
Pertubuhan Kebajikan & Pendidikan Permata Rohani (PKPPR) is a charity home that has 20 orphanage, poor children and zakat asnaf recipients children (qualified for zakat).


Saving faith and give love for the children that already did not have mother or father or both.

Target Group

- Orphans

- Troubled teens

- The disabled

- Broken Family


- To take care of the orphanage, children from poor family, the disabled and zakat asnaf recipients children so that they will be a ‘walidah’ (guardians) who will serve this home.

- To produce a disciplined muslim who will be an asset to themselves, family, religion and country and will reach comfortable and perfect lifestyles.

- To babysit and teach these group of children until they are able to be independent, confident and able to serve country and the world which is awaiting for them, based on Islamic knowledge.

- To groom these children to be a soleh and solehah and live on the pillars of islam in their life.