Information about me

Hello! Infos Natural Animation Contact

Klaus-Peter Plog

Name:                    Klaus-Peter Plog

Date of birth:           02.10.1968

Religion:                Lutheran

Nationality:             German

School:                  Grundschule               1975 - 1979

                         Realschule                1979 - 1985
                         Höhere Handelsschule      1985 - 1986

                         Gymnasialer Zweig         1986 - 1988

Jobs:                    Apprenticeship as EDV-Kaufmann in Germany
                         from 01.08.1988 until 21.01.1991.

                         Analyst/Programmer in Germany
                         from 22.01.1991 until 01.03.1998

                         DBA/Analyst in Finland
                         from 16.01.1998 

Knowledges:              Programming in
                           - NATURAL, NATURAL Lightstorm
                           - Visual Basic
                           - Cobol
                           - Pascal
                           - HTML
                           - JAVA

                         Database Administration of
                           - ADABAS D
                           - ADBBAS C (WIN NT,UNIX)
                           - MS SQL Server

                           - English
                           - French
                           - Finnish
                           - German

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