Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kute_shay - 11/30/00 04:47:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/2687/

Very nice site!!! I will be back to read and give it another look!!!! :o) Kute

jo flo - 11/28/00 22:59:29
My URL:http://www.glesgaman.com


getitright12 - 11/08/00 17:31:58

i like your home page as well...nice colors you have there too...

Coleridgesque - 11/08/00 05:18:56

Nice page, Pix!

FleaInside - 10/27/00 13:40:29

You've been working on your homepage. It looks much better, you need to write more on it though.

Guess who - 09/15/00 21:07:40

For hands that used to reach for butterflies and moonbeams and never really stopped, for eyes that twinkle with promise and dreams, for smiles that reflect at least a hundred different moods-and each one makes you smile too. For all of this I wish you a v ry Happy Birthday! XOXO

Silly Shelly - 08/17/00 13:40:05

Hey sweet pea, cute site. Who the hell is Jesus Alonzo in your "Band of the moment" link? I clicked on the link thinking it was going to be some new rock or rap band (Since you always have the 411 on music (that's about all you have the 411 on)). LOL, you know i'm just joshin! Email me when you get a chance! Smile you've got french's

Sir Licks Alot - 08/15/00 16:59:09
My URL:http://lickthis.com

Whaaaasuuup . I came across this website through a friend. He said you were a honey, your cute though. I'm outtie L8trz Pix!

Fellow Evil Do'er - 07/27/00 21:38:13
My URL:www.satanscheerleaders.com

Hey there Pix!... *evil grin* Meet me in that DARK part of the room again soon!

Spin_Fu - 07/21/00 21:54:32
My URL:http://www.spinfu.com

Yeah you would mess it up :P

Favorite Sis-in-Law - 07/19/00 21:48:50

Hey Girl!!! Nice to be able to keep up with you. Call ME.

De Marco - 07/19/00 17:29:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/SteveDeMarco

Hey Pix! I wanted to thank you again for going to my show, and your comments were very sweet. I look forward to seeing you at future shows. All I want to know is when we are gonna go have a night out on the town?

Mr. Extreme - 07/19/00 17:02:22

Far out!

Favorite Bro - 07/18/00 14:01:03

Nice page, keep in touch & I'll bookmark this site. (Call ME)

Blues Boy - 07/18/00 11:59:19

Me me me me me me! Nice little place you got here *looks around* Will I get to be named in your site? I want to be famous! :D

Pixie Hunter - 07/11/00 13:10:26
My URL:http://whatever.com

Hey chica, what happened to the former guestbook? You were actually starting to get a few. Oh well, I found this one!

MOM - 06/26/00 22:54:54

howdy baby girl, Good luck on your web page. I'm proud to sign your guestbook. I'll keep checking in to see the progress. love mom

Pixie page master - 06/26/00 16:13:38

I apologize for all of your posts being wiped out, I pucked up :) Please feel free to repost...pwease!!!!

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