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Ramdrives Larger than Microsoft's 32mb Drive

      This site has a file: tdsk22sr.zip, which will create a RAMDISK up to 2gb (if you have the RAM). I use the XMSDSK.EXE to create a RAMDISK which works in Windows95. Also included is a file SETXMSTO.EXE which resets the HIMEM.SYS to recognize more than 64mb of installed ram. Now I want more RAM since I now have a use for it. The page I read about it on is here if you want more ideas for its uses. My kid taught me how to make Windows swap to it by editing the system.ini file. Under the [386enh] section put a line:
The X is the drive to swap to.

      The UBERTO RAMDISK can have the drive letter assigned, which makes it much easier to program to. Outside of Windows, you can change the drive size, remove it, or create a new drive from the DOS Prompt or a batch file. All of this can be done without rebooting.

Download it also, and read about it at Simtel.Net Program Information. Also available from Simtel.net is ramsave.zip which saves the contents of your ramdrive when you shut down or reboot and restores it when you restart.

Here is another use for the Uberto Ramdisk in Windows 9.x with Internet Browsers:
Ramdrive How To Set One Up With Downloads and Browser Caching Speed Enhancements! By: Norm Steadman

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Comment to PoliTalk
Updated October 26, 2004