Who is this chick, anyway?


Hello, weary traveler of the Web!  Here you'll find a bit of information about the person behind these pages (cause I know you're all curious).

My name is Beth Anne Kinderman (bet you already figured that out).  I was born on June 2, 1982 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA, which makes me a Gemini and an incredibly dull middle-class white girl from the Midwest.  I lived in the same house on Eau Claire's upper west side until the age of 18 with my wonderful mom and dad, my 5-years-younger sister Angie, and a mean old (and now deceased) cat named Tiger.  We were also surrounded by books, which probably had a lot to do with me teaching myself to read at the age of 3 and thus learning to love the written word.

Around that time it became clear to everyone that I was smart, weird, and completely unwilling to conform.  Because of that, I got kicked around a lot in elementary school.  I was pretty miserable in third through eighth grades.  I didn't have many friends, but I had books—and it wasn't long before I started wanting to write my own.  In fifth grade I wrote a poem called "To Them" about how everyone hated me, and somehow my lovely piece of drivel got published in a national magazine.  From then on I knew I wanted to be a writer.  Following that, my middle school years were devoted to pouring out volumes of dreadful poetry, discovering science fiction via Star Wars and Star Trek and thus being inspired to write two equally dreadful SF novels, learning to hate jocks and cheerleaders, dating the class nerd, and thereby gratefully throwing off any claim to normalcy I might have ever had.

I then moved on to North High School, where I discovered that I was not alone in my weirdness and quite happily befriended every freak, geek, nerd, and goth on campus and thus became the kind of person my parents always warned me about.  I participated in every extracurricular activity known to man, especially theatre (I was the lighting and sound guru), Forensics (third place in oral interpretation at the 2000 state tournament, baby!), and band (I played the trumpet).  I took an amazing trip to Mexico in summer 1998, earned the nickname "SpaceGirl" because of my love for SF and my frequent mental absences from this plane of existence, discovered roleplaying games, gained a sick sense of humor and a penchant for speaking in pop culture references, and became addicted to the movies.  I got serious about my writing, won a few contests, got published a few times, and co-edited a wildly popular school literary review called Nothing Remotely Puritan.  I also had all the good high school experiences like getting my heart broken into a billion little tiny pieces, and thus being inspired to learn guitar, write bitter and angry folk songs about the experience, and perform them in smoky coffeehouses for other jilted women.  I'm still not sure how I managed to squeeze any studying in around all that other stuff, but I graduated (with a 4.0 GPA—I’m still trying to figure that one out) in 2000.

After spending my summer working as a housekeeper at Park Inn & Suites in Eau Claire (a job to which I returned in summer 2001), in September 2000 I made my way to St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, USA.  My first semester there was a little rocky, as I’m told this time period tends to be for most freshmen, but things improved dramatically after that.  I started out as an English and chemistry double major but dropped the second half of that after having my ass kicked by an introductory chem class.  At the moment I’m an English and Spanish double major, which is working a lot better for me.  More importantly, I met a wonderful group of friends (some of whom can be seen on my photos page) who started out as just another roleplaying group but ended up meaning the world to me.  They’re the ones who got me started on my two most recent addictions, anime and video games (long live Snood and Super Smash Brothers!).

Shortly after settling in at St. Olaf, I met another person who soon became a major part of my life.  Eric Zawadzki originally emailed me in response to some of my roleplaying-related essays after coming across a link to my site on RPG Survey.  Our conversations soon branched out far beyond gaming as we discovered how much we had in common, and our relationship eventually transformed itself from a friendship to a romance.  Words cannot easily express what an amazing man Eric is (at least, not as many as I’m allowing myself here), so just check out his website to get to know him a little better.

Right now, I’m in my sophomore year at St. Olaf, and I’m feeling pretty good about my life.  When I’m not in class or studying, I spend my free time writing, reading, gaming, watching movies, working as a lighting technician in the theatre department, participating in the Society for Creative Anachronism, and messing around with this site.  I have no idea what I’m going to do after college (though I’m pretty sure it won’t be grad school, since I don’t want to end up one of those incredibly overducated people who can’t survive outside of a university), but I figure that’s okay too.  Eventually I want to support myself with my poetry and fiction writing, but short of a miracle that’s not going to happen right out of college.  My other long-term goals include traveling to all six inhabited continents, improving as a singer/songwriter/guitarist, writing something that will be remembered and have a lasting impact on the way people think, and experiencing as much as I possibly can in my life.


Favorite Authors/Books: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott, A Prayer For Owen Meaney by John Irving, Spider by Patrick McGrath, the “Hyperion” series by Dan Simmons, the “Sword of Truth” series by Terry Goodkind, the “Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter” series by Laurell K. Hamilton, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Pablo Neruda, Shirley Jackson, Connie Willis

Favorite Movies: Edward Scissorhands, The Princess Bride, American Beauty, The Fisher King, The Silence Of The Lambs

Favorite Bands/Musicians: Kate Bush, Oingo Boingo, Tori Amos, Eva Cassidy, Suzanne Vega, Leonard Cohen, Ani DiFranco, Indigo Girls, Poe, Shakira, Shawn Colvin, Travis

Favorite Anime: Trigun, Vision of Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Perfect Blue, Battle Athletes Victory

Favorite Role-Playing Games: Anything out of White Wolf’s World of Darkness series (especially Mage: The Ascension and Changeling: The Dreaming)

Other Stuff I Love: Mexican food and culture, thunderstorms, "Babylon 5," “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” caffeine, arguing about "deep subjects" like philosophy and religion, Russell Crowe, geek culture, useless trivia, talking to interesting and intelligent people who can make me laugh

Stuff I Hate: Waiting in line, hypodermic needles, being bored, "Star Trek: Voyager," mushrooms, dressing up, bad vampire poetry, Neon Genesis Evangelion, sports, James Cameron movies, pretentiousness, boundless angst, top 40 radio, people without a sense of humor, censorship, prejudice and hatred of any kind

My ICQ number: 83391668, nickname: SpaceGirl.  I'll have to authorize you—mention this site so I don't dismiss you as a random looney.


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