The Active Members

Piet -- aka Cyborg Jeff

Piet is one of the first-time members of PPP Team (and is Pype's brother). He started the team in 1994 with Pierrick, by designing levels for PPP games.

A few years later (as soon as he got a tracker ;), he started the music-division with tunes for Bilou's games. The current name of that division is fixed to "Creadream Sound Studio" since 98, but it has changed MANY times.

He's currently trying to find a job, so he hasn't much time to spend in making music, but he's one of the best musician on the Belgian DemoScene (according to the amount of prices he wins at Inscene '99 and Inscene Y2K).

send him an e-mail or visit his homepage

Pype -- The CrazyCoder

Hi folks. I'm Pype (Sylvain Martin). Born in Chenee(Belgium) in 1979, I joined the team in 1994 (just when it started, indeed.) I'm the actual webmaster of this site.
I study informatic at Univeristy of Li�ge, and i'm currently in my third year. I hope to find a job as software developper or in a game-company (but i know it'll be hard).
I have already made the Bilou's quest (demo in basic) and Bilou's adventure, and i hope they'll be available as soon as possible through our website. I'm now involved in the Clicker32 project, as lead-designer of this future operating system. I also work on a 100K-game for the next demoparty we'll go to, but this project is still kept under silence, so wait and see...
I currently have no personnal webpage. Sorry

send me an e-mail


(He'll introduce himself too)


Mind (Francois Bar&ecute) joined the team in 1995 (or somewhere around) with the Clicker Project. He's now in an informatic school (Inpres) since 97 (i think). His main business in the team is the Clicker and he never really felt interrested in game programming. He's one of the youngest members (born in 1983)

Piek -- Dj 3.14

Piek (Pierrick Hansen) is the third of the initial team. Coder of MANY tiny games on AMSTRAD-CPC, initial conceptor of Bilou, Badman, Jack Boost, and many, many other charcters from PPP team. He worked a lot on game design and sprites until 96, but now, he mainly make musics (most of them are quite fine, anyway).
I dunno if he's got any email, but i hope he'll bring us a music pack soon

T.Bob & M.Tog

T.bob (stands for Tentacle Bob) is the other young-member of PPP team. He has tried to make some game with GM, without really success... Now, he's mostly a CSS member and makes some musics. He also should bring us a music pack asap.

How could i speak about T.Bob without speaking about MasterTog (the youngest between the youngers), his brother, still learning C. Hope he'll turn to Linux sooner than i do and can help us in some projects like music disks or tiny games...
unfortunately, i don't have their respective e-mail right now...

Where-are-they-now members

I'd like to tell some hello to some friends i haven't seen since a quite long time and who were used to be some ppp members.


Gfx-man between 94 and 96. He worked a lot on Bilou's personnality and world, mainly by his huge knowledge of video games and his great talent in drawing.


Game designer between 95 and 97. He made a lot of games, mainly about manga's (Twinnbee, DBZ2, DBZ22...) and movies (Stargate,...). Also the owner of PPPteam's scanner between those years.


Hum. Gino (Pascal Dalfarra) is now in "active life". He's engineer and he graduated in 1999. So we don't see him very much. He joined the team in march 1999 and he went to the Inscene99, where he got some price for Gfx competition and Suprise-gfx competition. He also worked on the P-worms demo, but we didn't get time to finish it. his WebPage as soon as i remember its location.
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