GURPS Group: Oct. 2000



"If it was that kind of campaign I could go passing around my social disease."


"Now...I want you to keep close watch over her package.  (pause)  The stone, I mean.  (after 5 minutes of hysteria...)  Okay...salvage the pride..."


Conversation between tight-lipped, cynical scholar and easily impressed, compulsively lying thief:

"I saw a fish once."

"Wow...that's cool."


"I'm gonna fail this Bad Temper check eventually!"


"Henry's gonna backstab the sleeping dead guy?"


"Well, if no one is going to actively die in the next few seconds..."


"Heh, Sophia the arsenal."


"I'm not fixing you again!"


"I start looking around for pretty animals."


"Gee, that's a nice piece you've got there!  (pause)  That is, the sword..."

At which point we realized that despite our best efforts, it HAD become that kind of campaign...


"...Well, I guess that leaves me staring at her bosom."


Conversation between tavern wench and absent-minded wizard:

"Would you like a drink?  A meal?"



"You're a what now?"


"She bounces out the door with her hair going foof-foof-foof."


"Are you rolling to see if you remember who I am?"


"Did you just call the high priest 'Your Lizardness?'"


"Raiding the marketplace at dawn!  Good clean fun for everyone!"


Jeremiah's catch phrase:

"Not bad for an ugly man!"


"He's a recovered eunuch!"


"Devil in the form of a woman?  Hey, I kinda like my broadly drawn, stereotypical characterization!"


"You.  Do something stupid."


"Um, I just heard evil, mucus-y, and feminine all at the same time."


"Did you just say it's an evil, mucus-y, feminine, sick giraffe in heat?"


"My God, it's Pat Buchanan!"


"We're trying to get you to notice the situation with the flaming sword and the three-tusked warthog."


"Well, you should've put your armor on before drawing a FLAMING SWORD!!!!"


"Full-out defense meaning, you put your arms over your head and wet yourself?"


"Despite your best efforts, you're successful!"


"You have vague memories of a large sucking chest wound, your intestines spilling out, and lots of evil feminine mucus..."


"That's cute.  Let's kill it."


"Goblin want a peanut?"



This group was made up entirely of people from the SCA chapter I’m in.  I played Sophia de Fiant, a naïve, inexperienced thief.  My fellow adventurers were Diego de Sagunto, a mercenary/knight (David); Henry Camalt, a misanthropic scholar/bard (Joseph); and Jeremiah, an absent-minded wizard (Steven).  The (excellent) GM was Chris.  Our mission was to recover a magic stone we had allowed to fall into the wrong hands.  Unfortunately, this group fell apart after two session because of conflicting schedules.



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