormed the King of Portugal with their complaints, and the King began to investigate the matter. Hindus, Christians, missionaries, neophytes, Portuguese statesmen and the pioneers who had opened out the East for Portugal vied for his attention, but finally he agreed that the remaining Hindus in Goa, already effectively a small and insignificant minority should be expelled, their temples demolished, etc., as the only means of protecting the new Christians from the hate campaign of these recalcitrants.

Hindus were ordered to adopt Christianity or to sell off their properties and evacuate the Portuguese possessions. I believe that this was eminently a sane and entirely a justified step or procedure to deal with these mischief-makers.

Even in leaving, these miscreants conspired: They split their families, so that one branch would pretend to embrace Christianity and continue to hold the lands, while the other branch would proceed into exile and continue under the slavery of paganism.

It was the goodness of the Portuguese that they did not indiscriminately confiscate these evacuee properties but allowed the family members who pretended to have converted, to continue to hold ALL these lands, not merely what should have been merely their just share and nothing more than that.

Again, these miscreants and their descendants pretend that many or a sizable Goan population was affected by this expulsion. That is self-evidently a lie, and I will prove it in the next lines.

Firstly, missionaries still followed the exiles into Tuluva-Haiva and into the Malabar, and made many converts even among them, as is amply evidenced by the historical records.

Secondly, in the Tuluva-Haiva tract (aka Tulunad), the King of Ikkeri granted these exiles land; saw that they were excellent cultivationists, and sent them to bring more settlers to open up forest land for cultivation and thus augment his tax-base.

Therefore, some of these exiles returned to Goa to procure volunteers to emigrate to Tulunad. If there had been population depletion due to the expulsion of a short time before, the Portuguese would not have either countenanced or facilitated this emigration. But as a matter of fact, they did.

They did for two reasons: To reduce the population pressure on Goan agricultural land and to provide themselves with an opening for projecting their influence into the Tulunad, which they successfully did. Missionaries followed these willing emigrants and using them as the base, made more converts among the local populations, thus augmenting the Christian populations of Tulunad and the Malabar.

Another thing to note: The recent converts flooding into Tulunad did NOT revert to paganism, which they could have done if their conversion was not real but merely artificial and opportunistic. There was not too much that the Portuguese could have done about that.

Therefore, the facts belie the miscreants� pretensions that the conversion of Goa was forced and unwilling; that the expulsion was of a major or quantitatively substantial proportion of the Goan population, rather than that of a small and comparatively insignificant proportion of the Goan population - effectively nothing more than a bunch of social parasites, miscreants and malefactors of whom Goa was well rid off.

I do not have figures at hand, but I would judge that not more than 10% and certainly less than 5% of the population belonged to this group of miscreants who first conjured up a hate campaign against the neophyte Christians and who followed up on their malice and miscreancy by withdrawing into exile so that they could continue to practice their inhuman and misanthropic heresy.

What I have stated will be hard and unpleasant to swallow, but it is self-evidently the truth.

I live and work in Bombay, among and with Hindus, Ambedkarite neo-Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians of Goan, Mangalorean, etc., origins, including Dalit converts to Christianity (Salvation Army, Methodism, etc.) I have personally experienced the Hindu Caste System, its Sublime and Integral Misanthropy at work: In the Hindu Brahmins who talk derogatively of those who are styled euphemistically as Dalits, words and actions that humiliate and dehumanise. I have worked with Kshatriyas and seen their arrogant and insolent, racist and superioritarianist attitudes towards these Dalits. I had personally befriended, sheltered and aided one such Kshatriya, and some months latter, when he saw me talking confidentially with a Valmiki Dalit, a sweeper, he advised me to avoid his company, because he was a "low caste"! This is the practical Hinduism that I have experienced, and I have their own averments and boasts, in all sincerity, that things in the cities have changed, but that in the Dehat and Mofussils they very much practice a much more and stringent form of the Varnashram even today — as they themselves have so often, and as shamelessly boasted to me!

You must therefore not expect me to be sympathetic towards Hinduism. I consider it a tremendous and intolerable blight upon mankind, and one that states must suppress mercilessly. Hinduism is Casteism; it is therefore irreformable. Moreover, it is not the duty of others or of states to effect a reform of Hinduism, but of the Hindus themselves, and they have categorically refused to do any such thing; recoursing rather, as did M.K. Gandhi, for example, to a campaign of whitewashing and justifying the monstrosities and inhumanities of Hinduism.

During the Inquisition, the only people who could be summoned for investigation were those who were ostensibly Christians accused of heresy, besides non-Christians accused of perverting Christians. Hindus could not normally be cited before the Inquisition.

In Hindu history, we are told that the slave-peoples, the Shudras or as they now are called, the Dalits, are not allowed to practice religion under any form, under threat of death. We are told of a Dalit, Tsambuk, who took to meditation in the forest. The Brahmins complained to King Ram of Ayodhya, and he came, fitted an arrow to his bow and murdered the inoffensive Tsambuk without even exchanging a word with him. And this misanthropic monster, this unconscionable criminal against mankind is what the Hindus worship as the ideal man, verily a "god"!

Compared to the Hindu treatment of their Dalit victims, even if we take only the time during which the Goan Inquisition was in existence, I find it comparatively much better than the informal Inquisition of the Hindu Varnashram.

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 07:35:07 +0100 (BST)
From: "Chetan"
Subject: Some ponderings

Hi Prakash

Stumbled across your site while surfing for information on Goan inquisition. Glad to know that you are calling it Portuguese Goa (however absurd it may seem to the rest of the world)

I do not know anything called "Portuguese Goa." That is an Indian name; and typically, it is born of nothing more than ignorance of the English language, much like Port Blair, merely the name of the harbour, is used for the city instead of its proper name: Hope Town.

When a land is held in parts or sectors by two or more states, those parts are called by the adjectives for the holding states as qualifiers. Thus British Somalia, Italian Somalia, French Somalia; Portuguese, Spanish, French, British Guineas; French, Dutch and British Guiana. There was and is only one Goa. It was a city, not a territory, and it was held only by the Portuguese, so that there was no need to qualify that name, Goa, with the adjective Portuguese.

If Goa had been a territory, or even if the city had been held in parts by two or more states, say Portugal and the Netherlands, there would have been a Portuguese and a Dutch Goa� Obviously, the name "Goa Portuguesa" or "Portuguese Goa" betray nothing more than the ignorance of the one using that name.

The legal name for the entity or polity was Portuguese India. That name is what my legal documents bear.

There was the British India or the British East Indies, the Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, Danish East Indies. I belong to Portuguese India. There is no shame in that name: It is only a name, and one convenient to differentiate it from other territories and states.

Also saw a wide range of topics that you have covered in a professional manner. Since you take great pride in being A Portuguese Goan you seem the right person to point me towards information of Goan Inquisition which again was requested by the great martyr Francis Xavier, whose earthly remains are still kept in Goa.

Did not know that St. Francis Xavier was categorized as a martyr. Still do not know it. Would love to know from where, i.e. which source, you got this information: St. Francis Xavier as a "Martyr". Please do let me know.

I need info on

1) Velha De Goa

Not any animal that I am acquainted with. I know of a "Velha Goa", which is something else altogether. Velha is from the Latin, "Vetera", meaning "Old". Velha Goa was the city, now dead, that gave "Goa" its name; Nova Goa is the city that is also called Ponjhe.

The City of Goa (Cidade de Goa), or "Old Goa" as it is popularly called, was established by the Hindu kings after they abandoned their previous capital, which is now called Goa Velha. To avoid confusion between the three sites, I would suggest calling them Goa1, Goa2 and Goa3.

Goa1 is the city abandoned before the arrival of the Portuguese—the ruins presently called Goa Velha.

Goa2 is the city liberated from the Sultanate of Bijapur by the first Portuguese, and then abandoned about two hundred years ago; the site of the Bom Jesu Church which houses the incorruptible remains of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the East Indies. The Portuguese call the ruins of this city, formerly the Cidade de Goa, and even more famously, Goa Dourado (Golden Goa) by the name of Velha Goa.

Goa3 is what the Portuguese called, alternatively, Nova Goa and Pangim, and which the Indian invaders call Panjim and Panaji, and which the Goans themselves call Ponjhe.

2) Orlem Goro (the huge house/house of horrors where the humble Portuguese inquisitors did things that spoke in volumes about the honorable Roman Church and its benevolent nature)

3) the 121 Auto Da Fe's

Only 121? Me thinks you have got yourself a typo. That is way too modest a number. Should have been more like 121,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000!

I am also a konkani, a GSB (Gowd Sarasvath Brahmin) the name of the caste is a must for official documents etc otherwise it does not make any difference to me. Today in Urban India one has to be senseless to keep track of such trivial issues.

Regardless of its "Senseless"-ness, it is still evidently being held and pride is invested in it. But it is "Senseless" only as long as the Indian government does not accede to the "Upper Castes" to the benefits of Reservation: When that happens, it will be its weight in Gold, what?

My ancestors too were Goans (we refer to use the old term Gomantak and not use left over colonial terminology)

The Brahmins are very clever at inventing Sanskrit "original" names - so much so that these maniacs now pretend that Buda-Pest was originally Buddhaprastha and that Guatemala was Gautamalaya.

The Marathi pretend that they are native to Bombay. They call Bandra by the name Vandre. The original was Bandora, from the Persian "Bhandar" - a wharf or breakwater, which gave the Portuguese Bandorem and from which the English name has come.

They are so knowledgeable of their "native" Bombay, that they call places after the Railway stations from which they disembarked and flooded the city. And even when the railway cuts east-to-west, they call the two sections, East and West. So much for their Geography and nativeness!

What is Mumbai? What is Gomantak? What is Govapuri? Tissues of lies, and nothing more than that. Old Brahmin habits that die hard. Doubtlessly, they have Sanskrit original names for London, Melbourne, Toronto, New York, Tokyo, Beijing and other cities and countries worldwide, all of which once belonged to their grandfather or his grandfather or his concubine, and which the wicked barbarians of the world have usurped.

We have our ancestral temple in Zamboalim in Goa. Off course might not be the original site for the noble Portuguese in their impeccable manners had this habbit of destroying temples plundering its riches etc etc all in the name of christ and under the refuse of the holy cross.

Doubtlessly, like the Buddhist and Jain temples demolished by Sankaracharya and other benevolent Hindus and Hindu temples built on those sites, right?

By word of mouth the heart breaking story of how my ancestors escaped from Goa , the Portuguese and the zealots of the church has remained in the family all along. I want to go ahead and write about the same in a detailed manner. I am trying to discover my roots and be in the shoes of my ancestor whom had to live with the great Portuguese people.

Take heart and work on your project. There are already many of those mythologies and sob-stories published by others descended from the same parasites, and from which you can learn. Don�t let yourself be discouraged.

Whats bygone is bygone and no use talking about the past.

Certainly. Like the irrepressible and timeless, even monomaniacal, Hindu demand that the Muslims restore the Ram and Krishna Janmabhoomis, Somnath, etc., etc� Like "Mandir wahi banaege!"

What i dont understand is how can a person want to associate even the term Portuguese with him. Off course you must have your own reasons. All i want to say as an Indian first and as a hIndu next that Goa has been a part of India since its liberation and it would take more than a few forums, yahoo groups and half bred Goans (the excreta of the Portuguese), to make it Portuguese gOa again.

Goa is no more a part of India than Greenland is. But I will not belabour the point, and try to give you a brain surgery - yet!

Fools daydreaming about Portuguese Goa would have to wait till judgement day and even beyond.

So say the Malefactors. But we will see if the God of Abraham is powerless as the Hindus delude themselves�

Optimism is a way of life here in India so you can go on dreaming. According to history the Portuguese were no great explorers and colonizers but the means that they used to achieve their ends were much worse than the so called pagans whom they were trying to get under the true gods cross. Be it the Incans, Aztecs, Mayans, Goans, Indonesians all these indigenious people had to face extermination from tyrants Portuguese and Spanish.

Like how the ancestors of the Gaud Saraswat treated those they conquered, reducing them to sub-humans?

And Extermination? Last I knew, Goans, Incans, Aztecs, Mayans, "Indonesians", etc., are still very much existent, none of them having been exterminated, or sought to be exterminated by either Portuguese or Spaniard. It was never their aim to perpetrate Genocide. Unlike the White Racist Calvinists and other Protestants, the Catholic Powers believed in the humanity of all men, which is why, unlike the racist Aryan and Protestants, they freely intermarried with one and all races of man: Black, Inca, Aztec, Indic, whatever. Far different from what the Aryans did and still do in India, no?

I am not a zealot and deplore those who use religion as a means to achieve their ulterior motives. If you cant respect other religions fine dont bad mouth about them.

You NOT a zealot! You certainly live in your own dream world, don't you!

How do your dreams go? With the victims of the Hindus, the Dalits and others, in raptures of ecstasy at being dehumanised and being preyed upon by you and your fellow anthropoid parasites?

Cute way you have of respecting Christianity, by "innocently" badmouthing and misrepresenting it. However, I will let that pass.

Stating the truth is not badmouthing. But of course, malefactors will always misrepresent those who cite and obstruct their miscreancies. Like the way a criminal will always consider that the witness who reports his crime has wronged him and should be eliminated� right?

History bears testimony to the fact that millions had been persecuted by orders of the church and pope. Why once the exponent of the Roman Catholic church had tortured Gallileo Gallilei for saying that the world is spherical!!! Such is the diktats of the religion that terrorized its own people using hersay, witchcraft etc

It is very easy to repeat slanders. Can you back up what you claim about the Church�s "persecution" of Galileo with hard facts? I am willing to debate the point�

Please refrain from writing stupid articles and its a challenge to the likes of you Portuguese vestiges do what you mAY Goa is eternally Indian and no entity can dream to snatch it away or as the neo Portuggalis would term "Liberate it"

If my articles are stupid, who is forcing you to read them? And if they are stupid, it should be a cakewalk to expose their errors, right? So why don�t you do that? Do you have the guts, or are you all hot gas?

Goa eternally Indian? I think not. Time will tell, whether it the Cause of Justice or that of India shall prevail. I bet on Justice and Truth, that therefore, India will get its comeuppance.

I can see solid fuel propelled Agni 3 soar over Europe and strike Lisbon if these colonial villains try to interfere. As far as you live in the coccon you have created

Cocoon? We? You Indians dream of being the first men on the moon, thirty years or more after the Yankees have already achieved that. Talk of keeping up with the Joneses!

And what makes you think that your opponents are going to give you a cakewalk? What makes you delude yourself that the Portuguese and Nato and the European Community and the US and others will calmly and placidly look on while you fire missiles into Lisbon? Do you Indians have a monopoly on rocket science? What should happen if ICBMs and Cruises should strike Indian cities? Or do you also delude yourselves that you are bulletproof?

You stick up your nose in the air and dream of conquering the moon as your colony, and you trip on your doorstep and fall flat with your face into your shit. Wake up and look out of your door, and you will see Pakistan waiting for an opportunity to use their nukes and fry your bacon to ashes.

What will happen if Pakistani F16s drop plutonium devices on Delhi, or fire their nuke missiles into your cities? What will be left of you to bother with Lisbon?

Quit dreaming of roasting Lisbon; work on saving your own fat bacon from those persistent little fellers, the Pakis.


An Indian Nationalist
An erstwhile Goan

Thanks for the entertainment. And keep the good stuff coming. You would put me out of business if not for all of your fantastic Hindu braggado.

Looking forward to Installment-II�

P. Joao Mascarenhas,
Goan nationalist and propagandist for the anti-Indian imperialist cause.

And Here Is... Installment 2!

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 21:49:00 -0800 (PST)
From: chetak baliga
To: [email protected]

Hello Mascy

I hope you are still alive and hope you live for many more years. Here is the second install ment now i have ample free time and i can entertain myself with you and your conspiracy theories. Thanks for a detailed analysis to my mail dated 11 sept 2003

I have directed many of my friends to your site and particularly the page where you have answered my queries. All of them have had hearty laughs congragulations and Mr Mascy you are a born buffoon. Continue the good work.

After all one cannot walk into vanities like you nowadays not since travelling circuses bards flame eaters and story tellers have reduced drastically. All the best and may ou conjure up much more half baked ideas and of course all the best for creating a Portuguese Goa. Whats the progress now that you have been ranting about it continnously for what may be 20- 30 years. Keep it up you sodden old fart!!!


One of your dozen critics

Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 16:41:42 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Lucio Mascarenhas"
Subject: Hello, Fartsmeller!
To: "chetak baliga"

Interesting, serpent, your confession that it was in fact you, as I had suspected. Do you know the definition of a buffoon? Did you check the mirror? When did you last check over your fantastic pages, imbecile?

It is not my intention to exchange insults with contemptible braggarts and arselickers like you.

I believe in the power of Truth; but even more in the power of God. Because my cause is of God, I know that I will succeed. I will destroy your evil, diabolic India - this is the will of God!

Time will tell who of us will succeed, you the son of Satan, or I the servant of God. Till then, I have banned you, because unlike you, I do not seek to amuse myself by smelling up people's arses!

Go to the blazes, serpent!

Lucio Mascarenhas, formerly "Prakash"
©Lucio J. Mascarenhas. 11th. September 2003. Revised 14th May 2004.
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