Tensors – The Geometric View

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In order to define tensors, we must first define vectors and 1-forms.  There are several ways to define the term vector. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler (MTW) [1] present the first three definitions given below while Schutz gives the fourth and fifth. [2][3]

Definition (1) of vector: As an arrow. This is illustrated in the right hand side of the diagram below. In many cases a vector will be defined with respect to two points on a manifold, the vector being an arrow with its “tail” at one point and its “tip” at the other point. Such a vector is known as a bilocal vector. A vector defined by two such events is shown in the diagram below

An example of such a vector on a flat manifold is the displacement vector, DX. The dimension of this manifold is three. If it is agreed among readers that the tail is to be designated as the ‘origin’ of coordinates then the spacetime displacement forms a 1-to-1 correspondence with the event such as X, which is then referred to as the position vector and labeled R = (ct, x, y, z) which lies within the manifold itself. Such a geometrical object is referred to as a bilocal object. The position vector is an example of what is known as a position vector. Position vectors exist only on flat manifolds. The vector VAB is defined as the directed line segment, i.e.

Definition (2) of a vector: As a parameterized line. See figure below

The vector VAB is defined in this case as

Such a vector is located at the point A on the manifold and in this case is not a bilocal vector.

Definition (3) of a vector: As derivative of a point along a curve – See figure below

The vector VAB is defined in this case as

There is another definition of vector that finds wide use in differential geometry. For example; the following definition of vector is found in Schutz [2].  It is defined as follows:


Definition (4) of a vector: A general vector is defined as a collection of numbers (its components in some coordinate system, say O)

and by the rule that its components in a coordinate system O transform to another coordinate system O’ as

The over bars on the indices represent the components of the vector A in the new coordinate system.


Definition (5) of a vector: A vector is a map from 1-forms into real numbers.


 Definitions (3), (4) and (5) are the only definitions that applies to both flat and curved spaces. In such cases the vector is localized to a point on the manifold and cannot be moved around without discrimination. Vectors can be added by adding their components, i.e.

Bold face letters normally represents vectors. The last definition of a vector is given in terms of differential operators as can be found in Schutz [2]. Thus


Definition (5) of a vector: A general vector is defined as a differential operator


Basis Vectors



A basis is a linearly independent spanning set for a vector space. The elements of a basis are called basis vectors. By definition any vector at a any point P. on the manifold can be expressed as a linear combination of basis vectors


Einstein’s summation convention, which was used in Eq. (8), states that if a twice repeated index appears in an expression, once as a superscript and once as a subscript then summation is implied over the range of values the index may take on. If the indices are Latin then they take on the numbers 1, 2, 3 and if they are Greek they take on the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 (other authors prefer to use the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 instead). For example: The vector p can be expressed in terms of a basis vectors as p = paea.


In any frame O there are four special vectors, defined by giving their components:

Any vector can be expressed as a linear sum of such vectors. These definitions define the basis vectors of the coordinate system O. Similarly in another coordinate system O’ the basis vectors become

Any vector can be represented in terms of either basis, i.e.

The numbers Aa are called the components of the vector A in the coordinate system in which the basis vectors are ea.

Transformation of Basis Vectors


A vector does not rely on a particular coordinate system for its definition. Unlike a typical vector the basis vectors change when the coordinate system changes since basis vectors are defined in terms of the coordinate system. That any vector can be expressed in terms of different coordinate systems is expressed in Eq. (12) above. From that expression we can deduce the basis vector transformation law. Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (12) results in

Since these are just numbers they can be rearranged as

Now we use the fact that b and  are dummy indices: we change b to a and  to ,

Writing Eq. (15) as

Since Eq. (16) must be true for all vectors A it follows that

Eq. (17a) holds for all basis vector transformations and thus gives the transformation rule for changing basis vectors. Eq. (17b) is the transformation from the old system to the new system and readily follows from Eq. (17a) by a mere change of variables. Eq. (17) is not a component transformation: it is a basis {ea} transformation between O and O’ as a linear sums over the basis vectors.



A 1-form is a linear map from vectors in Rn into the set of real numbers R. The set of 1-forms is a vector space that is dual to the space of vectors as will be explained below. 1-forms are vectors in this sense but are referred to as the vectors dual to the set of vectors in Rn. For this reason the space dual to Rn is labeled *Rn. A smaller case bold letter often represents a 1-form with a tilde over it as thus

Linearity implies that

A basis for the space duel to the vector space is a quite similar to that of the original vector space. The dual vector space *Rn has n linearly independent 1-forms for which an arbitrary 1-form in the space can be represented as a linear sum of these basis 1-forms. Thus a 1-form  could be represented in terms of a set of 1-form bases 1-forms  as follows

Once again we have employed Einstein’s summation convention in Eq. (20).  This is possible due to our placement of the superscript and the subscript on components and basis 1-forms. Since the bases 1-forms are linearly independent we find that

The components of a 1-form on a basis vector are defined as

Eq. (23) can then be expressed as

Eq. (23) is referred to as the contraction of with A. We have one last deduction to make. We know that a 1-form maps a vector into a real number. This real number is basis independent and is thus referred to a tensor of rank one or a scalar. Mapping the vector A by the 1-form gives the scalar

This can only be an equality if

Basis 1-forms



By definition a basis 1-form is one of a set of 1-forms, the collection of which is called a dual basis. A dual basis can be used to express any 1-form in the dual space by the 1-form as a linear combination of the basis 1-forms. For example: The 1-form  can be expressed in terms of a basis 1-forms as . Comparing with Eq. (10), we see that Eq. (25) gives the bth component of the ath basis 1-form. We can write this out as

Any 1-form can be expressed as a linear sum of basis 1-forms. These definitions define the basis 1-forms of the coordinate system O. Similarly in another coordinate system O’ the basis 1-forms become

Transformation of Basis 1-Forms


We are now in position to determine how the basis 1-forms transform. Start with the scalar product of a vector and a 1-form to obtain

In Eq. (28) we have first placed in the transformation equation of the basis vectors, i.e. Eq. (17). Transforming from the old basis to the new one is readily seen to be

The definition of a 1-form does not rely on what coordinate system and basis the 1-form is expressed in. For this reason, analogous to Eq. (12) we can express any one form in either basis, i.e.

Since this equation must be true for all 1-forms and since  is an arbitrary 1-form we deduce that

Eq. (31b) follows from Eq. (31a) by a mere change in indices. Eq. (31) gives the transformation rule for changing basis 1-forms from one coordinate system to another.



A tensor of type (aka valence) (n, m) is a multi-linear map that maps n 4-vectors in Rn and m 1-forms in *Rn into the set of real numbers. The rank of a tensor is defined as n +m. This is expressed as

A tensor T of type 2x2 is of the form

Multi-linearity means that 

Types of Tensors

 A function, such as a tensor, depends not only on the functions output given its input but it also depends on the domain of the input. Those tensors for which the domain is restricted to affine vectors and affine 1-forms are referred to as affine tensors. In spacetime physics the term Lorentz tensor refers to those tensors for which the input are all either Lorentz vectors or Lorentz 1-forms. The prototype for a Lorentz vector is any 4-vector which transforms the position 4-vector X = (ct, x, y, z) from one Lorentz coordinate system to another. A tensor which maps generalized 4-vectors and their associated 1-forms is referred to as a generalized 4-vector. 

Tensor Components


The components of tensors are defined as through the action of basis vectors and basis 1-forms, i.e. consider a tensor of type (1, 3) and substitute in a basis 1-form and three basis vectors to obtain

The components are covariant quantities, not invariant quantities, because they will change upon a new choice of coordinate systems.

We start with Eq. (35) expressed in terms of the new coordinates, i.e.

The transformation from one basis to another is obtained by substituting the transformation for 1-forms from Eq. (31) and the transformation for basis vectors from Eq. (17) to get

Eq. (37b) is obtained from Eq. (37a) by a change in variables using Eq. (37a) as a template. 

The Metric Tensor


The scalar product of two vectors A and B is defined, in Lorentz coordinates = (ct, x, y, z) where the frame is inertial, as defined as

We take g(_ ,_ ) as a function of two arguments, i.e. vectors, and is linear on each argument. Then as in the above case

where gab are the components of the metric tensor. In Lorentz coordinates the scalar product of two 4-vectors



 The most common use for the metric tensor is to define intervals (not lengths) on a manifold. I.e.


[1] Gravitation, Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, W.H. Freedman & Co., (1971). Page 49 to 50.
[2] A first course in general relativity, by Bernard F. Schutz, Cambridge University Press, (1990). See page 39.
[3] Ref. 2, page 128.

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