
©Prax Maskaren. 9th April 2003.
Dear Sean,

This letter is in response to your letter, which was in reaction to my article, Premature Crowing.

You are right in believing that I am not a US citizen. However, I believe that that is not relevant to the issue. What is relevant is the truth and right-thinking.

I am a citizen of Portuguese India, a small neighbour of (the former British) India, and which the latter has occupied by main force. And like you, I too am a patriot.

[Portuguese India's onetime capital was the city of Goa, now a dead city, and has the Church of 'Good Jesus' where the incorruptible body of St. Francis Xavier is kept. Therefore, it is also commonly called Goa, or by the UN, 'Goa and Dependencies'].

Patriotism is a virtue, and it is good to be a patriot. However, being pragmatic and realistic are also virtues.

Patriotism is not the preserve only of US citizens. And because one is a US citizen, he is not required by religion to not think and to be nothing more than a lobotomized flag-waving and chest-thumping jingoist!

Patriotism is a basically a blind love for a piece of real estate. It grows when it adds the love for one's people or nation, one's extended family. It is originally a natural virtue. But taken up by Christianity and ennobled by faith, reason and perspective, it becomes something more: It merges into piety, becoming its handmaid.

Take away that submission to reason, faith, facts and perspective, and what do you have? A purely natural virtue that can also become a great evil!

I am 'sort of' a supporter of the US led war waged upon Saddam Hussain. I believe that this war meets the minimum required for a just war. I believe that the war and its objective - the removal of a loose cannon dictator, is moral, good, just and beneficial for world peace.
Let us review US history in brief. The US was originally thirteen English colonies, some of them seized from the Dutch, Danes, Swedes, etc. However, by and large, the population was descended from English settlers. And the colonies were an extension of the English state.

In England, during this time, there was a religious crisis, with one time the Christians, and at other times the Protestants dominating. Eventually, the Prots came to dominate, and in order to obliterate the memory of Catholicism, they fabricated a new 'nation' of Great Britain by merging England and Scotland.

Part of this process was a fake dynasty which rules till this day.

By and large, the American colonists were of the same persuasions as the heretics in the home country. Therefore, there was no religious basis for the latter divide.

While Catholics did have a very legitimate reason to reject this new, illegal dispensation and overthrow it, they declined to claim and exercise that right, for which reason they lost it. And that made the new dispensation legitimate. Certainly, then, the predominantly Prot colonists had no just cause to reject it.

The American colonists began to see themselves as different and, though they had self-government, some of them wanted to be free nations. These were by and large Freemasons - Noahides, who followed the old policy of Solve et Coagula (Break up and re-assemble in a new, anti-Christian form). England fought a long and expensive war against France and others and had to repay by raising taxes. And this war had also benefitted the colonies. But this was grasped as the pretext for a rebellion.

On its part, England did nothing seriously or abnormally wrong or even seek to deliberately injure or humiliate the colonists. The grievances were actually merely invented and stirred up by malcontents.

Another interesting aspect of the so-called American War of Independence is that it was not merely and straight-out a war between the mother country and the colonies, but it was also truly the colonies' first civil war, long before Lincoln's War. The rebels had to fight loyalists to gain the upper hand, and the loyalists too fought back bravely. It is an accident of history that the rebels won and not the loyalists. For their failure, the loyalists had to flee their homeland and resettle in the Caribbean and in Canada.

As the colonists fought England, its enemies, by and large the Catholic states of Europe, jumped into the fray and aided the rebels. That was natural, an application of the common error that 'My enemy's enemy is my friend.' It was because of this, principally, that the predominantly Prot rebels choose the newborn US to be broadly tolerant, rather than merely tolerant of the various and rival Prot factions, even if this broad tolerance was initially only nominal and did not actually cover Christians.

But Catholic societies had to pay a heavy price for this error of judgement. One side effect of the American War of Independence was that Continental Liberals got a chance to freely interact with American Freemasons, that those Catholics who fought on the US side against the English, came to be influenced and brought those insidious ideas back home, setting the stage for the French Revolution and other Masonic usurpations. It is a historical fact that the American War of Independence was the direct and immediate precursor of the French Revolution! And, as orthodox Catholics, we all agree that the latter was/is bad and evil!

However, tolerantism is not exactly the same thing as being Catholic, and tolerantism has its own pitfalls and dangers of seducing souls away from the path of righteousness.

With Independence, nothing substantially changed for the Catholics. The colonies were dominated politically by Prots and the US continued to be so, despite official state neutrality in religious matters. Systemic hostility to Christianity continued.

I am not agreeable to the argument made by some that while England and many other European nations have apostasized, America is a new nation and did not but never had been Christian.

That theory is false.

The US as a nation is a budded-off branch of the English nation. And its prior history is that of the English nation, which is one of apostacy from Christianity. Certainly, the colonists' own immediate forefathers, one or two generations earlier had been Catholic and had fallen away. It mattered little that these then emigrated to the New World. That did not change their history.

The Systemic Christophobia of the US was demonstrated by the Know-Nothing movement, and even more by the moves to take advantage of Spain in the time of its difficulties when it was invaded by Napoleon and lay prostrate; America and England joined hands to breakaway the Spanish dependencies of New Spain, New Granada and Peru, using their stooges Simon Bolivar, Joseph St. Martin, etc., to form Mexico and the many states of South America, then further divided and subdivided them to form more than forty new countries.

The US by its mischief caused the dissolution of Mexico (former New Spain), with the provinces of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, etc., being raised to new states and encroaching on the northern territories - Florida, Louisiana, North Mexico {which is now Texas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, 'New Mexico', Oklahoma, and (North) California, (South, or Baja California remains Mexican)} besides the Oregon Territory.

It is a fact that the Spanish dependencies had no more a moral cause for secession than the former English colonies that later constituted themselves into the US.

All these were Catholic lands that were robbed — forcibly taken away from Catholicism and Protestantized. By my books, that does not constitute either 'progress' or a reason to celebrate. You must not be surprised if I bitterly resent the malicious mischief wrecked by Gringostan on Catholic America!

Much latter, and in similar manner, the US broke off the Colombian province of Panama as a separate, new 'nation' that was and is actually merely its puppet, purely because it wanted to build the Panama Canal to benefit itself, and to which Colombia demurred.

[While on Panama, I want to ask: What is the exact basis upon which the US invaded and kidnapped Noriega? I understand that the act is merely that of criminal piracy and unlawful restraint - kidnapping. I do not see that the US had ever any right to 'arrest' Noriega. By such actions, and the actions against Serbia, the US shows itself a lawless state, one relying purely upon its might rather than on morality and right.

The invasion of Granada had a moral basis: Overthrowing the great evil of a Communist dictatorship. The kidnapping of Elian Gonsalves and his handover to the Cuban Communists is another incontrovertible crime. It mocked and negated the sacrifice of his mother and her companions, even unto death, and of the thousands of other Cubans who fought and fled Castro. It showed that the US opposition to Castro is not based upon ideology but is purely opportunism.]

Not satisfied with this mischief, the US under Coolidge, who knelt down and prayed to his Prot demons for inspiration, decided to fabricate a war with Spain and rob it of its remaining dependencies of Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, and to de-Christianize them and Protestantize them, which it succeeded in doing 'admirably' well. Not only this, it had the gall to demand from and blackmail Spain to alienate Micronesia: Spain knuckled in the face of this terrorism and sold Micronesia to Protestant Germany!

A few years back, I worked in Saudi Arabia, and had many Philippinian colleagues and friends. I noticed that too many of them were Prots, and too many of them were Homosexuals and prostitutes. Now, this is the legacy of Coolidge and of the US in the Philippines, and you must not be surprised if I bitterly resent that and blame the US for de-Catholicizing the Philippines!

[Uptil the Roncalli-Vatican II apostacy, the Phillipines were predominantly 'Catholic.' However, this 'Catholicism' was already greatly perverted by Prot Gringostan so that the Filipinoes had departed very much from the original pure Catholicism inculcated by the Spanish.]

The US has not only perverted the Philippinians, but also the Latin Americans. It played a crucial role in Mexico, in fomenting Anticlericalism and Freemasonry and the successive Freemasonic Usurpations, of which the last precipitated the 'Criste Roi' Contra movement.

You quote to me Leo's Longinqua Oceani Spatia. But we must take this papal statement in perspective. The Church is expected to send the normal and customary diplomatic messages, now and then, of support and congratulations to states and governments. That is not to say that the Church is insincere in its congratulatory messages, but to say that such messages should not be misconstrued by its direct intended audiences, usually the Catholic part of the intended target state's citizens, to mean that the Vatican and the Pope has gone into an ecstacy over the rise and accession to power, etc., of that state or government, and that the pope and the curia had begun to throw themselves into cartwheels, or over hoops, for the joy and ecstacy...

You will find that the Vatican archives are full of similar documents down the ages addressed to Caesars and Roman Emperors, to the Teutonic princelings who invaded the Roman Empire and carved it up, to latter Carolingian and Ottonian emperors, and to many others.

I have found one even addressed to the Moslem king of Morroco! [Letter of Pope Gregory VII to Anzir, King of Mauretania]

You will find similiar messages to the Prot usurper dynasty of 'Britain' in the Vatican archives.

Catholics are not supposed to pay too much heed to such messages, which have as their real target, not the flock, but the ruling elite, in order to flatter their egos and to placate them, and which have as their cause the hope of eliciting in their hearts and minds the lessening of any hostile feelings towards the Church.

Catholics are required to be loyal to any and all forms of legitimate government. Our Lord commanded His followers of His time to obey the Roman rulers and to pay their legitimate taxes, despite these rulers being pagans. And the Church continued with this even under the latter Emperors who actively persecuted Christianity.

However, at the same time, there remains an obligation upon the Christian to seek and to strive to bring about the Kingdom of God and His Justice and Love on earth, even though we are assured that, because of the Fall, eventually all our efforts towards this end will always fail, until the Second Coming of our Lord. Despite the impossibility of the task, we remain obliged to strive for this end.

Catholics who merely accept a government and who even go so far as to forget themselves and to embrace enthusiastically any particular non-Catholic government and governmental system do not do right and according to the requirements of religion and of the mind of the Church.

This is no less true of the US than of anywhere else.

And in the US, there is this general, populist and historically cultivated tendency or nationalist mythology — and one that is nevertheless false and misinformed, to consider that they are something novel and superior, and to revel and exult in this, which tendency tends to infect the entire population, even Catholics.

In large part, it is the belief that the American Republic is a great moral and social innovation, and a symbol of the superiority of the American nation, people, society and culture.

It is part of this belief that the US is a unique development in the history of man.

This is the true danger of Americanism. [See my page Centrum]

As I have said in a previous post ['Mid-Day's Gung-Hoism'], I do acknowledge that the American Republic does represent a certain new something, and one that is a significant progress in human history. However, Americanism tends to exaggerate this, and to thoughtlessly universalize everything American.

But it is precisely that in the US, with this 'tolerantism' and 'Americanism,' the danger is even greater than in places where Christians are actively persecuted. From the spiritual viewpoint, the latter is more preferably to the former condition.

And exactly what is this American tolerantism? Is it that the US is a Catholic State? No, it merely 'tolerates' Christianity. And Christianity in states that either actively persecute it or even merely tolerates it, subsists in a state of privation, not of normality.

We know that states are required by the law of God to establish the Christian, Catholic religion. That is, states and societies, as much as individuals, are required to confess the Christian faith.

It is in the light of this privation, which you, as a sensible, Traditionalist Catholic, cannot at any time mistake as being acceptable to the Church, that one must interpret statements such as Longinqua Oceani Spatia.

And though the foundation of the US was a great event in the history of man, it is not true that it is unique. The founders of the US were not the first to invent or even to revive democracy and republicanism, although this lie is a fundamental tenet of Prot and Americanist triumphalism. As I have shown on my page, Centrum, there were Catholic democracies and republics that existed for centuries before the US came into being; states such as Venice and Genoa and the other Italic republics, besides the Confederatio Helvetiæ and the semi-state of the Hanseatic League.

And while the Italic republics fell victim to the Freemasonic conquest of Italy, the great Catholic tradition of democracy and republicanism was and is perpetuated by the Latin American republics.

The founders of the US merely revived & purified an old idea, and gave it new life. And, secondly, excepting the short-lived Dutch Republic of the brothers De Witt, it was the first true republic thrown up by a predominantly Prot society. Thirdly, in sharp contrast to the very founding tradition of Protism, which protested the Diet of Worms' acceptance of the right of Christians to continue practising their faith without molestation at the hands of their Prot rulers, and which protest gave them their name 'Protestant,' the US choose not only to be internally neutral among the rival Prot factions, but also to the Christians. That is, it marked the first formal break with the Prot idea of Cuius regio, eius religio. That was great progress.

When we look at states, we can perceive that while every state has its good and its evil, we can weigh them and arrive at a decision as to overall good or evil being predominant. Thus, taking France prior to the Revolution, and we have, despite its' occasional great evils, the most outstanding being the monstrousities perpetuated by Philip the Fair against Pope Boniface and the Knights Templar, the incontrovertible finding that pre-Revolutionary France was for good and not for evil.

But take America. A state whose very foundation is based upon nothing more than the Freemasonic Solve et Coagula; whose very purpose is evil - to perpetuate the Protestant schism of its mother country, England, and to strenghten it in its evils. We see the evil deeds of America down the ages, and ask: Where are the good deeds?

Is it the establishment of a Prot version of democracy and republicanism? How much great and original is that?

And we see that in its 'good' America is evil!

We see the consequence of the evil separation of Church and State that is fundamental to Gringostan's constitution: the exclusion of Christian expression from public places, the complete license for all kinds of manmade religions, and even for the public cult of Satanism, the full and shameless license accorded to free sex and to pornophilia, the horrific Holocaust of more than fifty million nonnate (unborn) babies, etc., etc. And that it is this that is the prime boast of Americanist Triumphalism!

Consider further: Britain worked hard and systematically to overthrow and degrade Catholic powers and to exalt itself and its impious replacement of them and their systems. And America, its daughter, has faithfully followed its tuition, taking up the White Man's Burden to Protestantize or De-Christianize Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines. To degrade the Catholic societies of Latin America. To rob the Hawaiians of their sovereignity.

Previously, as its mother, infernal Albion's understudy, Gringostan restricted its malice to the Americas and to East Asia - the Philippines and China. However, since the demon child has come of age, its mother has now passed on the torch, and Gringostan today has replaced Infernal Albion's demonic mission throughout the world, working to maintain and perpetuate the same system of iniquity, the degradation and military terrorism and subjugation of Christians in order to permit Prot successes.

It is this system, Gringostan, its harlot mother Albion and its satellites in the NATO, EU and other alliance systems, not excluding the UN, that forms the system of Babylon in our times.

[When a Filipino Prot challenged me alleging that Roman Catholicism is the Harlot of Babylon, I showed him how historically Roman Catholicism has always stood for the negation of everything that pagan Rome stood for, paying for this with a great deal of blood. How, unlike one and all factions of the Prots, we alone stood and fought everywhere, bloodlily striking back and resisting to the last the progress of the Culture of Godlessness that prevails to day and of which the US above all is the upholder and defender.

And, how on the contrary, the greatest ruling power of our day, Gringostan, is deliberately patterned on ancient, pre-Christian Rome, Capitols, Senates, et al! That makes it obvious who exactly is the Harlot of Babylon! That was one point that he conceded me.]

In my page, dealing with 'Mid-Day's Gung-Hoism', I had contented that America has attained to its position of pre-eminence by its own original efforts. This is largely true. However, it is not the complete picture.

It is a fact that the Prot states have acted in concert to trip the Catholic states and to disturb their internal constitutions so as to gain the upper hand; this has been done at the instigation and under the direction of the Freemasons, who are themselves directed by the Jews; that 'Britain' played the prime role in this Concert of Evil up until the Second World War and that the US has now taken on this role of flugelmann; that the US has honed its skills under 'British' tuitions in the Americas from its foundation till then. And so on and on.

This is the true moral summary of America, its ideology and of its deeds.

Thus, the Christian is one who recognizes that the United States of Soddom and the United Kingdom of Gommorah are the two greatest evil powers of this day and age, and thus our greatest enemy! If Christianity is to triumph, it must confront these and overcome them. The Kingdom of God can never come otherwise. The US will never permit the restoration that we desire. And let us be frank and stop being coy about our aims: We seek the restoration of the Pope, and the Pope has to reside in Rome. Therefore, we must force the Antichurch and its usurpers to quit the Vatican and Rome, so that the desecrated See of St. Peter can be purified and reconsecrated, and the Pope take his rightful place there.

And logically speaking, this is not only a spiritual goal, a spiritual endeavour, but like that of St. Bernard of Clairvaux against the antipope Anacletus II, or of St. Dominic against the Cathars, etc., it has to be also a political fight, a military fight.

And in this, we will certainly and inescapably run up against the US and its network of allies and accomplices built to overthrow Christianity and political Christendom and maintain the New Order in its stead.

That will hold true for Christians who are US citizens as much as for any other, won't it?
Christians, whether US citizens or of other states, have to undertake the preparatory steps for the Restoration. We must found military orders, patterned on the old Catholic military orders. We must found our own communities in the US, Mexico and Latin America, Canada, Europe, the Philippines, and in every place in the World, and isolate ourselves from the evil ideologies of the apostate West that has destroyed and supplanted Christendom. We must raise large families, and we must actively proselytize. And we must grow and push ourselves forward proactively, building up to the reconquest of Rome and the Vatican.

This is the will of God. Or, as Pope Urban, who set the First Crusade moving, said, "Deo Vult!"

Prax Maskaren

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