Neon Genesis

Type of Anime:  Shonen
Age: 16+
Available:  Yes.  The entire series is available along with 2 out of three movies.  Viz also made a few Graphic Novels

info comming soon

Mikomi's input

heh...This was one of the first animes I got and since I didnt know what I was looking for I picked up the last two tapes in the series.  If Any Of you have seen those then you may understand why I dont like this anime very much.  IT GETS SO ODD! Death, God, Clones, Crazy doll loving parents, mind rape, Penguins....if its disturbing its here.  I guess I will have ta sit down and watch some of the early eps...before everyone gets all crazy ^_^ As of now I have seen the first two tapes along with the last two I just talked about, and the first Viz book....and personally I like the Manga more.  Shinji is one of the most complex characters I have seen...and he ends up being one of the last people on maybe is personal paradise? ACK I dont know o_O   If your into VERY DEEP anime then this is for you
Asuka and Shinji are so funny together
Askua- I know you tried to kiss me while I was sleeping!!!
hehehe ya gota luv that crazy kid...even if his problems make your head numb


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Shinji and Asuka

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