The Rules

So you wanna send me in some fanart or fic?! Thats Great ^_^  Just please read the rules for my page. when you send it please let me know who you want credit given to and your E-mail.  If you are sending in a fic and it is posted someplace else please let me know (it helps with the html).

PMs fanart rules

1.  No henati.  If you are not sure then send it to me and I will see if I can post it or not

2.  Must have the two Characters of a listed (or soon to be listed couple)

3.  Only  a Male and Female

4.  Must be your art.  It can be a pic off of something (like a manga cover)  but not a    fanart of a fanart....I had this prob already.

5.  Understand that if the pic is huge I may have to size it down a bit (dont worry I will not cut out anything ^_^ )

6.  Understand that I have the final say in what goes on my page.

PMs fanfic rules

1.  no henati. you can suggest things...but I think you will know when enough is enough

2.  Must be about a character couple on this page.  Can have other couples from the series

3.  Try not ta send in cross overs

4.  Understand that I have the Final say in what goes on my page

5.  Understand that you will have to mail me 20 bucks B4 I post it! hahahahah

J/k ^_^


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