by Petri Tikka


Epe cennenyel oira sailalyasse ar únótima vanyalyasse ni aqua rúcina né. Ananta íre ovantanenyel, envinyatánelye hroanya ar feanya, ar encarnelyen anwa, an coacalinalya meletya ná. Ar lye ar ni melisse ar melindo ner. Mernemme vestaina ná, mal nwalca Ambar ciltane nye lyello. Nan sí yallume utúvienyel yantanna andúneva, ar núra melmemma lerta hilya i oira cala. Quetin lyenna melissenya: melmemma lá pole rácina fírimainen, lamninen, var ealainen, an Erunen ná aina ar mána. Endanyasse, meldanya, meluvanyel Ambar-metta pella.


Before I saw you in your eternal wisdom and in your uncountable beauty I was wholly shattered. But yet when I met you, you healed my body and my soul, and you made me real again, for your spirit is mighty. And you and I were lovers. We wanted to be wedded, but the cruel world separated me from you. But now at last I have found you upon the bridge of sunset, and our deep love may follow the everlasting light. I say to you my love: our love can not be broken by mortals, by animals, or by spirits, for it is by God holy and blessed. In my heart, my beloved, I shall love you beyond the end of the world.


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