
A trainer checking his pokégear

2003 History







Pokémon Trainer Red from Pallet Town in Kanto checking his PC
The above picture is larger than it may appear

When I originally though about this website, All I had in mind was showing off the many pictures of things like the pokémon characters (and other things such as the maps) that I had collected over the years. But later, I realized that each one of these pictures could be related to a city.
By putting the cities in order, I saw that I could create something like an illustrated walkthrough for my visitors. The idea of presenting this webpage as a tour company came to me when I was playing the game and went through the Ice Path. Someone in the game told me that many people come to the Ice Path for skiing and stuff; it was almost like a touristic attraction!

Professor Oak looking up from a book he's reading
Click to see a larger, full-body image

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-The Hoenn Section

A group of trainers travels through Hoenn
The above picture is larger than it may appear

However, when I got to doing Hoenn, I noticed that I hardly had any pictures for it! (The people at Pokémon didn't want to release anything until the game was out) Because of this, I was forced to use mostly screenshots. Not to say that the screenshots are bad, but it would've been nicer to have used more hand-drawn "concept art" for certain things instead of screenshots.
It was very difficult for me to get these images. Certain images I had to search the internet for, as I describe in the Notes on Images Section
Since I was playing the game at the time I was making the Hoenn part of the website, I focused more on the "walkthrough" aspect and added the Trainer Notes. I later added some of these to the Johto and Kanto as well in places where players might get lost.

Later, I decided that I didn't need to have a separate page for every single thing (like I did with the Johto National Park). I remembered that I could link directly to a part of the webpage, and that's what I did for the Hoenn Battle Tower, for instance.

Tracey, an enthusiastic pokémon observer who is always seen taking notes and drawing diagrams.


After creating the Stadium section, it became sort of a problem for me to keep it up to date due to the flash

Stadium Town during the night. Only those who have qualified for Round2 may participate at night.
The above picture is larger than it may appear

interface and to the fact that I didn't have all the pictures for the Johto, Kanto, and Hoenn sections and started looking for them as well.

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-The week before Summer

An enthusiastic team of pokémon trainers makes its way through Johto.

In the week of June 9th (the last week of school for me of that year) I knew I wouldn't have access to the school's wonderful computers and software programs during the summer vacations, so I decided to "make the most of it." I dedicated most of my efforts to changing the pictures that were "currently unavailable" (which I put like that because at the moment I published those pages, I didn't have access to the picture file) for actual pictures that represented the point being discussed.

It was pretty hard - I mostly ended up using screenshots - but in some places, where there was no way I could get a good picture, I had to use pictures from sources other than pokémon; like I did with the Pokéseer in Cianwood. Then, I had to add that to my Image Notes page, as well as citing the source of the non-pokémon pictures.

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-Break Time

During the first week of summer, I spent much time stubbornly neglecting even looking at my page. Apparently, I was having way too much fun watching TV all day, eating all I wanted, playing old video games like SuperMario and things like that. When I finally came back to my page, I realized that there was still loads left to do!

Brendan Birch in the Pokémon Colosseum

A student taking a test at Earl's Pokémon Academy in White City.

I tried to get back to being as busy as I was during the week of June 9th , considering that now I could work full-time on my webpage if I wanted to. But what I wanted to do, was add some new stuff. I wanted to put in something that wasn't planned for. I had also been wanting, for a long time, to add in the pictures I had from Pokémon Pinball.

It was then that I decided to add the flash interface to the Johto and Kanto maps. I also wanted to review what I had done for the stadium section before going to finish it; that was when I noticed that a few things needed fixing. In the midst of my activity, I also created the newsletter and the Guestbook

Pokémon Trainer Red from Pallet Town in Kanto checking his PC
The above picture is larger than it may appear

May in the Pokémon Colosseum

To spice things up a little, I decided to do some slow and small changes to my then current layout. I added a frame at the top with a "title logo banner" because many people had suggested I made one. I "converted" the contents menu into a categorized flash because it was getting so long. and I put the radio because I had always wanted to have some music on the site; plus, it fit perfectly into that empty space below the contents.

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-The updates at


It was kind of funny to watch Pokémon.com change its layout at almost the same time that I was doing it, even though I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. The only problem was that all the links that I had to their pages had to be adjusted.

A few days later, I was finally able to get a hold of Pokémon Pinball and added the flash interface to the Hoenn map.

By then I was running out of ideas for what to add on to the page. It was then I sent out the desperate cry for help saying that I was open for suggestions.

Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town in Kanto explores Hoenn
The above picture is larger than it may appear

Todd, a pokémon fotographer, peers out of the tall grass with his camera hoping to catch some wild pokémon on film.

At that time was when I had the idea (it seems I always have an idea at the right moment that gets me out of tight spots) of reviewing all the sections for improvements. The only bad thing about it was that during that week I had so many updates that I had to issue several Special Edition Newsletters.

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-Pokémon Goes to Europe!

When Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire came out in Europe, so did a bunch of new pages on the internet sporting some pictures I had never seen before! I recruited the help of a girl who called herself Sapphire to edit some of these images. While she did the Team Aqua and Team Magma leaders, I did the Hoenn map, which would've been too hard for her.

Once finished, I posted these on my website and 

Team Magma Leader Maxie

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-Finally something new!

New female Kanto trainer

I left the website a long time without updates, mostly because I didn't have anything to put on it! I was waiting to see if more information about upcoming games, like the Pokémon Colosseum, would be released. Since after a while nothing came, I decided to just put up what I had until then. It seemed to work pretty well back then, and I just let it go.

I spent some free-time talking with people about the Pokémon Advance television show. While doing that, I discovered that a new game was coming up. This time I didn't wait. Less than a week after I found out about it, I posted the page on Pokémon Water Blue and Fire Red!

On October 13, I found a full scale picture of Officer Jenny. The whole story is published on the Search for Jenny page. After a while of not really doing anything except constantly reminding myself of the fact that I needed to put the picture up, I finally put my mind to it. I had Sapphire edit the picture and then uploaded it.

With Sapphire now on my team, I had to make a few adjustments in the way I reported the posting of new images. I decided that I would tell if she was involved in what I call the "Background clean-up editing," which basically involves getting rid of the background color and saving it as a transparent GIF that can be placed anywhere without any problems. I do this with pretty much all of my images, you'll notice.

New male Kanto trainer

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-The big Layout change

A team of trainers (and pokémon) exploring Hoenn.
Click the picture to see it larger!

Many people had protested against the red-and-yellow layout I had before, so when I acquired the "wonderful software" that my old school had (see "The week before Summer") which made making new pages much easier, I thought it was the perfect time to change the layout.

The old Colosseum page was a mess. It only said on what date I had discovered what information. I needed to re-make it in a much more organized way. I decided that I would make the new one using a new layout. I experimented a while with this, until I ended up with what I have now.

After completing the new Colosseum page, I needed to make a link to it from the Welcome page because if there's no links to it, it's as if it weren't there. I remade the page so that it had the new layout and also organized it a big more.

The protagonist trainer of the Pokémon Colosseum's Scenario Mode

Officer Jenny

After sending the newsletter informing about the Colosseum page and the new layout, I needed to update the newsletter page. I organized it in a calendar-like fashion with icons which worked out a little better than what I had expected.

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-Hoenn Again

The release of a new series to the Pokémon anime (Pokémon Advanced) made many new characters and images of them "appear." I tried to put the images that I had where I could, but until the layout change certain ones remained off the site.

Schoolboy Max. Son of Gym Leader Norman and Brother to May.

a trainer in his secret base

Exploring the Pokémon Japan website led me to finding many new great images. Putting these into my website was a different issue, which took me quite a while.

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