
A trainer checking his pokégear

Mossdeep City, Hoenn





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Treasure Hunter's House

There are lots of spots to dive into on Route 124, West of Mossdeep City. Because of this, the treasure hunter has built his house on a small island on this route. He will exchange ancient shards trainers find at the bottom of the sea for evolutionary stones, which are more useful to these trainers.

The treasure hunter's house

Mossdeep Houses

A house in Mossdeep City

A house that trainers should visit is where an old fighter lives. He can tell just by looking at a pokémon its nature and favorite flavor of pokéblock. At another house, a funny little boy lives who can tell anyone where their secret base is because he likes to visit others' hideouts.

Shoal Cave

Shoal Cave is located north of Mosseep City. This cave in the sea hides many treasures. There's an old man that lives near the entrance who makes special bells with the things found in the cave.
Many areas are only accessible during high tide, since the water floods the area and makes the eleveted places seem like little areas that can be SURFed to. However, during high tide, certain areas become flooded and inaccessible.

The old man and a trainer gaze onto Shoal Cave from a high spot near the entrance during low and high tide.

Steven's House

Steven's house abnd his collection of rare stones

Steven Stone has built a little house here. He collects rare stones and gives his visitors one of these.

Mossdeep Space Center

There is a tall building in the east of the island that is a space center. From here, rockets are regularly deployed off into space. This location is ideal for launching rockets due to the wonderful, unchanging weather conditions.

E-card Trainers

South of the Pokémon Center, there is an old man who has a rather large house. Any new trainers that come to Hoenn are received by him here ready for battle.

Pokémon Trainer E-card

New trainers come by sliding an e-card (like the one shown here) through the E-reader when two gameboys are connected. This is one of the Mystery Events.

Net Balls & Dive Balls

Net Ball

The Mossdeep Pokémart is the only place in Hoenn where Net Balls and Dive Balls are sold.

Dive Ball

Pokémon Gym

Leaders Tate & Liza
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Tate and Liza are two twin gym leaders that should give challengers a tough double battle. Being twins, they share a bond only comparable to that of some psychic pokémon.

Their gym has a large amount of slipping panels that make whoever steps on them slide uncontrollably in the direction indicated. Some of these panels' direction can be changed by flipping certain switches, which are guarded by gym trainers




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