
A trainer checking his pokégear

2004 History






With the new year I felt that the time had finally come to create a new contents menu and make the site frameless. I took the first two days of the year completely to do just that.

Pokémon Trainer Red from Pallet Town in Kanto checking his PC
The above picture is larger than it may appear

A student taking a test at Earl's Pokémon Academy in White City. Also, while I was applying the new layout to the Hoenn section, I noticed that many of the links were just links because they referenced a person. Plus, sometimes it was hard to guess where a person's image was, as is the case with the picture of Nurse Joy. Because of this, I decided to create the Character Index listing all the characters.

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Image Frenzy and New Staff

Thinking that I might be running out of things to do for the site, I decided to search for new images, and found some great official pictures that I hadn't seen before, such as those from Nintendo of Norway (2). Unfortunately I found that I had more pictures than what I could handle and two months later, there was still some I hadn't uploaded. Fortunately, around this time was when some new staff members offered to help the company, spreading out the work for not only the images, but also for other future plans.

A team of trainers (and pokémon) exploring Hoenn.
Click the picture to see it larger!

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The Wikipedia Period

PokéballAround February, I discovered Wikipedia, "The free encyclopedia" through a Google search for something else. I decided to look up Pokémon and discovered that there were multiple articles on the subject, just like on other fictional worlds. However, the pokémon articles were in great need of expansion and they were lacking images. So I took it in my own hands to improve them, and soon discovered many other people who also seemed to be thinking along the same lines. One of them was Bulbaboy, who I later hired and who helped me bring out the Orre Section.

The only downside of this attempt was that this and schoolwork consumed much of my time leaving less for the page. This goes to explaining the low amount of newsletters in April and March.

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Arid Orre

With Bulbaboy on my team and his adquisition of the by then recently-released Pokémon Colosseum, I was ready to start with Orre. However, due to my limited time, it took a lot longer than I expected. I couldn't believe it when the first page took me three days! However, I finally brought it together and am pushing to its completion.

The trainer from a side persepective.
Background Cleanup Editing by Sapphire

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Raining worse than on Route 119

In the month (not the character) of May, I found myself under a heavy downpour of school project due-dates, each one closer to the other, leaving me no time to spare for the website. This caused it to stay for a long time without any updates at all. I finally was able to do some heavy-duty updating only because of a long weekend.

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Overall, I am highly satisfied with all I've accomplished on this site. I feel like I've put almost all of the information I know about the Pokémon World's "Places and People" on the internet and the site is coming along nicely. This is not to say that I'll abandon it anytime soon.

I next aim to do the animated banner at the top, but will not forget the users with limited bandwidth. I am also going to do how Kanto is in Pokémon Fire Red.

A few friends coming through Kanto

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Signed, FernWink

Post Script:

Please take into account that there is no tour company whatsoever in the real Blackthorn City. This "company" is entirely fictional and made up by myself. The places mentioned on this site are also fictional, but are taken from the Pokémon games mentioned in the Important Dates section of this website.

Copyright information for these games and the images can be found on the Notes on Images section (even though I edited most of them). The text, however, was all written by me.

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