
worlds most annoying *american* theme song

Type of Anime: Shonen
Age: 7+
Available:  Yes.  Its on TV and a few of the tapes are out. The first movie along with  Digimon 02 (season two)will be out later this year

comming soon

Mikomi's input

hehe what can I say...this show grows on ya!  When I first saw it on Fox I didnt run to the TV to turn it on or anything because I thought it was another show like Pokemon for kids (ok to watch now and then, but not very interesting) well I was wrong.  This may be aimed at kids, but once you get into it you realise that the story is not as simple as it seems. The characters are also very different from a show like Pokemon... Just look at Matt..... he is a very  interesting and a complex ( friendship with Tai, family, other kids, etc. ) person. ANYWAY this show is worth a look even if it is for kids ....its on right after school anyway :P   Oh and... Matt and Mimi look just like Cloud and Aeris! They do!!! I thought that from day one ^_^

anyone know a page that has the japanese opening??!! I wanna see it so bad


Matt and Mimi

Tai and Sora

TK and Kari

Tai and Mimi

Izzy and Mimi

Daisuke and Kari

Matt and Sora


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