Welcome to my no so Pink Guestbook! Please sign so I know how to make you guys happy :)

TheStuffPerson - 12/24/00 01:02:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/echris11
My Email:Tenchi&Ayeka, Matt&Mimi, Kari&TK, Davis&Yolei
What did you like?: stuff
What did you not like?: stuff
What would you like to see?: stuff
other comments: stuff


TheStuffPerson - 12/24/00 01:02:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/echris11
My Email:Tenchi&Ayeka, Matt&Mimi, Kari&TK, Davis&Yolei
What did you like?: stuff
What did you not like?: stuff
What would you like to see?: stuff
other comments: stuff


Sana Kurata - 12/09/00 16:40:55
My URL:http://www.relenasucks.com/
My Email:Heero and Duo :p
What did you like?: I dunno
What did you not like?: Heero and Relena
What would you like to see?: Relena's death
other comments: LOCKBOX! The site I typed in doesn't exist, either. *pbbt*

I no like this page! It not suit us 1x2 fans! (speaking like Shampoo from Ranma 1/2) Plus, I'm not too pleased by the Evangelion page. Shinji and Asuka?! What? I thought it was Shinji and Kaworu... Plus, pink is not gonna attract much Gundam Wing fans. We're used to white, black, or dark purple. Something like that. Well. Till sometime. -Sana Kurata

Aphrodite - 12/08/00 18:18:57
My Email:Heero+Duo
What did you like?: How you have lots of series on your site
What did you not like?: The Heero and Relena section
What would you like to see?: Death of Relena

You like pink, don't you? And incase you don't know, the creator of GW (sorry, forgot name) SAID there's no H+R!!

- 12/07/00 22:36:57
My Email:Heero and Duo :P
What did you not like?: Relina... 'nough said
What would you like to see?: Relina shot?!

Oh my goodness, I feel nausious!!! Poor Heero!!! The other couples are great, I mean it, just fine, but him and RELINA?!! Sheesh, I thought he had taste!!!

DBgirl - 12/02/00 21:44:38
My Email:Vegeta and Bulma
What did you like?: I liked the pictures of bulma and Vegeta they were sweet!!
What did you not like?: The part where you didn't let me read any of your stories.
What would you like to see?: Your stories
other comments: I liked all your pictures but put some more up o.k.~__~

Well you now what this is a really cool site for DBZgurls. Keep visiting this site gals it's da bomb!!

Hound - 11/22/00 18:12:34
My Email:T.K. and Kari
What did you like?: What??
What did you not like?: What??
What would you like to see?: Sex Sex Sex and more SEX!!!
other comments: I watch kids.

I do not if they are the 8 year old T.K. and Kari!

lilangel16 - 11/21/00 05:39:11
My Email:Tai&Sora Tk&Kari
What did you like?: dunno
What did you not like?: dunno
What would you like to see?: dunno
other comments: my email is [email protected]

Waht the Heck?People r talkin bout this shit and that crap and I don't know what the fuk is going on.Man I'm fukin ticted off! *clears thoat* sorrie I'm a lil tense today I'm sorrie if I offened anyone sorrie bout that...well neways i'm jus here to say go d site and keep up the good work! ^_^! heheh I'll be more nicer next time...

Juhachigou - 11/15/00 04:44:44
My URL:http://washu.com
My Email:Trunks and me.(Android 22)
What did you like?: Anime
What did you not like?: K-roo
What would you like to see?: Android 22 get married to Trunks.
other comments: Pan should not marry Trunks! :(

Your web site is great.

Seraphimon - 10/22/00 00:59:20
My URL:http://mercury.beseen.com/guestbook/r/36782/guestbook.html
other comments: Digimon sucks!!!

I LOVE Pokemon!!! All you Digimon shit can go to hell!!!

Esis-chan - 10/05/00 23:13:17
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/winnipeg/~enfanta/index.html
My Email:hmm Lina and Zel!
What did you like?: that you have tuns of different couples!
What did you not like?: it's a little dificult to navigate at first
What would you like to see?: more fics and pics!
other comments: keep it up!

I luv this site! No bashing just praise!! *sigh* there are so few fabuu sites like this one out there! I'm gonna send you an award!

sakura - 10/05/00 00:47:28
My Email:ME AND IZZY!!!
What did you like?: everything of izzy
What did you not like?: other people with izzy
What would you like to see?: sakura and izzy pics!!!!
other comments: (no comment)

(no comment)

SailorMoonChick, again - 10/01/00 03:40:55
My Email:[email protected]

I forgot my e-mail...

SailorMoonChick or Princess - 10/01/00 03:38:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/havurn.geo
My Email:Usagi and Mamo-chan, WHO ELSE?!?!?
What did you like?: The fact your site is focused on couples!
What did you not like?: You don't have a link to the Tenchi part!
What would you like to see?: the link, duh

Your sister recomended this site so i checked it out I'll try to get you linked to my page

SailorMoonChick or Princess - 10/01/00 03:37:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/havurn.geo
My Email:Usagi and Mamo-chan, WHO ELSE?!?!?
What did you like?: The fact your site is focused on couples!


Sakura Relena Yuy - 09/24/00 14:49:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/heerorelena_love/index.htm
My Email:Heero and Relena!!!!!!
What did you like?: I dunno ^_^
What did you not like?: Nothing ^_^
What would you like to see?: I dunno ^_^
other comments: !?!?

Sorry bout' that. I accidentilly pressed enter before finishing signing your guestbook last time. Anywho, Nice site you got! I will probably link ya! Byesies and Heero and Relena FOREVER!

Sakura Relena Yuy - 09/24/00 14:37:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/heerorelena_love/index.htm


Koani - 09/17/00 09:26:45
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~lonelynights/digimon/index.html

Love the artwork!

Yamato Ishida - 09/05/00 00:50:49
My URL:DOn't have any
My Email:Tai&Sora
What did you like?: *shrug* I dunno
What did you not like?: *shrug* I dunno
What would you like to see?: *shrug* I dunno
other comments: *shrug* I dunno

Matt doesn't belong with anyone. Esspecially Mimi. He look ugly with Mimi! TK and Kari match of corase. Tai and Sora are the best. Cloud belongs with Tifa, not Aeris! Aeris belongs with the flowers. I don't have anything else to say. That's for your time.

Luigi - 08/28/00 21:46:08
My URL:http://antidoor.freehosting.net
What did you like?: The idea of this kind of site.
What did you not like?: How the Izzy/Mimi link was a dead one.
What would you like to see?: UM!!
other comments: I'll say my comments in the "Your Comments:" space.

Okay, I am a HUGE fan of Izzy/Mimi (or Mishiro or whatever people like to call it.) I also like Matt and Sora (I don't know WHAT people call that.) And even though I hate to admit it because I hate them both (especially KARI!!) I think that T.K. and Ka i are the only ones for each other. OH WELL!!

Keito - 08/28/00 18:55:03
My Email:TaiXMatt
What did you like?: Nice layout
What did you not like?: the **** 'ran out of space' messages
What would you like to see?: Taito!!!!Taito!!! TAITO!!!!!

Come on, humor the fangirl in all of us and put a TaixMatt section. It's so there in the series...more so than several of the couplings posted. It would also be nice to see a MimixSora section *big puppy eyes* And please oh please do somthing about the 'o t of space' messages. When I go back to the main site from there, the site has about 20 billion JAVA errors. -_-;; I think that's about it...Ja ne!

asuka - 08/20/00 16:18:52
My Email:Matt/Mimi, Mimi/Izzy, Tenchi/Ayeka, Asuka/Shinji, and Heero and Duo!
What did you like?: Mostly evary thing!
What did you not like?: some of the links are broken!
What would you like to see?: More couples! there are endless possibilities!
other comments: Come on! Make an exception for Heero and Duo! You never said anything about Yoai or Yuri!(Did you?)

You should make a tiny-weeny exception for Yoai and Yuri! I mean, some yoai couples, you can't help but love! Or example Heero and Duo. Or Michelle and Al mara. Ya know. but, of course you don't hafta if ya dont wanta. Just my opinion. Anyway, LUV ya site so much!!!!! LUV IT!!!!! Luv it! Luv it! Luv it! Brilliant!!! And you know why?!?!?!?! BECUASE YOU HAVE A DIGIMON SECTION!!! AND YOU LIKE MIMATO!!!!!!! YES!!! MIMATO RULES!!! AH HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!!!!

Reggie - 08/20/00 01:39:41
My Email:Tai & Sora
What did you not like?: war that breaks the girl's heart

Tai & Sora are my favorite couple.I know that love really counts than war.A woman's heart breaks when her sweetheart dies.

Yashi - 08/18/00 12:46:16
My Email:Yamato & Sora, Takeru & Hikari
What did you like?: The total pinkiness!
What did you not like?: I can't figure anything out!! :(
What would you like to see?: Hentai!!!! And more clickables!
other comments: Dude, man, you rock!!!

Dis website rocks da house!!!! You live 4-eva now, okay?! Seriously, try and update more to make this site the best ever!!!!!!!

cherry - 08/17/00 04:37:20
My URL:http://ami.animenetwork.com/animegreen
My Email:matt&mimi

lovely page. I have to say that I really love your layout. Keep up the great work ya been doing and i'll for sure be coming back. ^_~

- 08/16/00 22:01:47


Red Rain^-^ - 08/16/00 01:53:43
My Email:Matt&Mimi Tenchi&Ayeka Ranma&Akane
What did you like?: The fact U have a great layout!
What did you not like?: The links are *AHEM* broke...if U havn't noticed!
What would you like to see?: Fanart, fanfics(Non-Hentai) about these couples^^
other comments: Koushirou is my boyfriend^^

This site is cool! Good luck on making the links work, and having the site GROW to be VERYVERY good^^ Heh heh...^_~

Catherine Bloom - 08/14/00 18:07:57
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/abelldandyshrine/BelldandyTheAngel.html
My Email:Ryoko and Tenchi
What did you like?: Everything
What did you not like?: none
What would you like to see?: PINK!!!!!
other comments: Pink,pink,and more pink!

WoW! You have a cool site! Really like it! Keep up the good work!!!!!

Catherine Bloom - 08/14/00 18:07:41
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/abelldandyshrine/BelldandyTheAngel.html
My Email:Ryoko and Tenchi
What did you like?: Everything
What did you not like?: none
What would you like to see?: PINK!!!!!
other comments: Pink,pink,and more pink!

WoW! You ahve a cool site! Really like it! Keep up the good work!!!!!

Kuririn-chan - 08/09/00 18:19:51
My URL:http://www.marron.cutezone.com
My Email:Kuririn and Juuhachigou
What did you like?: Pink pink pink
What did you not like?: .........
What would you like to see?: Uh.....more pink!
other comments: pink pink pink.....

Your guestbook should be pink, uh-huh.....

Chibi - 08/05/00 19:31:53
My URL:http://sailor_chibi_chichi.homestead.com/
My Email:Usa-ko and Mamoru..er..Vegeta and Bulma..yeah..
What did you like?: everything
What did you not like?: ..um..your gb isn't pink, you should be shot..*not*

Hey, I'm finally getting to the whole GB signing party.. a whole couple weeks late.. oh, so sue me.. well, if HTML works here, here's a present!

Sayian_Princess - 07/31/00 05:48:55
My Email:Goku, and Me
What did you like?: ALL
What did you not like?: None
What would you like to see?: Hentai
other comments: Cool

I have the same chalange as sayian brat! Gotta sign those guestbooks! Why doesnt everyone try to sign all the GirlZ pages? It'll be fun! Anyways, I am happy to see so many members! ^_^ I am so proud to be a girl... Anyways I love all your sites! Keep up a l the great work!

veggies - 07/30/00 05:35:33
My URL:http://dbzmoms.cjb.net
My Email:vegeta and bulma
What did you like?: pink, pink, PINK!!!!
What did you not like?: ..
What would you like to see?: MORE PINK!!!MUWAHAHAHA!!!
other comments: PINK, PINK!!

hi, have a nice day! ^_^ -veggies

Tokumei Kibon - 07/30/00 03:29:29
My URL:http://www.dbzangels.com/hatsukoi.htm
My Email:ChiChi & Goku
What did you like?: How you have a pink scheme. I like it! I also like how you try and take ppl's requests. Sometimes it's hard dealing with things like that ^_^
What did you not like?: Some of the info is a bit off, but I still Love this site!
What would you like to see?: More of the real couples, for ex. Pan and Trunks are nice but aren't a real couple. Juuhachi-gou and Kuririn are a real couple and aren't there. I know ppl request but a suggestion would be to get info on real couples f rst ^^
other comments: nope, I talked enough

Great Anime couple site! I've seen a lot coming out, and I like what I see. Keep up to good work, and I wish many more inspirations for you!

Akiko - 07/27/00 21:27:24
My URL:http://sasami-masaki.homepage.com/index.html
My Email:Bra and Goten
What did you like?: haven't viewed site yet
What did you not like?: ----------------
What would you like to see?: -------------
other comments: -------------

You've been bitten by the guestbook signing party bug. Now you have to join the party.

Mimi Blossoms - 07/22/00 03:26:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mimiblossomsmt
My Email:Matt & Mimi, Tai & Sora, Tai & Mimi
What did you like?: your Mimato section!!
What did you not like?: nothing!
What would you like to see?: A Tai/Mimi section =)
other comments: cool site!

hey hey! I got your email, and thanks for reading "Pink and Green". Of course, you can post my fic to your site. I'd be glad to see it up here! It'll be so cool! I have other Matt/Mimi fanfics too, and I'll send them to you as well ok? I am also currently working on a Tai/Mimi/Matt love triangle fic, and I'll send that one to you when it's finished, ok? Love the site! I totally agree w/ you!! Aeris & Cloud looks so much like Mimi & Matt!! that's why i love these two!!! =) cool site!!

Saya-chan (The Great Pink Saiyan) - 07/12/00 23:25:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ut/pinkfic
My Email:Vegeta and Bulma
What did you like?: The pinkness of it all!!
What did you not like?: ...nothing
What would you like to see?: Veggi and Bulma...more

Yey! Another Pink person! Wahoo. How neat is this. And I thought I was the only one. Anyway, now that I've gotten that out of my system. Great page! I love it. I was just browsing around the GirlZ site when I saw another pink site and had to go see! You should check out my site and sign my guestbook. (Although, it's not as pink as yours!) Well, I'll stop rambiling now. Ja ne!

i dont have one my name is lorin - 07/05/00 19:21:33
My Email:trunks and pan
What did you like?: everything
What did you not like?: nothing
What would you like to see?: Backstreet boys
other comments: you did great one this site!


Blue Yuki - 06/25/00 22:53:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/blue_yuki2000
My Email:Trunks and Pan/ Bulma and Vegta
What did you like?: Everbything
What did you not like?: Nothing
What would you like to see?: More Trunks and Pan pics


Sandy - 06/12/00 05:17:15
What did you like?: Everything
What did you not like?: Nothing

This is really kewl sweety i can't wait to see it when u have it done

Ming Ling - 06/09/00 16:57:59
My Email:Yuu and Mikki
What did you like?: everything(espically yuu and mikki)
What did you not like?: nothing!
What would you like to see?: Wedding Peach

Mikomi, u did a really great job, I think your page is the greatest! keep up the good work. luv-always, Ming Ling

Neo_Sephiroth - 06/09/00 03:04:34
My URL:http://grupo61c1.webjump.com
My Email:I don't know
What did you like?: The design of the page
What did you not like?: Nothing
What would you like to see?: HENTAI!!!!!
other comments: You're the best

Hi Mikomi, how are you?. You're homepage is really well done. You designed if really good. I hope you continue with this homepage.

liz - 06/05/00 21:48:45

just giving this a try....uh god I put other comments in....and I didnt need it! As you can see I am new at this -_-

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