
hehe Liz-chan as a digi girl!

wow you must be very bored or lost to come here!  Well to your right is an anime pic of me because I did not want any crazys on the internet looking at my real pic^_^ ok time for my interview....*ahem*

Who are you

I am Liz, a 16 year old female. Is that enough?

what do you like to do?

anything.  I could sit in my room and draw, go to a party with my friend, go a play a sport, or just sit in front of the TV and I would be perfectly happy......but I have ta say that drawing anime is what I LUV LUV ta do ^_^

Who are your Fave anime Characters?

Trunks!  Why you ask??  Well just go to Meri's Temple O' Trunks and Find out.  I also like his name and Hair ^_^ hehe
I also Like
Yamatto (from Digimon 02), Yuuhi (from ayashi no ceres), and Ginta (Marmalade Boy).....I cant think of any girls right now O_o

whats your fave anime series?

Fushigi yuugi, Marmalade boy, Hana yori Dango, are at the top of my list ( and the new DBZ tapes with Trunks!)

What kind of music do you like?

Any.....for real!

What Anime Character are you most like?

Miaka from Fushigi every way LOL

What is you Fave Color?

Pink (duh), Purple, and yellow

What is up with your page name? you already know I like Trunks.  I heard a song from DBZ called Blue Hope...or something like that..and I think it was about trunks...since he has Hope on his ship and all.  Mikomi was the Japanese word for hope...and I like there ya go!

the end        Fin

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