/em <action>
/t <name>
/desc <txt>
/a "keyword or letter" <phrase to say>
/j <number>
/ch or /channels
/l <number>
/last <name>
/gold <amount>

/allow <playername>
/clan or /c
/hate <playername>

/ignore <playername>
/nohate <playername>
clanlog -i
swap a character that is in your way by facing him/her
to say something without: <name> says: (only works in white chat)
to send personal messages to someone
to enable pulse to function automatically
to autobless yourself
to turn automatically when attacked. Enables you to always turn to get your back free
grins evilly
bows deeply
waves happily
to write a description about yourself in stead of the text: This is quite obviously a newbie
to say the phrase by only writing the keyword or letter

to join a channel
to see the list of chat channels
to leave a channel
to see how long ago a character was online
to sort your inventory
to sort your depot
to see who is the same area as you are
to get a specific amount of gold in your hand
use the TAB-key to toggle through the persons you previously gave tells to, so you dont have to write the name again
enables you to change the colour on your clothes
turn the ability to give you tells on or off
allows a player to loot your dead body
enables that other players can either bless you or not
view the clanlist and see how many clanjewels the clans have
clears the hate list for a playerkiller
adds a player to you hate list. Only usable by a playerkiller.
makes you holler. enables people to hear you over a great distance
makes you shout. enables people to hear you in a bigger area then normal talk
makes you whisper. Only people close to you hear this.
makes you mumble. Only people close to you hear this.
makes you lag. Good if you have to step away from the keyboard a minute and dont want to die
shows you the characters on your hate list. Only for playerkillers.
puts a character on your ignore list. They cant send you tells now.
shows you the characters on your ignore list.
shows you all your different aliases on your character.
removes a player from your hate list. Only for playerkillers.
turns on your playerkiller ability. Beware, only kindness shrines in rds can turn this off.
shows you more commands and their status.
steal from a character. Only usable by thiefs.
turns on your thief ability and making you stealth better. Only usable by thiefs.
Date, time, solar and moon cycle info.
makes you leave your clan.
shows you a list of the latest incidents in your clan.
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