voodoo flowers
snow white shoes


Coleen Shin resides in Dallas Texas with her big strong man Steven, her brilliant, lazy 13yr old son Trevor and some fuzzy house critters. Coleen is Co-Owner/Operator of Club Dada in the Deep Ellum arts district, with her husband. A third generation poet, artist and all around goof-ball, Coleen has made a life decision to not run for political office against incumbent Dallas Mayor Laura Miller, focusing instead on scrubbing dirty words from the club bathroom walls and replacing them with better and more titillating dirty words. Coleen has published works with online journals Mipo, Lotus Blooms, Mind Caviar, Red River Review, Tryst, Wired Art for Wired Hearts, Erosha and others. Print publications include Mipo Print, works in production in two anthologies and a pending collection of her own poetry. Coleen has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and is the current Mipo Poet Laureate.

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