The east african part of an anonymous medieval world map.
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Qadama (930) Kitab al Kharadj wa Sanat al katib
(Book of taxes and of secretarial work)

Taken from: Youssouf KamalIIIfasc1
Journal Asiatique 1837
Also called Kadama

�.. Ham took on the south side the lands of the Zandjs, Hind, Sind and Sin then in the west the land of Nuba the Boudja and the Barber and all the islands in the eastern and western sea��

(About mountains) On the south of the equator in the south before arriving on the first climate�.. then the Djabala al Qamar which is about 1000 miles long.

The Nile leaves from the mountains of Al-Qomr situated south of the equator. There one big spring gives birth to ten rivers of which five run to one side the other five the other side. They unite in a lake situated in the first climate; it is from that lake that the Nile leaves.
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